780 research outputs found

    Enterprise Architecture Management: Insights in the digital context

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    This position paper presents an overview of key insights pertaining to the management of enterprise architecture in the digital business context, as discussed in the recent academic and practitioner literature. These literature insights, along with insights from subject matter experts, have informed development of IVI’s IT-CMF Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) Critical Capability

    Programme Management - Insights in the digital age

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    This position paper presents an overview of key insights pertaining to the management of programmesin the digital business context, as discussed in the recent academic and practitioner literature. These literature insights, along with insights from subject matter experts, have informed development of IVI’s IT-CMF Programme Management(PGM) Critical Capability

    Project Portfolio Management - Insights in the digital context

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    This position paper presents an overview of key insights pertaining to the management of project portfolios in the digital business context, as discussed in the recent academic and practitioner literature. These literature insights, along with insights from subject matter experts, have informed development of IVI’s IT-CMF Project Portfolio Management (PPM) Critical Capability

    Enterprise Information Management: Managing data and information for business advantage

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    This paper presents an overview of key literature (academic and practitioner) that has informed the Enterprise Information Management (EIM) Critical Capability (CC) of IT-CMF in the digital business context. The paper highlights the key insights that underpin the EIM CC, and presents an up-to-date view of key thinking in this area. The goal of an effective EIM capability is to ensure that quality data and information is available to support the business activities of the organization. It ensures availability of appropriate operational data and information for business transactions, and consistently enables timely and informed decision-making. An effective EIM capability must include strategic integration between business goals and the information and data management strategy to support these. Managing data and information effectively also requires that the IT function supports, rather than drives, an organization’s strategic needs [1]. As a note on terminology, this position paper adopts the view, based on the Data Management Association International’s (DAMA) Body of Knowledge [1] (p.20) that data and information are so closely related that a precise differentiation between their meanings cannot usefully be provided. In terms of how they are managed in organizations, however, it can be useful to make a distinction between them for the purposes of clear communication about the requirements and expectations of different stakeholders e.g. a sales report (information) based on data from the data warehouse (data)

    Enterprise Information Management: Managing data and information for business advantage

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    This paper presents an overview of key literature (academic and practitioner) that has informed the Enterprise Information Management (EIM) Critical Capability (CC) of IT-CMF in the digital business context. The paper highlights the key insights that underpin the EIM CC, and presents an up-to-date view of key thinking in this area. The goal of an effective EIM capability is to ensure that quality data and information is available to support the business activities of the organization. It ensures availability of appropriate operational data and information for business transactions, and consistently enables timely and informed decision-making. An effective EIM capability must include strategic integration between business goals and the information and data management strategy to support these. Managing data and information effectively also requires that the IT function supports, rather than drives, an organization’s strategic needs [1]. As a note on terminology, this position paper adopts the view, based on the Data Management Association International’s (DAMA) Body of Knowledge [1] (p.20) that data and information are so closely related that a precise differentiation between their meanings cannot usefully be provided. In terms of how they are managed in organizations, however, it can be useful to make a distinction between them for the purposes of clear communication about the requirements and expectations of different stakeholders e.g. a sales report (information) based on data from the data warehouse (data)

    Data Analytics: Preparing and exploiting data for value

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    This Data Analytics (DA) position paper presents an overview in summary form of key literature (academic and practitioner) that has informed the shape and scope of the Data Analytics (DA) Critical Capability (CC) of IT-CMF in the digital business context

    Innovation Management: insights in the digital context

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    The purpose of this Innovation Management (IM) position paper is to present an overview in summary form of key literature (academic and practitioner) that has informed the shape of innovation management in the digital business context

    Governance Framework for ICT Professionalism - Proposal

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    This research project was launched by the European Commission Directorate General for Enterprise and Industry as part of the European Commission’s on-going e-skills agenda. The specific objective of WP5 is to develop proposals for a pan-European institutional and governance framework for the ICT profession, and as such it is also part of an on-going initiative to mature ICT Professionalism in Europe. This work builds on earlier work undertaken in the 2012 IVI/CEPIS study on a European ICT Professionalism Framework (Mclaughlin et al., 2012) and will be followed by a research project which aims to identify a sustainable operating model for the promotion of ICT professionalism in Europe (European Commission, 2013). The current project aims to support the development of a European institutional and governance framework for ICT professionalism, with the goal of enhancing professionalism and mobility across Europe. The proposed framework has been developed iteratively in conjunction with stakeholder representatives. The research report also includes validated stakeholder value models and recommendations for next steps

    Exploring the design space of therapeutic robot companions for children

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    Robots that lend social and emotional support to their users have the potential to extend the quality of care that humans can provide. However, developing robotic aids to address symptoms of loneliness, anxiety and social isolation can be especially challenging due to factors that are complex and multi-faceted. Using a user-centered approach, a prototype therapeutic robot, TACO, was developed. The design of this robot was closely informed by a comprehensive need finding process which included a detailed literature review, ethical analysis, interviews with pediatric domain experts, and a site visit to a pediatric hospital. The prototype robot was evaluated over the course of several structured play sessions, using short interviews with children as well as a modified version of the SOFIT testing procedure. Results from early-stage testing suggest that TACO was well-liked, children found playing with it engaging and frequently exhibited affective behaviors like cuddling and stroking. These findings motivate follow-on work to further advance its design and to test its effectiveness as a therapeutic tool