623 research outputs found

    Contrast sensitivity of insect motion detectors to natural images

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    How do animals regulate self-movement despite large variation in the luminance contrast of the environment? Insects are capable of regulating flight speed based on the velocity of image motion, but the mechanisms for this are unclear. The Hassenstein–Reichardt correlator model and elaborations can accurately predict responses of motion detecting neurons under many conditions but fail to explain the apparent lack of spatial pattern and contrast dependence observed in freely flying bees and flies. To investigate this apparent discrepancy, we recorded intracellularly from horizontal-sensitive (HS) motion detecting neurons in the hoverfly while displaying moving images of natural environments. Contrary to results obtained with grating patterns, we show these neurons encode the velocity of natural images largely independently of the particular image used despite a threefold range of contrast. This invariance in response to natural images is observed in both strongly and minimally motion-adapted neurons but is sensitive to artificial manipulations in contrast. Current models of these cells account for some, but not all, of the observed insensitivity to image contrast. We conclude that fly visual processing may be matched to commonalities between natural scenes, enabling accurate estimates of velocity largely independent of the particular scene

    A `bright zone' in male hoverfly (Eristalis tenax) eyes and associated faster motion detection and increased contrast sensitivity

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    Eyes of the hoverfly Eristalis tenax are sexually dimorphic such that males have a fronto-dorsal region of large facets. In contrast to other large flies in which large facets are associated with a decreased interommatidial angle to form a dorsal `acute zone' of increased spatial resolution, we show that a dorsal region of large facets in males appears to form a `bright zone' of increased light capture without substantially increased spatial resolution. Theoretically, more light allows for increased performance in tasks such as motion detection. To determine the effect of the bright zone on motion detection, local properties of wide field motion detecting neurons were investigated using localized sinusoidal gratings. The pattern of local preferred directions of one class of these cells, the HS cells, in Eristalis is similar to that reported for the blowfly Calliphora. The bright zone seems to contribute to local contrast sensitivity; high contrast sensitivity exists in portions of the receptive field served by large diameter facet lenses of males and is not observed in females. Finally, temporal frequency tuning is also significantly faster in this frontal portion of the world, particularly in males, where it overcompensates for the higher spatial-frequency tuning and shifts the predicted local velocity optimum to higher speeds. These results indicate that increased retinal illuminance due to the bright zone of males is used to enhance contrast sensitivity and speed motion detector responses. Additionally, local neural properties vary across the visual world in a way not expected if HS cells serve purely as matched filters to measure yaw-induced visual motion

    Polarized light detection in spiders

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    Copyright © 2001 The Company of BiologistsWe describe here the detection of polarized light by the simple eyes of spiders. Using behavioural, morphological, electrophysiological and optical studies, we show that spiders have evolved two different mechanisms to resolve the e-vector of light. Wolf spiders (Lycosidae), are able to turn in response to rotation of a polarized pattern at the zenith of their visual fields, and we also describe a strip in the ventral retina of the principal (anterio-median) eyes that views this location and has receptors tiered into two layers. This provides each pair of receptors with a similar optical solution to that provided by the ‘dorsal rim area’ of the insect compound eye. In contrast, gnaphosid spiders have evolved a pair of lensless secondary eyes for the detection of polarized light. These two eyes, each sensitive to orthogonal directions of polarization, are perfectly designed to integrate signals from the larger part of the sky and cooperate to analyse the polarization of light. Built-in polarizers help to improve signal purity. Similar organisation in the eyes of several other spider families suggests that these two mechanisms are not restricted to only a few families.Marie Dacke, Thuy A. Doan and David C. O’Carrol

    Neural mechanisms underlying target detection in a dragonfly centrifugal neuron

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    © The Company of Biologists Ltd 2007Visual identification of targets is an important task for many animals searching for prey or conspecifics. Dragonflies utilize specialized optics in the dorsal acute zone, accompanied by higher-order visual neurons in the lobula complex, and descending neural pathways tuned to the motion of small targets. While recent studies describe the physiology of insect small target motion detector (STMD) neurons, little is known about the mechanisms that underlie their exquisite sensitivity to target motion. Lobula plate tangential cells (LPTCs), a group of neurons in dipteran flies selective for wide-field motion, have been shown to take input from local motion detectors consistent with the classic correlation model developed by Hassenstein and Reichardt in the 1950s. We have tested the hypothesis that similar mechanisms underlie the response of dragonfly STMDs. We show that an anatomically characterized centrifugal STMD neuron (CSTMD1) gives responses that depend strongly on target contrast, a clear prediction of the correlation model. Target stimuli are more complex in spatiotemporal terms than the sinusoidal grating patterns used to study LPTCs, so we used a correlation-based computer model to predict response tuning to velocity and width of moving targets. We show that increasing target width in the direction of travel causes a shift in response tuning to higher velocities, consistent with our model. Finally, we show how the morphology of CSTMD1 allows for impressive spatial interactions when more than one target is present in the visual field.Bart R. H. Geurten, Karin Nordström, Jordanna D. H. Sprayberry, Douglas M. Bolzon and David C. O'Carrol

