509 research outputs found

    Effect of cochlear implant electrode insertion on middle-ear function as measured by intra-operative laser Doppler vibrometry

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    Hypothesis: The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of cochlear implant electrode insertion on middle-ear low frequency function in humans.Background: Preservation of residual low frequency hearing with addition of electrical speech processing can improve the speech perception abilities and hearing in noise of cochlear implant users. Preservation of low frequency hearing requires an intact middle-ear conductive mechanism in addition to intact inner-ear mechanisms. Little is known about the effect of a cochlear implant electrode on middle-ear function.Methods: Stapes displacement was measured in seven patients undergoing cochlear implantation. Measurements were carried out intra-operatively before and after electrode insertion. Each patient acted as his or her own control. Sound was delivered into the external auditory canal via a speaker and calibrated via a probe microphone. The speaker and probe microphone were integrated into an individually custom-made ear mould. Ossicular displacement in response to a multisine stimulus at 80 dB SPL was measured at the incudostapedial joint via the posterior tympanotomy, using an operating microscope mounted laser Doppler vibrometry system.Results: Insertion of a cochlear implant electrode into the scala tympani had a variable effect on stapes displacement. In three patients, there was little change in stapes displacement following electrode insertion. In two patients, there was a significant increase, while in a further two there was a significant reduction in stapes displacement. This variability may reflect alteration of cochlear impedance, possibly due to differing loss of perilymph associated with the electrode insertion.Conclusion: Insertion of a cochlear implant electrode produces a change in stapes displacement at low frequencies, which may have an effect on residual low frequency hearing thresholds

    Experiences of aiding autobiographical memory using the sensecam

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    Human memory is a dynamic system that makes accessible certain memories of events based on a hierarchy of information, arguably driven by personal significance. Not all events are remembered, but those that are tend to be more psychologically relevant. In contrast, lifelogging is the process of automatically recording aspects of one's life in digital form without loss of information. In this article we share our experiences in designing computer-based solutions to assist people review their visual lifelogs and address this contrast. The technical basis for our work is automatically segmenting visual lifelogs into events, allowing event similarity and event importance to be computed, ideas that are motivated by cognitive science considerations of how human memory works and can be assisted. Our work has been based on visual lifelogs gathered by dozens of people, some of them with collections spanning multiple years. In this review article we summarize a series of studies that have led to the development of a browser that is based on human memory systems and discuss the inherent tension in storing large amounts of data but making the most relevant material the most accessible

    Safety of trastuzumab (Herceptin®) during pregnancy: two case reports

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    We report on two cases of women on trastuzumab therapy for breast cancer who became pregnant and delivered healthy live infants. At the time of reporting the children are growing and developing normally (ages 3 and 2)

    Airway resistance at maximum inhalation as a marker of asthma and airway hyperresponsiveness

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Asthmatics exhibit reduced airway dilation at maximal inspiration, likely due to structural differences in airway walls and/or functional differences in airway smooth muscle, factors that may also increase airway responsiveness to bronchoconstricting stimuli. The goal of this study was to test the hypothesis that the minimal airway resistance achievable during a maximal inspiration (R<sub>min</sub>) is abnormally elevated in subjects with airway hyperresponsiveness.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The R<sub>min </sub>was measured in 34 nonasthmatic and 35 asthmatic subjects using forced oscillations at 8 Hz. R<sub>min </sub>and spirometric indices were measured before and after bronchodilation (albuterol) and bronchoconstriction (methacholine). A preliminary study of 84 healthy subjects first established height dependence of baseline R<sub>min </sub>values.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Asthmatics had a higher baseline R<sub>min </sub>% predicted than nonasthmatic subjects (134 ± 33 vs. 109 ± 19 % predicted, p = 0.0004). Sensitivity-specificity analysis using receiver operating characteristic curves indicated that baseline R<sub>min </sub>was able to identify subjects with airway hyperresponsiveness (PC<sub>20 </sub>< 16 mg/mL) better than most spirometric indices (Area under curve = 0.85, 0.78, and 0.87 for R<sub>min </sub>% predicted, FEV<sub>1 </sub>% predicted, and FEF<sub>25-75 </sub>% predicted, respectively). Also, 80% of the subjects with baseline R<sub>min </sub>< 100% predicted did not have airway hyperresponsiveness while 100% of subjects with R<sub>min </sub>> 145% predicted had hyperresponsive airways, regardless of clinical classification as asthmatic or nonasthmatic.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These findings suggest that baseline R<sub>min</sub>, a measurement that is easier to perform than spirometry, performs as well as or better than standard spirometric indices in distinguishing subjects with airway hyperresponsiveness from those without hyperresponsive airways. The relationship of baseline R<sub>min </sub>to asthma and airway hyperresponsiveness likely reflects a causal relation between conditions that stiffen airway walls and hyperresponsiveness. In conjunction with symptom history, R<sub>min </sub>could provide a clinically useful tool for assessing asthma and monitoring response to treatment.</p

