3 research outputs found


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    Peningkatan kreativitas anak di awali dari kegiatan yang mudah dilakukan sesuai dengan tingkat kesulitas secara bertahap. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perkembangan kreativitas seni anak melalui permainan bak pasir  pada anak kelompok A di RA Al-Ishlah Kalipare dan untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan permainan bak pasir yang meningkatan kreativitas seni pada anak kelompok A di RA Al-Ishlah Kalipare. Metode penelitian tindakan kelas (Action Research) menerapkan dua siklus. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian pada siklus I menunjukkan kreativitas seni anak sudah mengalami peningkatan setelah dilakukan tindakan dengan prosentase 37,49%. Akan tetapi peningkatan kreativitas anak belum mencapai indikator keberhasilan yang diharapkan sehingga perlu perbaikan pada siklus II dengan prosentase 85,71% terjadi peningkatan diantaranya dengan prosentase 48,22% termasuk kriteria tinggi. penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan proses kreativitas anak melalui permainan bak pasir sangat cocok digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran anak usia dini

    Analisis Miskonsepsi Peserta Didik pada Materi Pertidaksamaan Linear Satu Variabel Melalui Two- Tier Test

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    This study aims to analyze students' misconceptions on the one-variable linear inequality system materials through a two-tier test and analyze the possible causes of students' misconceptions in the one-variable linear inequalities materials. This research is qualitative research with an exploratory method. The data collection technique uses a two-tier test. The data are collected through one variable linear inequality test and unstructured interviews. The instruments used are in the form of one variable linear inequality test questions and interview guidelines. The research subject was taken in a purposive way. The results showed that (1) students' misconceptions on each indicator of one variable linear inequalities were characterized by subjects who did not understand the differences between variables, coefficients and constants, subjects who did the summation between variables and constants, subjects who did not understand the concepts related to the stories question on linear inequalities of one variable, and subjects who do not understand in making mathematical models related to one variable linear inequalities ; (2) factors causing students' misconceptions include the lack of understanding of students on the concept of linear equations and inequalities of one variable, learning the topic of One Variable Linear Equations becomes the starting point of learning the topic of One Variable Linear Inequalities, students lack of practicing questions that contain algebra which has coefficients in the form of decimal numbers, the study does not explain how the rule "change the sign of the inequality when multiplying or dividing both sides of the inequality with negative numbers" can be obtained, and contextual problems are only given as an application of the topic of One Variable Linear Inequalities

    Implementasi Prinsip Pareto Dan Penentuan Biaya Usaha Seblak Naha Rindu

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    ABSTRAK   Tujuan penelitian guna mengetahui penerapan Prinsip Pareto dan menentukan kebutuhan biaya usaha kuliner makanan Seblak Naha Rindu. Metode penelitian menggunakan Diagram Pareto. Penelitian berlangsung selama empat bulan sejak bulan September hingga Desember 2022 dengan objek usaha seblak yang dikelola empat mahasiswa STIE Ganesha Jakarta. Teknik olah data dilakukan dengan pembuatan diagram Pareto, observasi, dan pengamatan lapangan. Berdasarkan hasil penelian, terdapat 11 permasalahan usaha Seblak Naha Rindu yang perlu diselesaikan segera oleh pelaku usaha. Prinsip ini menyatakan bahwa dalam banyak kasus 80% akibat disebabkan oleh 20% penyebab. Urutan masalah mulai dari yang paling urgent untuk segera diatasi antara lain a) promosi tidak gencar, b) inovasi produk, c) hasil olahan tidak matang/merata, d) takaran bumbu tidak merata, e) kurangnya SDM yang terampil dalam memasak, f) menu varian tidak update, g) bahan baku kadaluarsa, dan h) lokasi usaha tidak nyaman/kotor. Selanjutnya i) tidak ada fasilitas internet, j) tata ruang lokasi usaha, serta k) kartu member pelanggan. Adapun menentukan biaya usaha Seblak Naha Rindu dapat diketahui dengan 10 kegiatan yaitu a) promosi produk, b) riset inovasi produk, c) gaji karyawan, d) pemasangan instalasi jaringan internet, e) bahan baku, f) alat perlengkapan, g) tata ruang, h) kartu member pelanggan, i) lain-lain, j) pelatihan SDM karyawan.   Kata Kunci: Prinsip Pareto; Penentuan Biaya; Usaha Seblak; Naha Rindu.     ABSTRACT   This study aims to determine the implementation of the Pareto Principle and to determine the cost requirements for the Seblak Naha Rindu food culinary business. The research method uses Pareto Diagrams. The research was conducted for four months from September to December 2022 with the object of the seblak business managed by four STIE Ganesha Jakarta students. Data processing techniques are carried out by making Pareto diagrams, observations, and field observations. This principle states that in most cases 80% of the consequences are caused by 20% of the causes. Based on the research results, there are 11 Seblak Naha Rindu business problems that need to be resolved immediately by business actors. The sequence of problems starting from the most urgent to be resolved immediately includes a) incessant promotion, b) product innovation, c) processed products are not cooked / evenly distributed, d) uneven seasoning doses and e) lack of skilled human resources in cooking, f) menu variants are not updated, g) expired raw materials, and h) uncomfortable/dirty business locations. Furthermore, i)  there are no internet facilities, j) layout of the business location, and k) customer member cards. As for determining the cost of Seblak Naha Rindu's business, it can be found with 10 activities, namely a) product promotion, b) product innovation research, c) employee salaries, d) internet network installation, e) raw materials, f) equipment, g) layout, h) customer member cards, i) others, j) employee HR training.   Keywords : Pareto Principle; Costing, Seblak Business, Naha Rind