14 research outputs found

    Effects of geographical location on potentially valuable components in Ulva intestinalis sampled along the Swedish coast

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    Macroalgal biomass has the potential to become an important source of chemicals and commodities in a future biorefinery. Currently, production of macroalgal biomass is expensive and the content of high-value compounds is often low. Therefore, in this study the biochemical composition of\ua0Ulva intestinalis\ua0along the Swedish west coast and the east coast up to Stockholm was assessed with the aim of determining how the content of potentially valuable compounds, such as rhamnose, iduronic acid and PUFAs, could be maximized by utilizing natural variation in the choice of marine cultivation site. Along the investigated coastline, the salinity dropped from 19.4‰ at high latitudes along the west coast to 5.4‰ at Stockholm. Nitrogen and phosphorus availability varied, while temperature was similar at all locations. The two major components of biomass, carbohydrates and ash, varied inversely with the highest content of ash in the west and carbohydrates in the east. In addition, total fatty acids were significantly higher in west coast samples at 3.2\ua0g 100\ua0g–1\ua0dw, with a higher proportion of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Some health-beneficial fatty acids were found, including EPA and DPA, at 10–50\ua0mg 100\ua0g–1\ua0dw, respectively. The metal content and elemental composition varied widely, probably due to the influence of specific local conditions. The P content was correlated with the phosphorus concentration in waters at the locations. In PCA analysis, the monosaccharides constituting the cell wall polysaccharide ulvan were found to vary by geographical location, with higher levels possibly associated with lower salinities. However, only glucuronic acid differed significantly between sites. These results show the considerable geographical variability in the composition of Swedish\ua0U. intestinalis\ua0and suggest that different salinities could be used to create a lipid- or carbohydrate-rich biomass

    Cultivation of seaweeds in food production process waters: Evaluation of growth and crude protein content

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    There is an increasing demand for sustainably produced, protein-rich, and nutritious food. Seaweeds are promising protein sources for the future if their protein content can be optimized, something which can be achieved by cultivation in elevated nutrient concentrations. Cultivation of seaweeds in integration with fish farms have received much attention lately, but using nutrient-rich process waters from other food industries as feed stock for seaweed has rarely been studied. Here, we demonstrate a simple and sustainable strategy to answer the increasing world demand for food rich in plant-based proteins by connecting food production process waters with seaweed cultivation. We compared growth rates and crude protein content of four different seaweed species, the brown species Saccharina latissima, and the green species Ulva fenestrata, Ulva intestinalis, and Chaetomorpha linum, when cultivated in two dilutions (providing 20 and 200 μM ammonium) of eight different process waters emerging from recirculating salmon aquaculture systems as well as from herring, shrimp and oat processing. Growth rates of the green seaweeds were up to 64% higher, and crude protein content was almost up to four times higher when cultivated in the food production process waters, compared to seawater controls. Growth rates were generally higher in presence of 20 μM compared to 200 μM ammonium, while crude protein content was either unaffected or positively affected by the increasing ammonium concentration. This study indicates the potential for cultivating seaweeds with food production process waters to generate additional protein-rich biomass while nutrients are being circulated back to the food chain. A new nutrient loop is thus illustrated, in which the costly disposal of food production process waters is instead turned into value by seaweed cultivation

    Sustainable large-scale aquaculture of the northern hemisphere sea lettuce, ulva fenestrata, in an off-shore seafarm

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    The growing world population demands an increase in sustainable resources for biorefining. The opening of new farm grounds and the cultivation of extractive species, such as marine seaweeds, increases worldwide, aiming to provide renewable biomass for food and non-food applications. The potential for European large-scale open ocean farming of the commercial green seaweed crop Ulva is not yet fully realized. Here we conducted manipulative cultivation experiments in order to investigate the effects of hatchery temperature (10 and 15◦C), nutrient addition (PES and 3xPES) and swarmer density (500 and 10,000 swarmers ml−1 ) on the biomass yield and biochemical composition (fatty acid, protein, carbohydrate, pigment and phenolic content) of off-shore cultivated Ulva fenestrata in a Swedish seafarm. High seedling densities were optimal for the growth of this northern hemisphere crop strain and significantly increased the mean biomass yield by ~84% compared to low seedling densities. Variations of nutrients or changes in temperature levels during the hatchery phase were not necessary to increase the subsequent growth in an open-water seafarm, however effects of the factors on the thallus habitus (thallus length/width) were observed. We found no significant effect of the environmental factors applied in the hatchery on the total fatty acid or crude protein content in the off-shore cultivated Ulva. However, low seedling density and low temperature increased the total carbohydrate content and furthermore, high temperature in combination with high nutrient levels decreased the pigment content (chlorophyll a, b, carotenoids). Low temperature in combination with high nutrient levels increased the phenolic content. Our study confirms the successful and sustainable potential for large-scale off-shore cultivation of the Scandinavian crop U. fenestrata. We conclude that high seedling density in the hatchery is most important for increasing the total biomass yield of sea-farmed U. fenestrata, and that changing temperature or addition of nutrients overall does not have a large effect on the biochemical composition. To summarize, our study contributes novel insights into the large-scale off-shore cultivation potential of northern hemisphere U. fenestrata and underpins suitable pre-treatments during the hatchery phase of seedlings to facilitate a successful and cost-efficient large-scale rope cultivation

