5 research outputs found
Latar Belakang. Suplementasi vitamin A belum menjangkau seluruh anak Indonesia usia 6–59 bulan. Tujuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis secara spasial cakupan suplementasi vitamin A dan hubungannya dengan kejadian diare pada anak di Indonesia. Metode. Studi ekologi dengan pendekatan spasial ini menganalisis data yang dikumpulkan oleh Kementerian Kesehatan RI pada tahun 2021. Populasi studi adalah anak-anak berusia 6–59 bulan di Indonesia, dengan sampel seluruh anak yang mendapat suplementasi vitamin A yang tercatat dalam profil kesehatan Indonesia tahun 2021. Penelitian ini menganalisis cakupan vitamin A pada 34 provinsi di Indonesia dan kejadian diare pada anak. Analisis regresi spasial dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan perangkat lunak QGIS versi 3.10 dan Geoda sebagai instrumen penelitian. Hasil. Hasil pemetaan cakupan vitamin A menunjukkan terdapat 22 provinsi dengan cakupan di atas 81 persen dan satu provinsi dengan cakupan di bawah 25 persen. Terdapat autokorelasi spasial secara mengelompok (Moran's I= 0,549, dengan Io= -0,0303) antar provinsi dalam cakupan vitamin A. Kejadian diare pada balita memiliki autokorelasi positif dengan cakupan vitamin A (Moran's I= 0,659, dengan Io =-0,0303) dan membentuk pola klaster. Analisis regresi spasial lag memperkuat temuan terdapatnya autokorelasi spasial antara kejadian diare dan cakupan vitamin A (koefisien=0,171; p value= 0,0464), dan variabel cakupan vitamin A memiliki pengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kejadian diare (p=0.0000). Analisis dengan metode local indicator of spatial association (LISA) menemukan bahwa provinsi Banten, Jawa Barat, dan Jawa Tengah berada pada kuadran High-High, sedangkan provinsi DKI Jakarta dan DI Yogyakarta berada di kuadran Low-High, serta provinsi Papua dan Papua Barat berada pada kuadran Low-Low. Kesimpulan. Terdapat heterogenitas pola spasial pada cakupan vitamin A dan terdapat hubungan autokorelasi spasial antar kejadian diare dan cakupan vitamin A antar provinsi di Indonesia. Dibutuhkan perencanaan sistematis untuk mengatasi kesenjangan program suplementasi vitamin A dan memastikan peningkatan cakupan untuk peningkatan kualitas kesehatan anak
Background: The Public Health Center (PHC) is a gatekeeper to formal healthcare in Indonesia. PHCs in Central Java have met the basic health facility readiness standard, but there are still numerous challenges to increasing the utilization of PHCs.
Aims: This study aimed to analyze the factors related to the utilization of PHC in Central Java.
Methods: This cross-sectional study used secondary data from the 2018 Indonesia Basic Health Research, with 63,118 total samples. The independent variables were residence, age, gender, marital status, education, insurance, and socioeconomic, while the dependent variable was the utilization of PHC. The data were analyzed using a binary logistic regression.
Results: The average rate of utilization of PHC in Central Java in 2018 was 5.7%. Those aged 46-65 and >65 years old, women, married and widowers, and those with health insurance had a higher possibility of utilizing PHC. Meanwhile, those who graduated from secondary and tertiary school, the employed, and the wealthiest group had a lower possibility of utilizing PHC.
Conclusion: The factors related to the utilization of PHC in Central Java are age group, gender, marital status, education level, working status, health insurance ownership, and socioeconomic status.
Keywords: basic health service, health service access, public health, public health cente
Persebaran Habitat Keong Perantara Schistosomiasis di Dataran Tinggi Lindu, Kabupaten Sigi, Sulawesi Tengah
Schistosomiasis in Indonesia is caused by the trematode worm, Schistosoma japonicum, with the snail Oncomelania hupensis lindoensis as the intermediate host. The presence of these snails is an indicator of determining the habitat area for the intermediate host of schistosomiasis. The aim of the study was to map the distribution of snail habitat in the Lindu endemic area. An observational study with a cross-sectional design was conducted in August 2021. The study was conducted in two villages in the Lindu Highlands, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi Province. The number of snail habitats in the Lindu Plateau found 25 habitats, covering an area of ​​27,088 m2. Snail density and infection rate (IR) were found to be 27.06 snails/minute (IR 0.68%). Based on the research, it can be concluded that the distribution pattern of the snail habitat in Lindu was clustered in certain areas. Habitat in Anca Village was most widely found in neglected coffee plantation areas, and a small part in primary forest areas. Snail habitat in Tomado Village was mostly found in watersheds, parapa grass in swamp areas, and uncultivated rice fields. Environmental management that can be carried out by multi sectors are the creating of rice fields, the creation of fish ponds, and the diversion of community paths in the Lore Lindu National Park area that passes through the habitat of schistosomiasis intermediate snails.
