9 research outputs found

    Challenges of inland artisanal fish production in Nigeria: economic perspective

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    Fishery production is significant to Nigerian economy in view of its roles in providing cheap source of food/nutrition security, income, employment, serves as source of foreign exchange, particularly those of the riparian communities. Despite these significant roles, fisheries subsector is faced with huge challenges, such as: decreasing yield, inefficient management of fishing policy, inadequate technological and commercial knowledge among others, thereby limiting its production potentials. The possibility of fish production especially artisanal fisheries to match up with fish productivity in the economy depends on fishing operation, efficient use of laboour, sustainable and efficient management of fishing policy. Therefore the essence of this study is to review the challenges in fish production in Nigeria, Economic perspective, with emphasis on the role of fisheries in economic development, decreasing fish yield, market forces and resource inefficiency

    Factors affecting changing livelihood strategies of artisanal fisherfolks in inland fishing communities in Delta State

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    This study examined the factors affecting changing livelihood strategies of artisanal fisherfolks in inland fishing communities in Delta State, Nigeria. The sample size of 169 respondents was selected through a simple random sampling from a total of 935 fisherfolks in two selected Local Government Areas. Instrument for data collection was structured questionnaire. Data were analysed using descriptive and non parametric statistic. The result showed that majority (44%) of the respondents is between the ages of 41 and 60 years. There were no significant relationships between marital status, educational level, family size, income of fisherfolks and changing livelihood strategies (r= - 0.118, P = 0.05; r = -0.102, P = 0.05; r= -0.107, p 0.05; r = -0.107, P = 0.05) respectively. Correlation co-efficient analysis revealed that there was insignificant relationship between reasons for diversification of livelihood and changing livelihood strategies of the artisanal fisherfolks (r = 0.103, P = 0.184). In conclusion, the factors affecting livelihood strategies of artisanal fisherfolks include coping with insufficiency, income, obnoxious fishing method, government policy, resource depletion through sand bank, respondents ethnicity, age and sex. It is therefore recommended that greater emphasis should be directed towards provision of credit facilities. Fishing nets should also be subsidised by the government

    Women in fisheries: a case study of the Kainji Lake Basin, Nigeria

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    The study examined the contribution of women to fisheries in Kainji Lake Basin, Nigeria. The sample size of 80 respondents was selected through a purposive sampling in ten (10) fishing villages around Kainji Lake Basin. Instrument for data collection was semi- structured questionnaire. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistic. The result showed that the women are mostly engaged in processing, marketing and financing. About 60 percent of the women interviewed are engaged in marketing and financing. Ten (10) percent of the respondents are engaged in financing. The low participation in financing is attributed to high amount of capital involved. It is recommended that women should be made to benefit more from rural development policies and programmes

    Role of women in inland fishing communities in Nigeria: a review

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    The role of women in inland fishing communities in Nigeria have not been assessed or fully appreciated in the fishing industry in Nigeria. The role of women in the fisheries sub-sector is significant mainly in the post harvest activities such as sorting, preservation, processing, distribution and marketing of the fish products. The review highlights the fact that women not only make meaningful contribution to the socio-economic well-being of their households and the fishing but are also involved in other livelihood activities useful to their households and the community in which where they live. However, there are some constraints limiting women's involvement in fisheries and these range from socio-cultural, psychological to economic factors. It was therefore recommended that extension programmes on development issues should focus extensively on the post-harvest and livelihood activities in which women in inland fishing communities are mostly involved

    Gender and fisheries of Lake Kainji, Nigeria: a review

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    The paper examined gender and fisheries of Lake Kainji, Nigeria. The study highlights socio economic characteristics of women involved in Kainji Lake fisheries, important issues about gender and fisheries. It reveals that the categories of women in the Kainji Lake fisheries are in the middle age of 31 to 40 years with very low educational background. It also indicates that fish processing has been the most prominent activity of women in fisheries of Lake Kainji and constitute about 60 percent of the women. The study concludes that women play significant roles in all aspects of fisheries in Lake Kainji. Importantly, women’s roles span reproduction and production

    Problems affecting fishers' livelihood and fisheries development in Kainji Lake Basin

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    This paper examines some critical factors related to fishers' livelihood, resource sustainability and development of fisheries sub-sector in Kainji Lake Basin (KLB). Based on empirical study the findings identified some major problems to include, lack of access to finance, deflation of resources, increase in fishers' population, extinction of some important fish species and gross lack of development activities etc. These arrays of problems form the complex nature of artisanal fisheries sub-sector, which impede substantial income generation well-being of the fishers' and development of the sector. The paper made some policy recommendations to serve as guide to relevant authorities in addressing the fishers' problems

    Challenges of fish farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria

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    This study assessed fish farmers in Ondo State, south west agro-ecological zone of Nigeria using a sample size of 100 respondents, selected through a multi-stage sampling technique. Instrument for data collection was semi-structured questionnaire. Data were analysed using frequency counts and % of the respondents. Results showed that majority (52.0%) of the respondents are middle aged, 95.0% male, 93.0% married with a higher education (45.0%). The most important fisheries technology adopted by the farmers is disease control management. 67% indicated lack of finance and high cost of fish seed (58.0%) as the most important problems encountered. It was recommended that adequate incentive and grants should be given to farmers to finance fish production

    Strengthening fisheries extension under the Unified Agricultural Extension System (UAES) policy towards sustainable fisheries development in Nigeria

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    The paper examines the prospect and constraints of fisheries extension under the unification policy. It revealed certain barriers influencing its fullest utilization as well as fisher folks participation in extension programmes. Some of the barriers identified are related to inaccessibility, logistic support, improper aquaculture methodology, insufficient applied research in small scale fisheries, inability to convert research findings into positive results by small scale fisheries, inadequate number of fisheries research personnel within the existing research centers and institutes catering for the fishers sector, complexity of issues, lack of coordination and continuity in research and data deficiencies in small scale fisheries. Based on the findings, the paper recommends that, the effectiveness of the methods of identifying research needs by practitioners be assessed, the impact of the generated research results in reducing or solving field problems be ascertained, the constraints to diffusion of proven technologies from research being integrated into small scale fisheries be evaluated, the degree of effectiveness of extension delivery tools on .fishers technology adoption be ascertained, and lastly, adequate applied research in small scale fishery be emphasized

    Strengthening fisheries extension under the Unified Agricultural Extension System (UAES) policy towards sustainable fisheries development in Nigeria

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    The paper examines the prospect and constraints of fisheries extension under the unification policy. It revealed certain barriers influencing its fullest utilization as well as fisher folks participation in extension programmes. Some of the barriers identified are related to inaccessibility, logistic support, improper aquaculture methodology, insufficient applied research in small scale fisheries, inability to convert research findings into positive results by small scale fisheries, inadequate number of fisheries research personnel within the existing research centers and institutes catering for the fishers sector, complexity of issues, lack of coordination and continuity in research and data deficiencies in small scale fisheries. Based on the findings, the paper recommends that, the effectiveness of the methods of identifying research needs by practitioners be assessed, the impact of the generated research results in reducing or solving field problems be ascertained, the constraints to diffusion of proven technologies from research being integrated into small scale fisheries be evaluated, the degree of effectiveness of extension delivery tools on .fishers technology adoption be ascertained, and lastly, adequate applied research in small scale fishery be emphasized