    Effect of stabilization method and freeze/thaw-aided precipitation on structural and functional properties of proteins recovered from brown seaweed (Saccharina latissima)

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    Structural, functional and nutritional properties of protein recovered from brown seaweed,\ua0S. latissima\ua0with alkaline solubilization/isoelectric precipitation as a function of different post-harvest stabilization methods were studied. The latter included freezing at −20 \ub0C/-80 \ub0C, oven-drying, sun-drying, freeze-drying and ensilaging. Also, the efficacy of freeze/thaw-aided precipitation (F/T) in improving protein recovery of the process was evaluated. The freeze-dried, oven-dried, and −20 \ub0C frozen seaweeds resulted in significantly higher protein yield than the −80\ub0C-frozen, sun-dried and ensiled biomasses. F/T increased protein precipitation and doubled total protein yield. Sun-drying and −20\ub0C-freezing caused extensive protein degradation as revealed by SDS-PAGE and HP-SEC, while oven-drying altered the seaweed protein structure with less α-helices. Functional properties of the seaweed proteins were remarkably affected by stabilization condition and F/T, but nutritional value of the proteins was only dependent on stabilization method. Thus, to efficiently recover seaweed proteins, its post-harvest stabilization condition must be carefully chosen based on the final application of the proteins

    Mild blanching prior to pH-shift processing of Saccharina latissima retains protein extraction yields and amino acid levels of extracts while minimizing iodine content

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    The seaweed Saccharina latissima is often blanched to lower iodine levels, however, it is not known how blanching affects protein extraction. We assessed the effect of blanching or soaking (80/45/12 \ub0C, 2 min) on protein yield and protein extract characteristics after pH-shift processing of S. latissima. Average protein yields and extract amino acid levels ranked treatments as follows: blanching-45 \ub0C ∼ control > soaking ∼ blanching-80 \ub0C. Although blanching-45 \ub0C decreased protein solubilization yield at pH 12, it increased isoelectric protein precipitation yield at pH 2 (p < 0.05). The former could be explained by a higher ratio of large peptides/proteins in the blanched biomass as shown by HP-SEC, whereas the latter by blanching-induced lowering of ionic strength, as verified by a dialysis model. Moreover, blanching-45 \ub0C yielded a protein extract with 49 % less iodine compared with the control extract. We recommend blanching-45 \ub0C since it is effective at removing iodine and does not compromise total protein extraction yield

    The red alga Bonnemaisonia asparagoides regulates epiphytic bacterial abundance and community composition by chemical defence

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    Ecological research on algal-derived metabolites with antimicrobial activity has recently received increased attention and is no longer only aimed at identifying novel natural compounds with potential use in applied perspectives. Despite this progress, few studies have so far demonstrated ecologically relevant antimicrobial roles of algal metabolites, and even fewer have utilized molecular tools to investigate the effects of these metabolites on the natural community composition of bacteria. In this study, we investigated whether the red alga Bonnemaisonia asparagoides is chemically defended against bacterial colonization of its surface by extracting surface-associated secondary metabolites and testing their antibacterial effects. Furthermore, we compared the associated bacterial abundance and community composition between B. asparagoides and two coexisting macroalgae. Surface extracts tested at natural concentrations had broad-spectrum effects on the growth of ecologically relevant bacteria, and consistent with this antibacterial activity, natural populations of B. asparagoides had significantly lower densities of epibacteria compared with the coexisting algae. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis further showed that B. asparagoides harboured surface-associated bacteria with a community composition that was significantly different from those on coexisting macroalgae. Altogether, these findings demonstrate that B. asparagoides produces surface-bound antibacterial compounds with a significant impact on the abundance and composition of the associated bacterial community

    The red alga Bonnemaisonia asparagoides regulates epiphytic bacterial abundance and community composition by chemical defence

