907 research outputs found

    Environment of compact extragalactic radio sources

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    We have studied the interrelation of young AGN with their hosts. The objects of study are the young and powerful GPS and CSS radio sources. Due to their small size, GPS and CSS sources are excellent probes of this relation. Furhthermore, their young age allows us to compare them to the larger, old radio sources and establish a time-line evolution of this relation. Combining imaging and spectroscopy at UV, optical and radio wavelengths we find evidence of strong interaction between the host and the radio source. The presence and expansion of the radio source clearly affects the properties and evolution of the host. Furthermore, the radio source and host significantly affect each other's evolution. We describe our results and how these interactions take place.Comment: 6 pages. To appear in "Highlights of Spanisg astrophysics IV. Proceedings of the VII scientific meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society". Editors: F. Figueras, J.M. Girart, M.Hernanz, C. Jordi. Springe

    The Extreme Ultraviolet Spectra of Low Redshift Radio Loud Quasars

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    This paper reports on the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) spectrum of three low redshift (z∼0.6z \sim 0.6) radio loud quasars, 3C 95, 3C 57 and PKS 0405-123. The spectra were obtained with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) of the Hubble Space Telescope. The bolometric thermal emission, LbolL_{bol}, associated with the accretion flow is a large fraction of the Eddington limit for all of these sources. We estimate the long term time averaged jet power, Q‾\overline{Q}, for the three sources. Q‾/Lbol\overline{Q}/L_{bol}, is shown to lie along the correlation of Q‾/Lbol\overline{Q}/L_{bol} and αEUV\alpha_{EUV} found in previous studies of the EUV continuum of intermediate and high redshift quasars, where the EUV continuum flux density between 1100 \AA\, and 700 \AA\, is defined by Fν∼ν−αEUVF_{\nu} \sim \nu^{-\alpha_{EUV}}. The high Eddington ratios of the three quasars extends the analysis into a wider parameter space. Selecting quasars with high Eddington ratios has accentuated the statistical significance of the partial correlation analysis of the data. Namely. the correlation of Q‾/Lbol\overline{Q}/L_{\mathrm{bol}} and αEUV\alpha_{EUV} is fundamental and the correlation of Q‾\overline{Q} and αEUV\alpha_{EUV} is spurious at a very high statistical significance level (99.8\%). This supports the regulating role of ram pressure of the accretion flow in magnetically arrested accretion models of jet production. In the process of this study, we use multi-frequency and multi-resolution Very Large Array radio observations to determine that one of the bipolar jets in 3C 57 is likely frustrated by galactic gas that keeps the jet from propagating outside the host galaxy.Comment: To appear in MNRA

    The Extreme Ultraviolet Deficit - Jet Connection in the Quasar 1442+101

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    In previous studies, it has been shown that the long term time average jet power, Q‾\overline{Q}, is correlated with the spectral index in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV), αEUV\alpha_{EUV} (defined by Fν∼ν−αEUVF_{\nu} \sim \nu^{-\alpha_{EUV}} computed between 700\AA\, and 1100\AA\,). Larger Q‾\overline{Q} tends to decrease the EUV emission. This is a curious relationship because it connects a long term average over ∼106\sim 10^{6} years with an instantaneous measurement of the EUV. The EUV appears to be emitted adjacent to the central supermassive black hole and the most straightforward explanation of the correlation is that the EUV emitting region interacts in real time with the jet launching mechanism. Alternatively stated, the Q‾\overline{Q} - αEUV\alpha_{EUV} correlation is a manifestation of a contemporaneous (real time) jet power, Q(t)Q(t), correlation with αEUV\alpha_{EUV}. In order to explore this possibility, this paper considers the time variability of the strong radio jet of the quasar 1442+101 that is not aberrated by strong Doppler enhancement. This high redshift (z = 3.55) quasar is uniquely suited for this endeavor as the EUV is redshifted into the optical observing window allowing for convenient monitoring. More importantly, it is bright enough to be seen through the Lyman forest and its radio flux is strong enough that it has been monitored frequently. Quasi-simultaneous monitoring (five epochs spanning ∼40\sim 40 years) show that increases in Q(t)Q(t) correspond to decreases in the EUV as expected.Comment: To appear in Ap

    The Extreme Ultraviolet Variability of Quasars

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    We study the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) variability (rest frame wavelengths 500 - 920 A˚\AA) of high luminosity quasars using HST (low to intermediate redshift sample) and SDSS (high redshift sample) archives. The combined HST and SDSS data indicates a much more pronounced variability when the sampling time between observations in the quasar rest frame is >2×107> 2\times 10^{7} sec compared to <1.5×107< 1.5\times 10^{7} sec. Based on an excess variance analysis, for time intervals <2×107< 2\times 10^{7} sec in the quasar rest frame, 10%10\% of the quasars (4/40) show evidence of EUV variability. Similarly, for time intervals >2×107>2\times 10^{7} sec in the quasar rest frame, 55%55\% of the quasars (21/38) show evidence of EUV variability. The propensity for variability does not show any statistically significant change between 2.5×1072.5\times 10^{7} sec and 3.16×1073.16\times 10^{7} sec (1 yr). The temporal behavior is one of a threshold time interval for significant variability as opposed to a gradual increase on these time scales. A threshold time scale can indicate a characteristic spatial dimension of the EUV region. We explore this concept in the context of the slim disk models of accretion. We find that for rapidly spinning black holes, the radial infall time to the plunge region of the optically thin surface layer of the slim disk that is responsible for the preponderance of the EUV flux emission (primarily within 0 - 7 black hole radii from the inner edge of the disk) is consistent with the empirically determined variability time scale.Comment: To appear in Ap

    The Properties and Gaseous Environments of Powerful Classical Double Radio Galaxies

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    The properties of a sample of 31 very powerful classical double radio galaxies with redshifts between zero and 1.8 are studied. The source velocities, beam powers, ambient gas densities, total lifetimes, and total outflow energies are presented and discussed. The rate of growth of each side of each source were obtained using a spectral aging analysis. The beam power and ambient gas density were obtained by applying the strong shock jump conditions to the ends of each side of the source. The total outflow lifetime was obtained by applying the power-law relationship between the beam power and the total source lifetime derived elsewhere for sources of this type, and the total outflow energy was obtained by combining the beam power and the total source lifetime. Composite profiles were constructed by combining results obtained from each side of each source. The composite profiles indicate that the ambient gas density falls with distance from the central engine. The source velocities, beam powers, total lifetimes, and total energies seem to be independent of radio source size. This is consistent with the standard model in which each source grows at a roughly constant rate during which time the central engine puts out a roughly constant beam power. The fact that the total source lifetimes and energies are independent of radio source size indicates that the sources are being sampled at random times during their lifetimes.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, to appear in "Extragalactic Jets: Theory and Observation from Radio to Gamma Ray", eds. T. A. Rector and D. S. De Young, ASP conference series, Replaced version has minor textual correction
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