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    Heavy metals are defined as the transition elements that have a high atomic mass, are toxic, and cannot be broken down by living organisms. Metal Lead (Pb) is one of the heavy metals which are widely distributed in the environment. Heavy metal lead is one of the causes of serious health problems because it can cause disturbances to the human body. Therefore, the aim of this literature review is to present an illustration and up-to-date data on the analytical methods used for food and beverages contaminated with lead heavy metal (Pb). The methodology of this research is a literature review study from several databases such as Science Direct, Pubmed, and Google Scholar with a limitation of publication in the last 10 years. The results of a literature review from the analysis of Pb metal contamination in food and beverages, there are several techniques that can be utilized to analyze and various factors that cause the amount of lead (Pb) levels such as the atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) method

    Analisis Tartazin pada Makanan dan Minuman

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    Additives that are often used in food and beverages with the aim of attracting the attention of consumers, namely commonly known as addictive substances in food and beverages, can be in the form of dyes, flavoring and aroma, enhancers, antioxidants, preservatives, emulsifiers, bleaches, thickeners and sweeteners. Tartrazine or FC&C Yellow 5 dye code E 102 is a synthetic dye that produces a lemon yellow color which is easily soluble in water, and is a derivative of coal tar which is a mixture of phenolic compounds, polycyclic and heterocyclic hydrocarbons. The tartrazine compound is resistant to light, acetic acid, HCl and 10% NaOH, while 30% NaOH will undergo a chemical reaction with a reddish color change. Easily faded in the presence of an oxidizing agent, FeSO4 will make the substance solution cloudy, whereas in the presence of copper (Cu) there will be a change from yellow to reddish. paper chromatography and Uv-Vis spectrophotometry methods were positive for containing Tartrazine dye with levels that exceeded the limit set by ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake), which is around 7.5 mg/Kg/day. Tartrazine dye levels in samples A, B, C, D and E respectively 1.06457 ; 28.1832 ; 40.6126 ; 15.7269 and 28.936 mg/L. The use of tartrazine that exceeds the maximum limit permitted by the Government can cause harmful effects to the health of the body. Among them such as causing urticaria (skin allergies), rhinitis (runny nose), asthma, purpura (bruises on the skin) and systemic anaphylaxis (shock). The maximum limit for the use of tartrazine coloring permitted by the Government of Indonesia based on BPOM Regulation Number 11 of 2019 states that the maximum level of use of tartrazine in food additives is a maximum of 100 mg/kg for confectionery or candy which includes hard and soft confectionery, nougat and others.Bahan tambahan yang sering digunakan dalam makanan dan minuman dengan tujuan agar menarik perhatian konsumen yaitu biasa dikenal dengan zat adiktif pada makanan dan minuman dapat berupa pewarna, penyedap rasa dan aroma, pemantap, antioksidan, pengawet, pengemulsi, pemucat, pengental dan pemanis. Tartrazin atau FC&C Yellow 5 kode pewarna E 102 adalah pewarna sintetis yang menghasilkan warna kuning lemon yang mudah larut dalam air, serta merupakan turunan dari coal tar yang merupakan campuran dari senyawa fenol, hidrokarbon polisiklik dan heterosiklik. Senyawa tartrazin tahan terhadap cahaya, asam asetat, HCl dan NaOH 10%, sedangkan NaOH 30% akan terjadi reaksi kimia dengan terjadinya perubahan warna menjadi kemerah-merahan. Mudah luntur dengan adanya oksidator, FeSO4 akan membuat larutan zat menjadi keruh, sedangkan dengan adanya tambaga (Cu) akan terjadi perubahan dari warna kuning menjadi kemerahmerahan. metode Kromatografi kertas dan spektroftometri Uv-Vis positif mengandung zat warna Tartrazin dengan kadar yang melebihi batas yang telah ditetapkan ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake) yaitu sekitar 7,5 mg/Kg/day. Kadar zat warna Tartrazin pada sampel A, B, C, D dan E berturut – turut antara lain 1,06457 ; 28,1832 ; 40,6126 ; 15,7269 dan 28,936 mg/L. Penggunaan tartrazin yang melebihi batas maksimum dari yang diizinkan oleh Pemerintah dapat menimbulkan efek yang berbahaya bagi kesehatan tubuh. Diantaranya seperti menyebabkan urtikaria (alergi kulit), rhinitis (pilek), asma, purpura (memar pada kulit) dan anafilaksis sistemik (shock). Batas maksimum penggunaan pewarna tartrazin yang diizinkan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia berdasarkann Peraturan BPOM Nomor 11 Tahun 2019 menyatakan kadar maksimal penggunaan tartrazin dalam bahan tambahan makanan adalah maksimal 100 mg/kg untuk kembang gula atau permen yang meliputi kembang gula keras dan lunak, nougat dan lain-lain