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    Ecological research on algal-derived metabolites with antimicrobial activity has recently received increased attention and is no longer only aimed at identifying novel natural compounds with potential use in applied perspectives. Despite this progress, few studies have so far demonstrated ecologically relevant antimicrobial roles of algal metabolites, and even fewer have utilized molecular tools to investigate the effects of these metabolites on the natural community composition of bacteria. In this study, we investigated whether the red alga Bonnemaisonia asparagoides is chemically defended against bacterial colonization of its surface by extracting surface-associated secondary metabolites and testing their antibacterial effects. Furthermore, we compared the associated bacterial abundance and community composition between B. asparagoides and two coexisting macroalgae. Surface extracts tested at natural concentrations had broad-spectrum effects on the growth of ecologically relevant bacteria, and consistent with this antibacterial activity, natural populations of B. asparagoides had significantly lower densities of epibacteria compared with the coexisting algae. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis further showed that B. asparagoides harboured surface-associated bacteria with a community composition that was significantly different from those on coexisting macroalgae. Altogether, these findings demonstrate that B. asparagoides produces surface-bound antibacterial compounds with a significant impact on the abundance and composition of the associated bacterial community

    Composition and processing of Ulva intestinalis from 8 different sites along the Swedish coast

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    Seaweed has the potential to provide a large quantities of biomass as feedstocks for production of energy and chemicals. Compared to terrestrial biomasses, seaweed does not require arable land or fertilizer for cultivation, effectively not competing with food production. Significant efforts are now being made to improve both cultivation, extraction techniques and product development of seaweed to enable a seaweed industry in the future. An aspect that has thus far received little attention is on the optimisation of cultivation siting to maximise the content of valuable components in the biomass (and minimize waste), despite it being well known that variation in ambient conditions cause significant changes in biomass composition. \ua0In this study, we have investigated the opportunistic summer seaweed Ulva intestinalis, which is of commercial interest due to its high growth rate and broad distribution along the entire Swedish coast. To evaluate where cultivation could be most beneficial from a biomass composition perspective, samples were collected from 8 sites along the Swedish coastline between Tj\ue4rn\uf6 on the west coast to Stockholm on the east. At each site, 3 separate populations were sampled. For each sample the content and profile of metals, sugars, ash and lipids were measured. These measures are being evaluated to highlight trends relating to differences in location conditions. The largest impact could be seen on the sugar compostition, as monosaccharides present in the polysaccharide ulvan showed, roughly, a 2-fold increase on the east coast compared to the western coast

    Composition and processing of Ulva intestinalis from 8 different sites along the Swedish coast

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    Seaweed has the potential to provide a large quantities of biomass as feedstocks for production of energy and chemicals. Compared to terrestrial biomasses, seaweed does not require arable land or fertilizer for cultivation, effectively not competing with food production. Significant efforts are now being made to improve both cultivation, extraction techniques and product development of seaweed to enable a seaweed industry in the future. An aspect that has thus far received little attention is on the optimisation of cultivation siting to maximise the content of valuable components in the biomass (and minimize waste), despite it being well known that variation in ambient conditions cause significant changes in biomass composition. In this study, we have investigated the opportunistic summer seaweed Ulva intestinalis, which is of commercial interest due to its high growth rate and broad distribution along the entire Swedish coast. To evaluate where cultivation could be most beneficial from a biomass composition perspective, samples were collected from 8 sites along the Swedish coastline between Tj\ue4rn\uf6 on the west coast to Stockholm on the east. At each site, 3 separate populations were sampled. For each sample the content and profile of metals, sugars, ash and lipids were measured. These measures are being evaluated to highlight trends relating to differences in location conditions. As a processing example to compare performance between the sites, all samples were run in hydrothermal liquefaction, which is a promising method for production of bio oil

    Ecological role of a seaweed secondary metabolite for a colonizing bacterial community

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    Bacteria associated with seaweeds can both harm and benefit their hosts. Many seaweed species are known to produce compounds that inhibit growth of bacterial isolates, but the ecological role of seaweed metabolites for the associated bacterial community structure is not well understood. In this study the response of a colonizing bacterial community to the secondary metabolite (1,1,3,3-tetrabromo-2-heptanone) from the red alga Bonnemaisonia hamifera was investigated by using field panels coated with the metabolite at a range of concentrations covering those measured at the algal surface. The seaweed metabolite has previously been shown to have antibacterial effects. The metabolite significantly affected the natural fouling community by (i) altering the composition, (ii) altering the diversity by increasing the evenness and (iii) decreasing the density, as measured by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism in conjunction with clone libraries of the 16S rRNA genes and by bacterial enumeration. No single major bacterial taxon (phylum, class) was particularly affected by the metabolite. Instead changes in community composition were observed at a more detailed phylogenetic level. This indicates a broad specificity of the seaweed metabolite against bacterial colonization, which is supported by the observation that the bacterial density was significantly affected at a lower concentration (0.02 μg cm -2) than the composition (1-2.5 μg cm -2) and the evenness (5 μg cm -2) of the bacterial communities. Altogether, the results emphasize the role of secondary metabolites for control of the density and structure of seaweed-associated bacterial communities