2 research outputs found

    Isothermal Pneumo-Forming of Hemispherical Parts Made Out of Anisotropic Materials In Short-Term Creep Mode

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    International audienceProvided here are results of theoretical and experimental research of strained and stressed state, force modes, geometrical sizes for the blanks, and limit possibilities of deformation during isothermal blow molding of hemispheric parts of anisotropic material in creeping mode .Determined is the effect for the researched parameters of the studied deformation process, produced by anisotropy of mechanical properties, loading conditions and blank's geometric dimensions. Comparison of the theoretical and experimental data regarding the relative blank thickness in the blank dome and base points, and of data regarding the relative height of the blank, point to their satisfactory agreement (up to 10 percent). Recommendations have been developed regarding calculation of scientifically-based technological parameters for operations of isothermal straining of semi-spherical components made out of highly strong anisotropic materials in the mode of short-time creeping. The recommendations were used during development of technological processes of manufacture-in the mode of short-time creeping and out of highly strong anisotropic materials-.of semispherical components conforming to the operational technical requirements. The technological processes provide for increasing specific strength by 1,5 – 1,7 times, for decreasing the mass by 1,5 times, for reducing labor content by 2-3 times, and for growth of capacity factor – from 0,3 to 0,9