47 research outputs found

    Глобализация китайской миграции: новые пространства, новые значения

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    The paper reviews new trends in international migration from the People’s Republic of China in the last decade, focusing on two aspects: 1) The geographic expansion and merger of formerly distinct translocal migration flows into a global migration system. It includes the opening up of new migration spaces in Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia; increased mobility between destination countries; and increased interchange between different social strata of migrants, from students to illegal workers; 2) A shift in what the social and cultural meaning of migration is to the migrant, to non-migrants, and to elites, which can be described as “upgrading the migrant” (Wang,1998). Various discourses of migration have converged into a highly success-oriented discourse, which reduces the relevance of social background and path of migration. The People’s Republic of China imbues this discourse with tropes of patriotism and development. Concerning the first aspect, the paper problematises the distinction of flows of legal and illegal migrants, students, tourists, and workers, and calls for a holistic approach in studying the configuration of current migration from the PRC. Concerning the second aspect, the paper questions the persistent theory that the PRC as an entity supports emigration, and points out the conflicting interests of various levels and organisations within the state apparatus. At the same time, it recognises that the PRC, like other states, is currently enjoying a honeymoon with state-sanctioned transnationalism, in which migrants are often being more engaged into nation-building and enfranchised as political citizens than are rural non-migrants.Članak daje prikaz novih trendova u vanjskoj migraciji iz Narodne Republike Kine u zadnjem desetljeću, usredotočujući se na dva aspekta. Prvi je geografska ekspanzija i fuzioniranje (udruživanje) prijašnjih različitih translokalnih migracijskih tokova u globalni migracijski sustav. On uključuje otvaranje novih migracijskih prostora u istočnoj i jugoistočnoj Aziji, povećanu pokretljivost među zemaljama destinacije i među različitim društvenim slojevima migranata, od studenata do ilegalnih radnika. Drugi aspekt je pomak u shvaćanju što je društveno i kulturno značenje migracije za migranta, nemigranta i za elite. Taj se pomak može opisati kao »uspon migranta« (upgrading the migrant) (Wang, 1998). Različiti diskursi migracije stopili su se u jedan diskurs koji je izrazito orijentiran na uspjeh. On umanjuje važnost društvene pozadine migranta i sam put migracije. NR Kina podržava taj diskurs retorikom patriotizma i razvoja. Što se tiče prvog aspekta, rad se bavi problemom razlikovanja tokova legalnih i ilegalnih migranata, studenata, turista i radnika te se zalaže za holistički pristup u proučavanju konfiguracije sadašnje migracije iz Kine. S obzirom na drugi aspekt, u članku se propituje (podvrgava sumnji) raširena teorija da NR Kina kao cjelina podupire iseljavanje te se ukazuje na suprotstavljene interese različitih slojeva i organizacija u državnom aparatu. Istodobno se uočava da Kina, kao i druge zemlje, trenutno živi u skladu s transnacionalizmom sankcioniranim od države, u kojemu su migranti češće angažirani u izgradnji nacije i dobivanju izbornih prava kao politički građani, nego što su to ruralni nemigranti.В статье обсуждаются новые тенденции в международной миграции из Китайской Народной Республики (КНР) за последние десять лет. Автор при этом останавливается на двух аспектах: 1) Географическое распространение и слияние ранее различных транс- локальных миграционных потоков в глобальную миграционную систему. Это включает в себя открытие новых миграционных пространств в Восточной Европе и Юго-Восточной Азии, рост пространственной подвижности между принимающими странами и повышение социальной мобильности между разными социальными слоями мигрантов, от студентов до нелегальных рабочих; 2) Сдвиг социального и культурного значения миграции для мигрантов, немигрирующего (т.е. «остающегося дома» населения) и элит. Этот сдвиг может быть описан как повышение статуса мигранта (upgrading the migrant) (Wang, 1998). Различные дискурсы миграции сошлись в один дискурс ориентированности на успех. В пределах этого дискурса социальное происхождение мигранта и пути (траектории) миграции становятся менее значительными. КНР питает этот дискурс официальными штампами патриотизма и развития. Что касается первого аспекта, в статье обсуждается проблематичность выделения четких различий между потоками легальных и нелегальных мигрантов, студентов, туристов и рабочих и обосновывается необходимость целостного подхода при изучении особенностей современной миграции из КНР. Что касается второго аспекта, статья ставит под вопрос гипотезу о поддерживании эмиграции со стороны Китайской Народной Республики и указывает на противоречивые интересы различных уровней и различных организаций внутри государственного аппарата. В то же время в статье подтверждается, что в КНР, подобно другим государствам, в настоящее время ярко выражен санкционированный государством транс-национализм, вследствие которого мигранты могут быть более реально вовлечены в проект построения нации и политически представлены, чем стационарное сельское население

    ‘Truly a European company’ : a Chinese auto maker’s strategies of Europeanisation