    Insect Detection of Small Targets Moving in Visual Clutter

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    Detection of targets that move within visual clutter is a common task for animals searching for prey or conspecifics, a task made even more difficult when a moving pursuer needs to analyze targets against the motion of background texture (clutter). Despite the limited optical acuity of the compound eye of insects, this challenging task seems to have been solved by their tiny visual system. Here we describe neurons found in the male hoverfly,Eristalis tenax, that respond selectively to small moving targets. Although many of these target neurons are inhibited by the motion of a background pattern, others respond to target motion within the receptive field under a surprisingly large range of background motion stimuli. Some neurons respond whether or not there is a speed differential between target and background. Analysis of responses to very small targets (smaller than the size of the visual field of single photoreceptors) or those targets with reduced contrast shows that these neurons have extraordinarily high contrast sensitivity. Our data suggest that rejection of background motion may result from extreme selectivity for small targets contrasting against local patches of the background, combined with this high sensitivity, such that background patterns rarely contain features that satisfactorily drive the neuron

    Discrimination of features in natural scenes by a dragonfly neuron

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    Flying insects engage in spectacular high-speed pursuit of targets, requiring visual discrimination of moving objects against cluttered backgrounds. As a first step toward understanding the neural basis for this complex task, we used computational modeling of insect small target motion detector (STMD) neurons to predict responses to features within natural scenes and then compared this with responses recorded from an identified STMD neuron in the dragonfly brain (Hemicordulia tau). A surprising model prediction confirmed by our electrophysiological recordings is that even heavily cluttered scenes contain very few features that excite these neurons, due largely to their exquisite tuning for small features. We also show that very subtle manipulations of the image cause dramatic changes in the response of this neuron, because of the complex inhibitory and facilitatory interactions within the receptive field.Steven D. Wiederman and David C. O'Carrol

    Amplitude Regeneration of Phase Encoded Signals using Injection Locking in Semiconductor Lasers

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    A phase preserving limiter based on injection locking in semiconductor lasers is experimentally investigated for 10Gb/s phase encoded signals. The proposed scheme exhibits significant amplitude noise squeezing in conjunction with extreme simplicity

    Discrete mode laser diodes with ultra narrow linewidth emission <3kHz

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    Ex-facet, free-running ultra-low linewidth (<3 kHz), single mode laser emission is demonstrated using low cost, regrowth-free ridge waveguide discrete mode Fabry-Perot laser diode chips

    Synthesis of pentacene nanotubes by melt-assisted template wetting

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    Correlation between OFF and ON channels underlies dark target selectivity in an insect visual system

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    In both vertebrates and invertebrates, evidence supports separation of luminance increments and decrements (ON and OFF channels) in early stages of visual processing (Hartline, 1938; Joesch et al., 2010); however, less is known about how these parallel pathways are recombined to encode form and motion. In Drosophila, genetic knockdown of inputs to putative ON and OFF pathways and direct recording from downstream neurons in the wide-field motion pathway reveal that local elementary motion detectors exist in pairs that separately correlate contrast polarity channels, ON with ON and OFF with OFF (Joesch et al., 2013). However, behavioral responses to reverse-phi motion of discrete features reveal additional correlations of the opposite signs (Clark et al., 2011). We here present intracellular recordings from feature detecting neurons in the dragonfly that provide direct physiological evidence for the correlation of OFF and ON pathways. These neurons show clear polarity selectivity for feature contrast, responding strongly to targets that are darker than the background and only weakly to dark contrasting edges. These dark target responses are much stronger than the linear combination of responses to ON and OFF edges. We compare these data with output from elementary motion detector-based models (Eichner et al., 2011; Clark et al., 2011), with and without stages of strong center-surround antagonism. Our data support an alternative elementary small target motion detector model, which derives dark target selectivity from the correlation of a delayed OFF with an un-delayed ON signal at each individual visual processing unit (Wiederman et al., 2008, 2009).Steven D. Wiederman, Patrick A. Shoemaker and David C. O’Carrol