2,670 research outputs found

    Laser-induced nonsequential double ionization at and above the recollision-excitation-tunneling threshold

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    We perform a detailed analysis of the recollision-excitation-tunneling (RESI) mechanism in laser-induced nonsequential double ionization (NSDI), in which the first electron, upon return, promotes a second electron to an excited state, from which it subsequently tunnels, based on the strong-field approximation. We show that the shapes of the electron momentum distributions carry information about the bound-state with which the first electron collides, the bound state to which the second electron is excited, and the type of electron-electron interaction. Furthermore, one may define a driving-field intensity threshold for the RESI physical mechanism. At the threshold, the kinetic energy of the first electron, upon return, is just sufficient to excite the second electron. We compute the distributions for helium and argon in the threshold and above-threshold intensity regime. In the latter case, we relate our findings to existing experiments. The electron-momentum distributions encountered are symmetric with respect to all quadrants of the plane spanned by the momentum components parallel to the laser-field polarization, instead of concentrating on only the second and fourth quadrants.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Time-delayed nonsequential double ionization with few-cycle laser pulses: importance of the carrier-envelope phase

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    We perform theoretical investigations of laser-induced nonsequential double ionization with few cycle pulses, with particular emphasis on the dependence of the electron-momentum distributions on the carrier-envelope phase. We focus on the recollision-excitation with subsequent tunneling ionization (RESI) pathway, in which a released electron, upon return to its parent ion, gives part of its kinetic energy to promote a second electron to an excited state. At a subsequent time, the second electron is freed through tunneling ionization. We show that the RESI electron-momentum distributions vary dramatically with regard to the carrier-envelope phase. By performing a detailed analysis of the dynamics of the two active electrons in terms of quantum orbits, we relate the shapes and the momentum regions populated by such distributions to the dominant set of orbits along which rescattering of the first electron and ionization of the second electron occurs. These orbits can be manipulated by varying the carrier-envelope phase. This opens a wide range of possibilities for controlling correlated attosecond electron emission by an adequate pulse choice.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Automaatio osana kiertotaloutta

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän työn tavoitteena on selvittää millä eri tavoilla automaatiota hyödynnetään kiertotaloudessa ja kiertotalouden eri osa-alueilla, sekä sovelluksissa. Työssä käydään ensin läpi kiertotaloutta yleisesti, mitä se on ja miten se toimii ja mitä siihen kuuluu. Työssä esitetään kiertotalouden vaatimuksia tulevaisuudelle kestävän kehityksen haasteiden kannalta ja miten automaatio voi parantaa kiertotalouden osa alueita. Työssä käsitellään myös lyhyesti, mitä automaatio on. Työssä käsitellään mitä hyötyjä automaation hyödyntäminen kiertotaloudessa tuo, sekä esimerkkejä jo olemassa olevista automaation käyttökohteista kiertotalouden eri osa-alueissa. Lopuksi kerrotaan tulevaisuuden näkökulmia automaatiolle kiertotaloudessa. Työn lähteinä käytetään aiheeseen liittyvää kirjallisuutta, tutkimuksia ja sivustoja. Työssä on käytetty kiertotalouteen ja automaatioratkaisuihin liittyviä havainnollistavia kuvia. Tämän työn avulla voidaan perustella, että kiertotalouden digitaali- ja automaatioratkaisut voivat lisätä tehokkuutta ja kestävyyttä sekä auttaa ympäristöongelmien ratkaisemisessa

    Application of Tomographic Inversion in Studying Airglow in the Mesopause Region

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    It is pointed out that observations of periodic nightglow structures give excellent information on atmospheric gravity waves in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere. The periods, the horizontal wavelengths and the phase speeds of the waves can be determined from airglow images and, using several cameras, the approximate altitude of the luminous layer can also be determined by triangulation. In this paper the possibility of applying tomographic methods for reconstructing the airglow structures is investigated using numerical simulations. A ground-based chain of cameras is assumed, two-dimensional airglow models in the vertical plane above the chain are constructed, and simulated data are calculated by integrating the models along a great number of rays with different elevation angles for each camera. After addition of random noise, these data are then inverted to obtain reconstructions of the models. A tomographic analysis package originally designed for satellite radiotomography is used in the inversion. The package is based on a formulation of stochastic inversion which allows the input of a priori information to the solver in terms of regularization variances. The reconstruction is carried out in two stages. In the first inversion, constant regularization variances are used within a wide altitude range. The results are used in determining the approximate altitude range of the airglow structures. Then, in the second inversion, constant non-zero regularization variances are used inside this region and zero variances outside it. With this method reliable reconstructions of the models are obtained. The number of cameras as well as their separations are varied in order to find out the limitations of the method

