990 research outputs found
The explicit procedures for reconstruction of full set of helicity amplitudes in elastic proton-proton and proton-antiproton collisions
The explicit procedures are described for reconstruction of the full set of
helicity amplitudes in proton-proton and proton-antiproton elastic scattering.
The procedures are based on the derivative relations for the helicity
amplitudes in s-channel, on the explicit parametrization of the leading spin
non flip amplitudes and crossing - symmetry relations. Asymptotic theorems are
used for definition of free parameters in derivative relations. We also study
the Odderon influence on the helicity amplitude reconstruction. Reconstruction
procedures are valid at extremely wide energy domain and broad range of
momentum transfer. These procedures might be useful in studying the spin
phenomena in proton-proton and proton-antiproton elastic scattering.Comment: 4 pages, XVII International Spin Physics Symposium, SPIN2006, October
2-7, 2006, Kyoto, Japa
RAMPEX - a new spin experiment (presented for HELION97, 20-24 Jan 1997, Kobe, Japan)
RAMPEX - Russian-AMerican Polarization EXperiment - is dedicated to studies
of one-spin asymmetries which have twist-3 and also twist-2 origin, in hard and
semi-hard inclusive processes on the polarized propane-diol target. A special
consideration has been given for the prospects of using polarized 3He target.
The studies will be performed at the Serpukhov accelerator at 70 GeV/c (proton
beam) and 40 GeV/c (pi- beam).Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur
De l'utilisation possible d'une cible polarisée pour la recherche du boson W dans les collisions NN
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