3 research outputs found


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    The introduction of clusters of multi-core and many-core processors has played a major role in recent advances in tackling a wide range of new challenging applications and in enabling new frontiers in BigData. However, as the computing power increases, the programming complexity to take optimal advantage of the machine's resources has significantly increased. High-performance computing (HPC) techniques are crucial in realizing the full potential of parallel computing. This research is an interdisciplinary effort focusing on two major directions. The first involves the introduction of HPC techniques to substantially improve the performance of complex biological agent-based models (ABM) simulations, more specifically simulations that are related to the inflammatory and healing responses of vocal folds at the physiological scale in mammals. The second direction involves improvements and extensions of the existing state-of-the-art vocal fold repair models. These improvements and extensions include comprehensive visualization of large data sets generated by the model and a significant increase in user-simulation interactivity. We developed a highly-interactive remote simulation and visualization framework for vocal fold (VF) agent-based modeling (ABM). The 3D VF ABM was verified through comparisons with empirical vocal fold data. Representative trends of biomarker predictions in surgically injured vocal folds were observed. The physiologically representative human VF ABM consisted of more than 15 million mobile biological cells. The model maintained and generated 1.7 billion signaling and extracellular matrix (ECM) protein data points in each iteration. The VF ABM employed HPC techniques to optimize its performance by concurrently utilizing the power of multi-core CPU and multiple GPUs. The optimization techniques included the minimization of data transfer between the CPU host and the rendering GPU. These transfer minimization techniques also reduced transfers between peer GPUs in multi-GPU setups. The data transfer minimization techniques were executed with a scheduling scheme that aims to achieve load balancing, maximum overlap of computation and communication, and a high degree of interactivity. This scheduling scheme achieved optimal interactivity by hyper-tasking the available GPUs (GHT). In comparison to the original serial implementation on a popular ABM framework, NetLogo, these schemes have shown substantial performance improvements of 400x and 800x for the 2D and 3D model, respectively. Furthermore, the combination of data footprint and data transfer reduction techniques with GHT achieved high-interactivity visualization with an average framerate of 42.8 fps. This performance enabled the users to perform real-time data exploration on large simulated outputs and steer the course of their simulation as needed

    High-Performance Agent-Based Modeling Applied to Vocal Fold Inflammation and Repair

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    Fast and accurate computational biology models offer the prospect of accelerating the development of personalized medicine. A tool capable of estimating treatment success can help prevent unnecessary and costly treatments and potential harmful side effects. A novel high-performance Agent-Based Model (ABM) was adopted to simulate and visualize multi-scale complex biological processes arising in vocal fold inflammation and repair. The computational scheme was designed to organize the 3D ABM sub-tasks to fully utilize the resources available on current heterogeneous platforms consisting of multi-core CPUs and many-core GPUs. Subtasks are further parallelized and convolution-based diffusion is used to enhance the performance of the ABM simulation. The scheme was implemented using a client-server protocol allowing the results of each iteration to be analyzed and visualized on the server (i.e., in-situ) while the simulation is running on the same server. The resulting simulation and visualization software enables users to interact with and steer the course of the simulation in real-time as needed. This high-resolution 3D ABM framework was used for a case study of surgical vocal fold injury and repair. The new framework is capable of completing the simulation, visualization and remote result delivery in under 7 s per iteration, where each iteration of the simulation represents 30 min in the real world. The case study model was simulated at the physiological scale of a human vocal fold. This simulation tracks 17 million biological cells as well as a total of 1.7 billion signaling chemical and structural protein data points. The visualization component processes and renders all simulated biological cells and 154 million signaling chemical data points. The proposed high-performance 3D ABM was verified through comparisons with empirical vocal fold data. Representative trends of biomarker predictions in surgically injured vocal folds were observed

    Towards a Physiological Scale of Vocal Fold Agent-Based Models of Surgical Injury and Repair: Sensitivity Analysis, Calibration and Verification

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    Agent based models (ABM) were developed to numerically simulate the biological response to surgical vocal fold injury and repair at the physiological level. This study aimed to improve the representation of existing ABM through a combination of empirical and computational experiments. Empirical data of vocal fold cell populations including neutrophils, macrophages and fibroblasts were obtained using flow cytometry up to four weeks following surgical injury. Random Forests were used as a sensitivity analysis method to identify model parameters that were most influential to ABM outputs. Statistical Parameter Optimization Tool for Python was used to calibrate those parameter values to match the ABM-simulation data with the corresponding empirical data from Day 1 to Day 5 following surgery. Model performance was evaluated by verifying if the empirical data fell within the 95% confidence intervals of ABM outputs of cell quantities at Day 7, Week 2 and Week 4. For Day 7, all empirical data were within the ABM output ranges. The trends of ABM-simulated cell populations were also qualitatively comparable to those of the empirical data beyond Day 7. Exact values, however, fell outside of the 95% statistical confidence intervals. Parameters related to fibroblast proliferation were indicative to the ABM-simulation of fibroblast dynamics in final stages of wound healing