4 research outputs found

    Molecular biology of the WWOX gene that spans chromosomal fragile site FRA16D

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    It is now more than 20 years since the FRA16D common chromosomal fragile site was characterised and the WWOX gene spanning this site was identified. In this time, much information has been discovered about its contribution to disease; however, the normal biological role of WWOX is not yet clear. Experiments leading to the identification of the WWOX gene are recounted, revealing enigmatic relationships between the fragile site, its gene and the encoded protein. We also highlight research mainly using the genetically tractable model organism Drosophila melanogaster that has shed light on the integral role of WWOX in metabolism. In addition to this role, there are some particularly outstanding questions that remain regarding WWOX, its gene and its chromosomal location. This review, therefore, also aims to highlight two unanswered questions. Firstly, what is the biological relationship between the WWOX gene and the FRA16D common chromosomal fragile site that is located within one of its very large introns? Secondly, what is the actual substrate and product of the WWOX enzyme activity? It is likely that understanding the normal role of WWOX and its relationship to chromosomal fragility are necessary in order to understand how the perturbation of these normal roles results in disease.Cheng Shoou Lee, Amanda Choo, Sonia Dayan, Robert I. Richards and Louise V. O’Keef

    Non-self mutation: double-stranded RNA elicits antiviral pathogenic response in a Drosophila model of expanded CAG repeat neurodegenerative diseases

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    Inflammation is activated prior to symptoms in neurodegenerative diseases, providing a plausible pathogenic mechanism. Indeed genetic and pharmacological ablation studies in animal models of several neurodegenerative diseases demonstrate that inflammation is required for pathology. However, while there is growing evidence that inflammation-mediated pathology may be the common mechanism underlying neurodegenerative diseases, including those due to dominantly inherited expanded repeats, the proximal causal agent is unknown. Expanded CAG.CUG repeat double stranded RNA causes inflammation-mediated pathology when expressed in Drosophila. Repeat dsRNA is recognized by Dicer2 as a foreign or 'non-self' molecule triggering both antiviral RNA and RNAi pathways. Neither of the RNAi pathway cofactors R2D2 nor loquacious are necessary, indicating antiviral RNA activation. RNA modification enables avoidance of recognition as 'non-self' by the innate inflammatory surveillance system. Human ADAR1 edits RNA conferring 'self' status and when co-expressed with expanded CAG.CUG dsRNA in Drosophila the pathology is lost. Cricket Paralysis Virus protein CrPV-1A is a known antagonist of Argonaute2 in Drosophila antiviral defense. CrPV-1A co-expression also rescues pathogenesis, confirming anti-viral-RNA response. Repeat expansion mutation therefore confers 'non-self' recognition of endogenous RNA, thereby providing a proximal, autoinflammatory trigger for expanded repeat neurodegenerative diseases.Clare L. van Eyk, Saumya E. Samaraweera, Andrew Scott, Dani L. Webber, David P. Harvey, Olivia Mecinger, Louise V. O’Keefe, Jennifer E. Cropley, Paul Young, Joshua Ho, Catherine Suter, and Robert I. Richard