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    Research on international business presents ‘liability of foreignness’ as a key factor in a Multinational Enterprise’s (MNE’s) operations, but it has not addressed ‘foreignness’ as a complex and dynamic phenomenon. Adopting an identity work perspective, this article examines ‘foreignness’ as social construct, studying how a Chinese MNE manoeuvres the local economic and political contexts. We also shift the focus from ‘liability of foreignness’ to ‘liability of origin’, as elements associated with the home country can also implicate liability. We discuss the market entry of a private Chinese manufacturing company in Hungary and the Netherlands as a proxy for Europeanization, analysing regional and local strategies pursued by the company in organizing its business and representing its corporate identity when dealing with divergent European contexts

    Impact of Nucleon Mass Shift on the Freeze Out Process

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    The freeze out of a massive nucleon gas through a finite layer with time-like normal is studied. The impact of in-medium nucleon mass shift on the freeze out process is investigated. A considerable modification of the thermodynamical variables temperature, flow-velocity, energy density and particle density has been found. Due to the nucleon mass shift the freeze out particle distribution functions are changed noticeably in comparison with evaluations, which use vacuum nucleon mass.Comment: submitted to Physical Review

    Ecological Civilisation Discourse in Xinhua’s African Newswires: Towards a Greener Agency?

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    How does Chinese central media represent Africa through its environmental news? This article argues that the way in which Chinese central media organisations have reported environmental issues across the African continent has altered from a reactive “charm defensive” towards the promotion of a developmental model: “Ecological Civilisation”. Based on a critical discourse analysis of headline African news published by the Xinhua News Agency, this research illustrates the emergence of this new, unexpected turn in Chinese representations of Africa, as well as highlighting the coherencies and tensions within this discourse. Questioning why this change in the emphasis of content has occurred, it investigates explanations at the macro-, mezzo-, and micro-levels of analysis, concluding that the evidence indicates that Xinhua’s content remains closely linked to the soft power goals of the Chinese Communist Party. However, the presence of risk discourses in some reports indicates that the hegemonic discourse is altering. This could potentially be the result of Xinhua’s own commercial objectives in Africa, or of the subjectivities of individual Xinhua journalists seeping into reports. This research provides significant contributions to an understanding of Chinese soft power in Africa, the ecology of Chinese media in Africa, and the development of environmental discourses

    The “Rise of China” and Chinese in the world

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    Scenic spot Europe: Chinese travellers on the Western periphery.

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    Le tourisme a longtemps été perçu comme une caractéristique de la modernité occidentale, les non-Occidentaux ne pouvant être que des «  tourees  » — une composante passive et résignée de la ressource touristique. À présent organisé, le tourisme de masse touche de larges populations qui ne l’avaient auparavant jamais connu. Ce phénomène recèle la potentialité d’une dynamique impliquant à la fois la subjectivité des individus appartenant aux sociétés dans lesquelles le tourisme se développe, et les pays qui commencent à exporter du loisir vers des populations ayant accès depuis peu à cette mobilité. Or ces populations ont une vision des loisirs et une interprétation des lieux différentes de celles des Occidentaux. La compréhension des pratiques touristiques de ces populations et l’observation, à travers leur regard, de paysages qui nous sont familiers peut nous obliger à revoir nos idées sur l’ « homme-moderne-en-général ». Le présent article explore les conditions d’émergence d’un tourisme chinois à grande échelle vers l’Europe et les représentations de la modernité, du voyage et de l’Europe qui l’accompagnent. Il s’agit de confronter ces représentations avec celles, communément acceptées, qu’a l’Europe d’elle-même. La première partie de l’article examine le lien entre les migrations internationales et la modernité dans les discours qui circulent en Chine dans le grand public, ainsi que les images de l’Europe qui ont été produites dans le contexte de la « nouvelle littérature migratoire ». Dans la seconde partie, est abordée l’émergence du tourisme et l’on s’y interroge sur la manière dont les représentations contradictoires qui en résultent peuvent changer à l’avenir l’image qu’ont les Chinois de l’Europe. <br> Tourism has long been seen as an attribute of Western modernity, in which the non-Western subject can only be the ‘touree’ that copes with its consequences. Yet organized, commercialized mass tourism is spreading to vast populations that had not known it previously. This has potentially momentous consequences both for subjectivities in the societies in which tourism is emerging and for the countries that become exporters of leisure to newly mobile non-Western populations — whose ideas of leisure and interpretations of places may be different from those in the West. Understanding the tourist practices of these populations, and seeing familiar landscapes through their eyes, may force us to revise our ideas of ‘modern-man-in-general’. This article looks at the background of the emergence of large-scale Chinese tourism to Europe and at the views of modernity, travel, and Europe that will come with it to confront Europe’s accepted representations of itself. The first part of the article discusses the link between international migration and modernity in contemporary Chinese public discourse and the images of Europe that have been produced in the context of ‘new migrant literature’. The second part looks at the emergence of tourism and asks how the resulting contested representations may be changing the Chinese view of Europe


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    Dear Rector, Ladies and Gentlemen, A few years ago, Liu Jianjun, a former official from the city of Baoding, near Peking, achieved a measure of fame in China’s media through his efforts to promote the settlement of Chinese farmers in Africa. In an interview, he described these efforts in the following way: The lease on land is usually ninety-nine years. Maybe by then Africa will no longer need food aid from the Un . Its industry and technology will be developed immensely. In the past, some ..