177 research outputs found

    Wittgenstein vanuit continentaal fenomenologisch perspectief

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    Bestaand onderzoek dat Wittgenstein vergelijkt met de continentale fenomenologie schiet tekort. Deze onderzoek vergelijken Wittgenstein slechts begripsmatig met de continentale fenomenologen of beschrijven de ontwikkeling van het begrip fenomenologie in Wittgensteins werk. Myrthe van Nus laat zien waarom deze invalshoeken onvoldoende zijn om een antwoord op de vraag te kunnen formuleren of Wittgenstein verwantschap vertoont met de continentale fenomenologie en stelt een andere insteek voor die de methode van de fenomenologie centraal stelt. Een antwoord op de vraag formuleren of Wittgenstein tot de fenomenologische beweging behoort is belangrijk. Immers, wanneer er een verwantschap blijkt impliceert deze dat een duiding die uitsluitend in de analytische filosofische traditie is georiënteerd Wittgensteins denken tekort doet

    How should we ‘care’ for LGBT+ students within higher education?

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    This article draws on a recent U.K. research project about lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT+) perspectives on university to examine the implications for pastoral care and other service provision on campus. In a departure from previous scholarship that has tended to understand LGBT+ students as ‘vulnerable’ and/or needing ‘support’, it argues that university spaces should be (re)framed in a way that moves beyond (only) personal or individual ‘care’. The article outlines some of the issues that LGBT+ students may face under the following headings: Curriculum and course content; Discrimination, prejudice and bullying; Facilities and service provision on campus; A continuum of experiences. Following these, a final section draws some conclusions and implications for practice in higher education

    PET Imaging of Post-infarct Myocardial Inflammation.

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    Funder: Department of HealthPurpose of reviewTo examine the use of positron emission tomography (PET) for imaging post-infarct myocardial inflammation and repair.Recent findingsDysregulated immune responses after myocardial infarction are associated with adverse cardiac remodelling and an increased likelihood of ischaemic heart failure. PET imaging utilising novel tracers can be applied to visualise different components of the post-infarction inflammatory and repair processes. This approach could offer unique pathophysiological insights that could prove useful for the identification and risk-stratification of individuals who would ultimately benefit most from emerging immune-modulating therapies. PET imaging could also bridge the clinical translational gap as a surrogate measure of drug efficacy in early-stage clinical trials in patients with myocardial infarction. The use of hybrid PET/MR imaging, in particular, offers the additional advantage of simultaneous in vivo molecular imaging and detailed assessment of myocardial function, viability and tissue characterisation. Further research is needed to realise the true clinical translational value of PET imaging after myocardial infarction

    A 24 bit dsp for stack-run codec

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    Implantation sur dsp d'une methode rapide d'indexage pour la quantification vectorielle algebrique

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    Le choix d'une méthode de compression est souvent contraint par son coût calcul et son coût mémoire. La quantification vectorielle algébrique présente l'avantage d'être très rapide et ne nécessite ni la construction ni le stockage d'un dictionnaire comme dans le cas des méthodes de classification. Ces caractéristiques la rendent particulièrement adaptée aux applications de codage bas débit. Cette méthode est cependant délicate à mettre en oeuvre, en particulier en ce qui concerne l'indexage des vecteurs quantifiés. Nous avons proposé récemment un nouvel algorithme d'indexage basé sur un compromis efficace coût calcul - coût mémoire. Le but de cet article est de définir une architecture de type DSP adaptée à cet algorithme et permettant d'envisager des applications bas débit avec une transmission proche du temps réel

    Neoliberalisation and 'lad cultures' in higher education

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    This paper links HE neoliberalisation and ‘lad cultures’, drawing on interviews and focus groups with women students. We argue that retro-sexist ‘laddish’ forms of masculine competitiveness and misogyny have been reshaped by neoliberal rationalities to become modes of consumerist sexualised audit. We also suggest that neoliberal frameworks scaffold an individualistic and adversarial culture among young people that interacts with perceived threats to men’s privilege and intensifies attempts to put women in their place through misogyny and sexual harassment. Furthermore, ‘lad cultures’, sexism and sexual harassment in higher education may be invisibilised by institutions to preserve marketability in a neoliberal context. In response, we ask if we might foster dialogue and partnership between feminist and anti-marketisation politics

    Metode i važnost ispitivanja oksidacije biljnih ulja, masti i lipoproteina pomoću lipaze pankreasa i arilesteraze