    Affinity of Talin-1 for the β3-Integrin Cytosolic Domain is Modulated by its Phospholipid Bilayer Environment

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    Binding of the talin-1 FERM (4.1/ezrin/radixin/moesin) domain to the β3 cytosolic tail causes activation of the integrin αIIbβ3. The FERM domain also binds to acidic phospholipids. Although much is known about the interaction of talin-1 with integrins and lipids, the relative contribution of each interaction to integrin regulation and possible synergy between them remain to be clarified. Here, we examined the thermodynamic interplay between FERM domain binding to phospholipid bilayers and to its binding sites in the β3 tail. We found that although both the F0F1 and F2F3 subdomains of the talin-1 FERM domain bind acidic bilayers, the full-length FERM domain binds with an affinity similar to F2F3, indicating that F0F1 contributes little to the overall interaction. When free in solution, the β3 tail has weak affinity for the FERM domain. However, appending the tail to acidic phospholipids increased its affinity for the FERM domain by three orders of magnitude. Nonetheless, the affinity of the FERM for the appended tail was similar to its affinity for binding to bilayers alone. Thus, talin-1 binding to the β3 tail is a ternary interaction dominated by a favorable surface interaction with phospholipid bilayers and set by lipid composition. Nonetheless, interactions between the FERM domain, the β3 tail, and lipid bilayers are not optimized for a high-affinity synergistic interaction, even at the membrane surface. Instead, the interactions appear to be tuned in such a way that the equilibrium between inactive and active integrin conformations can be readily regulated

    Aggregatibacter Actinomycetemcomitans Leukotoxin Causes Activation of Lymphocyte Function-Associated Antigen 1

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    Repeats-in-toxin leukotoxin (LtxA) produced by the oral bacterium Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans kills human leukocytes in a lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 (LFA-1, integrin α L /β 2 )-dependent manner, although the mechanism for this interaction has not been identified. The LtxA internalisation by LFA-1-expressing cells was explored with florescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) microscopy using a cell line that expresses LFA-1 with a cyan fluorescent protein-tagged cytosolic α L domain and a yellow fluorescent protein-tagged β 2 domain. Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate activation of LFA-1 caused transient cytosolic domain separation. However, addition of LtxA resulted in an increase in FRET, indicating that LtxA brings the cytosolic domains closer together, compared with the inactive state. Unlike activation, this effect was not transient, lasting more than 30 min. Equilibrium constants of LtxA binding to the cytoplasmic domains of both α L and β 2 were determined using surface plasmon resonance. LtxA has a strong affinity for the cytosolic domains of both the α L and β 2 subunits (K d = 15 and 4.2 nM, respectively) and a significantly lower affinity for the cytoplasmic domains of other integrin α M , α X , and β 3 subunits (K d = 400, 180, and 230 nM, respectively), used as controls. Peptide fragments of α L and β 2 show that LtxA binds membrane-proximal domain of α L and intermediate domain of β 2 . © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Lt

    Characterization of the Hamamatsu S8664 Avalanche Photodiode for X-Ray and VUV-light detection

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    We present the first operation of the Avalanche Photodiode (APD) from Hamamatsu to xenon scintillation light and to direct X-rays of 22.1 keV and 5.9 keV. A large non-linear response was observed for the direct X-ray detection. At 415 V APD bias voltage it was of about 30 % for 22.1 keV and about 45 % for 5.9 keV. The quantum efficiency for 172 nm photons has been measured to be 69 +/- 15 %.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Elsevie

    Biotransformation of Cyclodextrine-Complexed Semisynthetic Betulin Derivatives by Plant Cells

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    In this study, three semisynthetic betulonic acid-based compounds, 20(29)-dihydrolup-2-en[2,3- d ]isoxazol-28-oic acid, 1-betulonoylpyrrolidine, and lupa-2,20(29)-dieno[2,3- b ]pyrazin-28-oic acid, were studied in biotransformation experiments using Nicotiana tabacum and Catharanthus roseus cell suspension cultures. Biotransformation was performed using cyclodextrin to aid dissolving poorly water-soluble substrates. Several new derivatives were found, consisting of oxidized and glycosylated (pentose- and hexose-conjugated) products.Peer reviewe