3,786 research outputs found

    Comment on ``Enhancement of the Tunneling Density of States in Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquids''

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    In a recent Physical Review Letter, Oreg and Finkel'stein (OF) have calculated the electron density of states (DOS) for tunneling into a repulsive Luttinger liquid close to the location of an impurity. The result of their calculation is a DOS which is enhanced with respect to the pure system, and moreover diverging for not too strong repulsion. In this Comment we intend to show that OF's calculation suffers from a subtle flaw which, being corrected, results into a DOS not only vanishing at zero frequency but in fact suppressed in comparison with the DOS of a pure Luttinger liquid.Comment: 1 page, Revte

    Tunable quantum spin Hall effect in double quantum wells

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    The field of topological insulators (TIs) is rapidly growing. Concerning possible applications, the search for materials with an easily controllable TI phase is a key issue. The quantum spin Hall effect, characterized by a single pair of helical edge modes protected by time-reversal symmetry, has been demonstrated in HgTe-based quantum wells (QWs) with an inverted bandgap. We analyze the topological properties of a generically coupled HgTe-based double QW (DQW) and show how in such a system a TI phase can be driven by an inter-layer bias voltage, even when the individual layers are non-inverted. We argue, that this system allows for similar (layer-)pseudospin based physics as in bilayer graphene but with the crucial absence of a valley degeneracy.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, extended version (accepted Phys. Rev. B

    Choosing a basis that eliminates spurious solutions in k.p theory

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    A small change of basis in k.p theory yields a Kane-like Hamiltonian for the conduction and valence bands of narrow-gap semiconductors that has no spurious solutions, yet provides an accurate fit to all effective masses. The theory is shown to work in superlattices by direct comparison with first-principles density-functional calculations of the valence subband structure. A reinterpretation of the standard data-fitting procedures used in k.p theory is also proposed.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures; v3: expanded with much new materia

    A Phenomenological Description of the Non-Fermi-Liquid Phase of MnSi

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    In order to understand the non-Fermi-liquid behavior of MnSi under pressure we propose a scenario on the basis of the multispiral state of the magnetic moment. This state can describe the recent critical experiment of the Bragg sphere in the neutron scattering which is the key ingredient of the non-Fermi-liquid behavior.Comment: 3 page

    Josephson Current and Noise at a Superconductor-Quantum Spin Hall Insulator-Superconductor Junction

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    We study junctions between superconductors mediated by the edge states of a quantum spin Hall insulator. We show that such junctions exhibit a fractional Josephson effect, in which the current phase relation has a 4\pi, rather than a 2\pi periodicity. This effect is a consequence of the conservation of fermion parity - the number of electrons modulo 2 - in a superconducting junction, and is closely related to the Z_2 topological structure of the quantum spin Hall insulator. Inelastic processes, which violate the conservation of fermion parity, lead to telegraph noise in the equilibrium supercurrent. We predict that the low frequency noise due these processes diverges exponentially with temperature T as T -> 0. Possible experiments on HgCdTe quantum wells will be discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    The spectral evolution of impulsive solar X-ray flares

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    The time evolution of the spectral index and the non-thermal flux in 24 impulsive solar hard X-ray flares of GOES class M was studied in RHESSI observations. The high spectral resolution allows for a clean separation of thermal and non-thermal components in the 10-30 keV range, where most of the non-thermal photons are emitted. Spectral index and flux can thus be determined with much better accuracy than before. The spectral soft-hard-soft behavior in rise-peak-decay phases is discovered not only in the general flare development, but even more pronounced in subpeaks. An empirically found power-law dependence between the spectral index and the normalization of the non-thermal flux holds during the rise and decay phases of the emission peaks. It is still present in the combined set of all flares. We find an asymmetry in this dependence between rise and decay phases of the non-thermal emission. There is no delay between flux peak and spectral index minimum. The soft-hard-soft behavior appears to be an intrinsic signature of the elementary electron acceleration process.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication by A&

    Design and optimization of electrochemical microreactors for continuous electrosynthesis

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    The study focuses on the design and construction, as well as the theoretical and experimental optimization of electrochemical filter press microreactors for the electrosynthesis of molecules with a high added value. The main characteristics of these devices are firstly a high-specific electrochemical area to increase conversion and selectivity, and secondly the shape and size of themicrochannels designed for a uniform residence time distribution of the fluid. A heat exchanger is integrated into the microstructured electrode to rapidly remove (or supply) the heat required in exo- or endothermic reactions. The microreactors designed are used to perform-specific electrosynthesis reactions such as thermodynamically unfavorable reactions (continuous NADH regeneration), or reactions with high enthalpy changes

    Gate-Controlled Electron Spin Resonance in a GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructure

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    The electron spin resonance (ESR) of two-dimensional electrons is investigated in a gated GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure. We found that the ESR resonance frequency can be turned by means of a gate voltage. The front and back gates of the heterostructure produce opposite g-factor shift, suggesting that electron g-factor is being electrostatically controlled by shifting the equilibrium position of the electron wave function from one epitaxial layer to another with different g-factors

    Mechanically induced current and quantum evaporation from Luttinger liquids

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    We investigate transport through a tunnelling junction between an uncorrelated metallic lead and a Luttinger liquid when the latter is subjected to a time dependent perturbation. The tunnelling current as well as the electron energy distribution function are found to be strongly affected by the perturbation due to generation of harmonics in the density oscillations. Using a semiconducting lead instead of a metallic one results in electrons being injected into the lead even without applied voltage. Some applications to carbon nanotubes are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures (eps files

    An Improved Interactive Streaming Algorithm for the Distinct Elements Problem

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    The exact computation of the number of distinct elements (frequency moment F0F_0) is a fundamental problem in the study of data streaming algorithms. We denote the length of the stream by nn where each symbol is drawn from a universe of size mm. While it is well known that the moments F0,F1,F2F_0,F_1,F_2 can be approximated by efficient streaming algorithms, it is easy to see that exact computation of F0,F2F_0,F_2 requires space Ω(m)\Omega(m). In previous work, Cormode et al. therefore considered a model where the data stream is also processed by a powerful helper, who provides an interactive proof of the result. They gave such protocols with a polylogarithmic number of rounds of communication between helper and verifier for all functions in NC. This number of rounds (O(log2m)  in the case of  F0)\left(O(\log^2 m) \;\text{in the case of} \;F_0 \right) can quickly make such protocols impractical. Cormode et al. also gave a protocol with logm+1\log m +1 rounds for the exact computation of F0F_0 where the space complexity is O(logmlogn+log2m)O\left(\log m \log n+\log^2 m\right) but the total communication O(nlogm(logn+logm))O\left(\sqrt{n}\log m\left(\log n+ \log m \right)\right). They managed to give logm\log m round protocols with polylog(m,n)\operatorname{polylog}(m,n) complexity for many other interesting problems including F2F_2, Inner product, and Range-sum, but computing F0F_0 exactly with polylogarithmic space and communication and O(logm)O(\log m) rounds remained open. In this work, we give a streaming interactive protocol with logm\log m rounds for exact computation of F0F_0 using O(logm(logn+logmloglogm))O\left(\log m \left(\,\log n + \log m \log\log m\,\right)\right) bits of space and the communication is O(logm(logn+log3m(loglogm)2))O\left( \log m \left(\,\log n +\log^3 m (\log\log m)^2 \,\right)\right). The update time of the verifier per symbol received is O(log2m)O(\log^2 m).Comment: Submitted to ICALP 201