Schistosomiasis di Indonesia disebabkan oleh cacing trematoda jenis Schistosoma japonicum dengan hospes perantara keong Oncomelania hupensis lindoensis. Keberadaan keong tersebut sebagai indikator penetapan daerah habitat hospes perantara schistosomiasis. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk untuk memetakan distribusi habitat keong di wilayah endemis Lindu. Jenis penelitian adalah observasional dengan desain potong lintang yang dilakukan pada bulan Agustus tahun 2021. Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Anca dan Tomado Kecamatan Lindu Kabupaten Sigi, Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Jumlah habitat keong di Dataran Tinggi Lindu ditemukan 25 habitat, seluas 27.088 m2. Kepadatan keong dan tingkat infection rate (IR) ditemukan sebesar 27,06 keong/menit (IR 0,68%). Berdasarkan penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pola persebaran habitat keong di Lindu adalah mengelompok/clustered pada daerah tertentu. Habitat di Desa Anca ditemukan paling banyak di daerah kebun kopi yang terabaikan, dan sebagian kecil di daerah hutan primer dengan kanopi tertutup. Habitat keong di Desa Tomado paling banyak ditemukan di daerah aliran air, parapa, rawa, dan sawah tidak diolah. Manajemen lingkungan yang dapat dilakukan oleh lintas sektor yaitu pencetakan sawah, pembuatan kolam ikan, dan pengalihan jalur masyarakat dalam Kawasan Taman Nasional Lore Lindu yang melewati habitat keong perantara schistosomiasis
A national-scale land cover reference dataset from local crowdsourcing initiatives in Indonesia
Here we present a geographically diverse, temporally consistent, and nationally relevant land cover (LC) reference dataset collected by visual interpretation of very high spatial resolution imagery, in a national-scale crowdsourcing campaign (targeting seven generic LC classes) and a series of expert workshops (targeting seventeen detailed LC classes) in Indonesia. The interpreters were citizen scientists (crowd/non-experts) and local LC visual interpretation experts from different regions in the country. We provide the raw LC reference dataset, as well as a quality-filtered dataset, along with the quality assessment indicators. We envisage that the dataset will be relevant for: (1) the LC mapping community (researchers and practitioners), i.e., as reference data for training machine learning algorithms and map accuracy assessment (with appropriate quality-filters applied), and (2) the citizen science community, i.e., as a sizable empirical dataset to investigate the potential and limitations of contributions from the crowd/non-experts, demonstrated for LC mapping in Indonesia for the first time to our knowledge, within the context of complementing traditional data collection by expert interpreters
Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection among children under fifteen years of age: A population-based study in Indonesia
Objective: To assess the prevalence of Mycobacterium (M.) tuberculosis infection and its associated risks in children under fifteen years of age.
Methods: Based on secondary data from the 2018 Indonesian Basic Health Survey (RISKESDAS 2018), this cross-sectional study employed M. tuberculosis infection in children as a dependent variable and age level, sex, region, location, family case positive, and smoking as independent variables. Geospatial analysis was applied to show the prevalence of M. tuberculosis infection and multivariate regression was performed to analyze the risk factors of getting the infection among children under 15 years of age.
Results: Prevalence ranges of M. tuberculosis infection among children aged 0-14 years, babies (age <12 months), toddlers (age 12-59 months), and children aged between 5 and 14 years were 0.03% to 0.57%, 0% to 0.64%, 0% to 0.78%, and 0.01% to 0.53%, respectively in Indonesia. A high prevalence of M. tuberculosis infection among children under 15 years of age was found in Papua and other provinces, such as Kalimantan and Java. Contacting with tuberculosis family members was positively associated with M. tuberculosis infection in children as shown by multivariate logistic regression (OR 8.94; 95% CI 5.4-14.6, P<0.05).
Conclusions: Contacting with family member who has tuberculosis is related with M. tuberculosis infection among children in Indonesia. Therefore, screening the household for contact with tuberculosis patients is a preventive treatment for children