    Intensity standardization of MRI prior to radiomic feature extraction for artificial intelligence research in glioma-a systematic review

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    Objectives Radiomics is a promising avenue in non-invasive characterisation of diffuse glioma. Clinical translation is hampered by lack of reproducibility across centres and difficulty in standardising image intensity in MRI datasets. The study aim was to perform a systematic review of different methods of MRI intensity standardisation prior to radiomic feature extraction. Methods MEDLINE, EMBASE, and SCOPUS were searched for articles meeting the following eligibility criteria: MRI radiomic studies where one method of intensity normalisation was compared with another or no normalisation, and original research concerning patients diagnosed with diffuse gliomas. Using PRISMA criteria, data were extracted from short-listed studies including number of patients, MRI sequences, validation status, radiomics software, method of segmentation, and intensity standardisation. QUADAS-2 was used for quality appraisal. Results After duplicate removal, 741 results were returned from database and reference searches and, from these, 12 papers were eligible. Due to a lack of common pre-processing and different analyses, a narrative synthesis was sought. Three different intensity standardisation techniques have been studied: histogram matching (5/12), limiting or rescaling signal intensity (8/12), and deep learning (1/12)—only two papers compared different methods. From these studies, histogram matching produced the more reliable features compared to other methods of altering MRI signal intensity. Conclusion Multiple methods of intensity standardisation have been described in the literature without clear consensus. Further research that directly compares different methods of intensity standardisation on glioma MRI datasets is required. Key Points • Intensity standardisation is a key pre-processing step in the development of robust radiomic signatures to evaluate diffuse glioma. • A minority of studies compared the impact of two or more methods. • Further research is required to directly compare multiple methods of MRI intensity standardisation on glioma datasets

    Variation in diabetes care by age: opportunities for customization of care

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    BACKGROUND: The quality of diabetes care provided to older adults has usually been judged to be poor, but few data provide direct comparison to other age groups. In this study, we hypothesized that adults age 65 and over receive lower quality diabetes care than adults age 45–64 years old. METHODS: We conducted a cohort study of members of a health plan cared for by multiple medical groups in Minnesota. Study subjects were a random sample of 1109 adults age 45 and over with an established diagnosis of diabetes using a diabetes identification method with estimated sensitivity 0.91 and positive predictive value 0.94. Survey data (response rate 86.2%) and administrative databases were used to assess diabetes severity, glycemic control, quality of life, microvascular and macrovascular risks and complications, preventive care, utilization, and perceptions of diabetes. RESULTS: Compared to those aged 45–64 years (N = 627), those 65 and older (N = 482) had better glycemic control, better health-related behaviors, and perceived less adverse impacts of diabetes on their quality of life despite longer duration of diabetes and a prevalence of cardiovascular disease twice that of younger patients. Older patients did not ascribe heart disease to their diabetes. Younger adults often had explanatory models of diabetes that interfere with effective and aggressive care, and accessed care less frequently. Overall, only 37% of patients were simultaneously up-to-date on eye exams, foot exams, and glycated hemoglobin (A1c) tests within one year. CONCLUSION: These data demonstrate the need for further improvement in diabetes care for all patients, and suggest that customisation of care based on age and explanatory models of diabetes may be an improvement strategy that merits further evaluation

