4 research outputs found

    Towards Research University through Ambidexterity Practice: A Lecturer Perspective

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    The concept of ambidexterity in organization theory refers to an organization's ability to innovate in explorative manners (Duncan, 1980). Ambidexterity can be identified into structural ambidexterity and contextual ambidexterity (Tushman, O'Reilly, 1990). In small medium enterprises, for example, innovation activities take contextual form since most owners act both as entrepreneurs and business leaders (Kusumastuti, et.al., 2015), while in established corporations innovation activities generally occur in structural form. Thus research takes academic institution as its locus, within which innovation activities are mandatory for all civitas academica (academic community). The study uses mixed method for collecting data through questionnaires and in-depth interviews. It shows that university has the capacity to provide context in institutional support and remuneration system as a means stimulate lecturers and researchers to be more innovative. The scheme also provided structure at the university and faculty level as tools to coordinate and integrate research projects. The organizational learning at the individual level reflects the pattern of contextual ambidexterity process

    Towards Research University through Ambidexterity Practice: A Lecturer Perspective

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    The concept of ambidexterity in organization theory refers to an organization's ability to innovate in explorative manners (Duncan, 1980). Ambidexterity can be identified into structural ambidexterity and contextual ambidexterity (Tushman, O'Reilly, 1990). In small medium enterprises, for example, innovation activities take contextual form since most owners act both as entrepreneurs and business leaders (Kusumastuti, et.al., 2015), while in established corporations innovation activities generally occur in structural form. Thus research takes academic institution as its locus, within which innovation activities are mandatory for all civitas academica (academic community). The study uses mixed method for collecting data through questionnaires and in-depth interviews. It shows that university has the capacity to provide context in institutional support and remuneration system as a means stimulate lecturers and researchers to be more innovative. The scheme also provided structure at the university and faculty level as tools to coordinate and integrate research projects. The organizational learning at the individual level reflects the pattern of contextual ambidexterity process


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     ABSTRACTSocial innovation studies are unique studies and are still relatively rare. The study contains that business models from among those who are often marginalized can also be a source of income. In addition, the importance is also that the utilization of resources owned by a region can be a source of competitive advantage when properly managed considering that each region has a different context. This study analyzes the social innovation model in Tegal Waru Village which was originally a poor and underdeveloped village in 2010 but later it can transform into an economically independent village. This study uses a qualitative approach with data collection methods through in-depth interviews and also observations. The selection of informants is based on the criteria that the person understands the business processes carried out and is also a stakeholder of Tegal Waru Tourism Village. The results showed that the Tegal Waru Tourism Village was a village that managed to enhance its natural and human resources so that it became a source of competitive advantage through the establishment of a Business Tourism Village which is still rare in Indonesia. A unique business model is offering entrepreneurship education with a value proposition to educate everyone to become entrepreneurs by relying on the core competencies and resources they have with philosophy hence provide benefits to many people. ABSTRAKKajian social innovation merupakan kajian yang unik dan masih relatif jarang. Kajiannya berisi bahwa model bisnis dari kalangan yang seringkali termajinalkan juga dapat menjadi sumber penghasilan. Selain itu, pentingnya juga adalah bahwa pemanfaatan sumber daya yang dimiliki oleh suatu daerah dapat menjadi sumber keunggulan bersaing manakala dikelola dengan baik mengingat masing-masing daerah memiliki konteks yang berbeda-beda. Penelitian ini menganalisis tentang model inovasi sosial di Desa Tegal Waru yang awalnya merupakan desa miskin dan tertinggal di tahun 2010an tetapi kemudian dapat menjelma menjadi Desa yang mandiri secara ekonomi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam dan juga observasi. Pemilihan informan berdasarkan kriteria bahwa yang bersangkutan memahami proses bisnis yang dijalankan dan sekaligus merupakan stakeholder Desa Wisata Tegal Waru. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tahun 2018. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Desa Wisata Tegal Waru merupakan desa yang berhasil mengelola sumber daya alam dan manusia yang dimilikinya sehingga menjadi sumber keunggulan bersaing melalui pembentukan Desa Wisata Bisnis yang masih langka di Indonesia. Bussiness model yang unik yaitu menawarkan pendidikan entrepeneruship dengan value proposition mendidik setiap orang agar dapat menjadi entrepreneur dengan mengandalkan core competence dan sumber daya yang dimilikinya dengan falsafah agar dapat memberikan manfaat untuk banyak orang.

    The Mapping of Internet Marketing Potential for SMEs Working on Indonesian Traditional Fabrics

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    Due to their rapid development, technology and internet are widely used in business, particularly for marketing. Internet marketing generates numerous benefits. This study illustrates and analyzes the potential of internet marketing for Small and Mendium enterprises (SMEs) working on Indonesian traditional fabrics in three regions: Palembang, Solo, and Banjarmasin. The study focuses on the extent to which SMEs working on traditional fabrics in these districts apply internet marketing, mapping the potential, and providing recommendations related to a better preparation of internet marketing for SMEs to tackle competition on a global level. This study applies post-positivist paradigm by using qualitative methods. The data are collected through in-depth interviews with SMEs and the governments in the three regions. To analyze the internet marketing applied by SMEs working on traditional fabrics, this study applies the theory of Kotler and Armstrong (2012) whose indicators are: creating/designing an effective website, carrying out online promotion, creating/participating in marketing and web community, and using email. The findings can be categorized into technical and non-technical findings. Technical findings show that SMEs in these cities have not applied internet marketing or online marketing optimally. Several SMEs in Solo already have social media and websites but the majority of SMEs in two other cities simply use social media (Instagram and Facebook), BBM, and WhatsApp as media for promotion. Non-technical findings show several important elements to develop in order to achieve successful internet marketing in SMEs, namely human resources, the role of associations, the role of the government, and the value of traditional fabrics