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    Fats and oils as major dietary components are involved in the development of chronic diseases. In this paper the physiological relevance and some methodological aspects related to the determination of two enzymes enrolled in metabolism of fat – pancreatic lipase and arylesterase – are discussed. Pancreatic lipase has been extensively used to study the triacylglycerol fatty acid composition and the in vitro digestion of oils and fats. The action of this enzyme may be coupled to analytical methods as GC, HPLC, HPSEC, TLC- -FID, etc. as a useful tool for understanding the composition and digestion of thermal oxidized oils. Pancreatic lipase hydrolysis occurs in the water/oil interface, and it presents a behaviour that seems to be Michaelian, in which the apparent Km and the apparent Vmax of the enzymatic process depend more on the type of oil tested than on the degree of alteration. The kinetic behaviour of pancreatic lipase towards thermally oxidized oils also depends on the presence of natural tensioactive compounds present in the oil and surfactants formed during the frying. Arylesterase is an HDL binding enzyme that inhibits LDL oxidation. Low serum concentration of this enzyme has been related to increased cardiovascular disease risk. In this paper the most widely used methods for the determination of arylesterase activity are commented on. The importance of intrinsic factors (e.g. substrates, cofactors) participating in the enzyme reaction is also discussed. Moreover, several suggestions about further researches on the influence of extrinsic factors (e.g. diet, oxidative stress) upon the enzyme activity are proposed.Masti i ulja, kao glavni sastojci prehrane, uzrok su razvoja nekih kroničnih bolesti. U radu su ispitivani fiziološka važnost i neke metode određivanja dvaju enzima koji sudjeluju u metabolizmu masti, i to lipaze pankreasa i arilesteraze. Lipaza pankreasa vrlo se često koristila u ispitivanju sastava masnih kiselina u triacilglicerolima i u in vitro digestiji ulja i masti. Djelovanje tog enzima može se povezati s analitičkim metodama kao što su GC, HPLC, HPSEC i TLC-FID kako bi se utvrdio sastav i digestija toplinski oksidiranih ulja. Hidrolitsko djelovanje lipaze pankreasa provodi se na granici faza voda/ulje, te se čini da se pokorava Michaelis-Mentenovoj kinetici, u kojoj prividne Km i Vmax vrijednosti enzimskog procesa više ovise o vrsti ispitivanog ulja nego o stupnju hidrolize. Kinetika lipaze pankreasa prema toplinski oksidiranim uljima ovisi također o prisutnosti prirodnih tenzioaktivnih spojeva u ulju i o površinski aktivnim spojevima nastalim tijekom prženja. Arilesteraza je enzim koji veže HDL i time inhibira oksidaciju LDL. Mala koncentracija tog enzima u serumu povezana je s povećanim rizikom kardiovaskularnih bolesti. U radu su prikazane najčešće primijenjeni postupci za određivanje aktivnosti arilesteraze. Ujedno je razmotrena važnost unutarnjih faktora (npr. supstrata, kofaktora) koji sudjeluju u enzimskoj reakciji. Nadalje, predložena su daljnja istraživanja o utjecaju vanjskih faktora (npr. dijeta, oksidativni stres) na aktivnost enzima

    Regulatory B cell-specific interleukin-10 is dispensable for atherosclerosis development in mice.

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the role of regulatory B cell-derived interleukin (IL)-10 in atherosclerosis. APPROACH AND RESULTS: We created chimeric Ldlr(-/-) mice with a B cell-specific deficiency in IL-10, and confirmed that purified B cells stimulated with lipopolysaccharide failed to produce IL-10 compared with control Ldlr(-/-) chimeras. Mice lacking B-cell IL-10 demonstrated enhanced splenic B-cell numbers but no major differences in B-cell subsets, T cell or monocyte distribution, and unchanged body weights or serum cholesterol levels compared with control mice. After 8 weeks on high-fat diet, there were no differences in aortic root or aortic arch atherosclerosis. In addition to plaque size, plaque composition (macrophages, T cells, smooth muscle cells, and collagen) was similar between groups. CONCLUSIONS: In contrast to its prominent regulatory role in many immune-mediated diseases and its proposed modulatory role in atherosclerosis, B cell-derived IL-10 does not alter atherosclerosis in mice.This work was funded by the British Heart Foundation (to Z.M.). M. N. has received funding from the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under REA grant agreement n° 608765.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from American Heart Association at http://dx.doi.org/10.1161/ATVBAHA.115.305568

    Regulatory B cell-specific interleukin-10 is dispensable for atherosclerosis development in mice

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    Objective: To determine the role of regulatory B cell derived interleukin (Il)-10 in atherosclerosis. Approach and Results: We created chimeric Ldlr-/- mice with a B cell-specific deficiency in Il-10, and confirmed that purified B cells stimulated with LPS failed to produce IL-10 compared to control Ldlr-/- chimeras. Mice lacking B cell Il-10 demonstrated enhanced splenic B cell numbers but no major differences in B cell subsets, T cell or monocyte distribution, and unchanged body weights or serum cholesterol levels compared to control mice. After 8 weeks on high fat diet, there were no differences in aortic root or aortic arch atherosclerosis. In addition to plaque size, plaque composition (macrophages, T cells, smooth muscle cells and collagen) was similar between groups. Conclusions: In contrast to its prominent regulatory role in many immune-mediated diseases and its proposed modulatory role in atherosclerosis, B cell derived Il-10 does not alter atherosclerosis in mice.This work was funded by the British Heart Foundation (to Z.M.). M. N. has received funding from the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under REA grant agreement n° 608765.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from American Heart Association at http://dx.doi.org/10.1161/ATVBAHA.115.305568

    Undergraduate mental health issues: the challenge of the second year of study

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    Background: Student mental health is a global issue. Macaskill (2012) reported that the second year was associated with the most significant increases in psychiatric symptoms in UK students. Qualitative data were collected to explore this further. Method: Twenty-three second year undergraduate students were interviewed using a narrative interviewing method to explore their experience of their second year of study. They also completed the GHQ-28. Students were grouped according to their psychiatric caseness scores, giving two groups, a well group with scores ≤ 5 and a clinical case group with scores ≥6 and their interview data were compared. Results: Using thematic analysis, various themes and subthemes were identified. While both groups identified the same issues namely, the first year concerns impacting on the second year, course issues, careers and future employability and student debt, the groups reported very different coping styles. Conclusion: There were shared anxieties across both groups. The majority related to institutional practices and the unintended impact they may be having on student mental health. While specialist interventions would help the clinical caseness group, arguably the anxiety levels of both groups would benefit equally from relatively easy to implement, inexpensive institutional changes and/or additions to current practices in universities