    Informant-reported cognitive symptoms that predict amnestic mild cognitive impairment

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Differentiating amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) from normal cognition is difficult in clinical settings. Self-reported and informant-reported memory complaints occur often in both clinical groups, which then necessitates the use of a comprehensive neuropsychological examination to make a differential diagnosis. However, the ability to identify cognitive symptoms that are predictive of aMCI through informant-based information may provide some clinical utility in accurately identifying individuals who are at risk for developing Alzheimer's disease (AD).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The current study utilized a case-control design using data from an ongoing validation study of the Alzheimer's Questionnaire (AQ), an informant-based dementia assessment. Data from 51 cognitively normal (CN) individuals participating in a brain donation program and 47 aMCI individuals seen in a neurology practice at the same institute were analyzed to determine which AQ items differentiated aMCI from CN individuals.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Forward stepwise multiple logistic regression analysis which controlled for age and education showed that 4 AQ items were strong indicators of aMCI which included: repetition of statements and/or questions [OR 13.20 (3.02, 57.66)]; trouble knowing the day, date, month, year, and time [OR 17.97 (2.63, 122.77)]; difficulty managing finances [OR 11.60 (2.10, 63.99)]; and decreased sense of direction [OR 5.84 (1.09, 31.30)].</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Overall, these data indicate that certain informant-reported cognitive symptoms may help clinicians differentiate individuals with aMCI from those with normal cognition. Items pertaining to repetition of statements, orientation, ability to manage finances, and visuospatial disorientation had high discriminatory power.</p

    Clinical trials update of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Breast Cancer Group

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    The present clinical trial update consists of a review of two of eight current studies (the 10981-22023 AMAROS trial and the 10994 p53 trial) of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Breast Cancer Group, as well as a preview of the MIND-ACT trial. The AMAROS trial is designed to prove equivalent local/regional control for patients with proven axillary lymph node metastasis by sentinel node biopsy if treated with axillary radiotherapy instead of axillary lymph node dissection, with reduced morbidity. The p53 trial started to assess the potential predictive value of p53 using a functional assay in yeast in patients with locally advanced/inflammatory or large operable breast cancer prospectively randomised to a taxane regimen versus a nontaxane regimen

    Optimal functional outcome measures for assessing treatment for Dupuytren's disease: A systematic review and recommendations for future practice

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    This article is available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund. Copyright © 2013 Ball et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.Background: Dupuytren's disease of the hand is a common condition affecting the palmar fascia, resulting in progressive flexion deformities of the digits and hence limitation of hand function. The optimal treatment remains unclear as outcomes studies have used a variety of measures for assessment. Methods: A literature search was performed for all publications describing surgical treatment, percutaneous needle aponeurotomy or collagenase injection for primary or recurrent Dupuytren’s disease where outcomes had been monitored using functional measures. Results: Ninety-one studies met the inclusion criteria. Twenty-two studies reported outcomes using patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) ranging from validated questionnaires to self-reported measures for return to work and self-rated disability. The Disability of Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) score was the most utilised patient-reported function measure (n=11). Patient satisfaction was reported by eighteen studies but no single method was used consistently. Range of movement was the most frequent physical measure and was reported in all 91 studies. However, the methods of measurement and reporting varied, with seventeen different techniques being used. Other physical measures included grip and pinch strength and sensibility, again with variations in measurement protocols. The mean follow-up time ranged from 2 weeks to 17 years. Conclusions: There is little consistency in the reporting of outcomes for interventions in patients with Dupuytren’s disease, making it impossible to compare the efficacy of different treatment modalities. Although there are limitations to the existing generic patient reported outcomes measures, a combination of these together with a disease-specific questionnaire, and physical measures of active and passive individual joint Range of movement (ROM), grip and sensibility using standardised protocols should be used for future outcomes studies. As Dupuytren’s disease tends to recur following treatment as well as extend to involve other areas of the hand, follow-up times should be standardised and designed to capture both short and long term outcomes