39 research outputs found

    Mini Review: Ekstrak Sirsak (Annona muricata Linn.) untuk Terapi Kanker

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    Cancer is one of the killer diseases in the world. The number of cancer patients is grow rapidly as world populations grow. That fact trigger medical world to develop a more effective with lower side effect therapy for cancer. One of the therapy which developed is natural therapy with plant extracts, such as soursop (A. muricata Linn.) extract. Soursop has chemical matter called acetogenin which able to induce apoptosis by inhibit ATP production in cellular respiration. Acetogenin also inhibit Bcl-2 protein activity so cancer cell proliferation is also inhibited. Those leads to inhibition of uncontrolled cell proliferation in cancer patients. Soursop (A. muricata Linn.) extract for cancer therapy has to be developed to determine the optimal doses, longterm safety, and possible side effect that may inflicted so this therapy would be safe for cancer patients

    Comparison of Antioxidant Activity of Ethanolic, Methanolic, n-Hexan, and Aqueous Extract of Parkia speciosa Peel based on Half -Maximal Inhibitory Concentration Through Free Radical Inhibition

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    The objectives of this study was to determine the half maximum inhibitory concentration (IC50) from four types of Parkia speciosa peel extracts (ethanol, methanol, n-hexane, and aqueous)  through DPPH free radical inhibition. First Parkia’s peel extract made by drying the Parkia’s peel that has been sorted, then crushed and mashed with a blender. Parkia’s powder then macerated for 3 replication using each type of solvent and then solvent evaporation was carried out using a rotary vacuum evaporator. The evaporated extract produced then tested for antioxidant activity using the IC50 method and phytochemical screening was performed to analyze the potential content of functional compounds. The results showed that all types of solvents dissolve alkaloid compounds (except water extract), flavonoids, saponins, tannins, and phenols. IC50 values produced from the four types of petai bark extract using methanol, ethanol, water, and n-hexane solvents sequentially were 76.92; 111; 136; and 201 ppm. Methanol extract had the lowest IC50 value of 76.92 ppm which resulted that the methanol extract of petai skin had a strong (active) antioxidant strength compared to others.Keywords: Antioxidant, Exctract, Parkia’s peel, IC5

    Potensi Antioksidan Ekstrak Air Cincau Hitam sebagai Hepatoprotektor pada Tikus yang Diinduksi Parasetamol Dosis Toksik

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kemampuan antioksidan ekstrak air cincau hitam dalam melindungi sel liver tikus yang dipapar parasetamol dosis toksik. Penelitian ini dibagi menjadi 2 tahap. Tahap pertama adalah proses ekstraksi daun cincau hitam dengan metode infusa dan pengujian aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak air cincau hitam (EACH). Tahap kedua yaitu tahap pengujian secara In vivo, pada tahap ini sebanyak 24 ekor tikus strain wistar dibagi menjadi 6 kelompok yaitu, kelompok 1 tanpa perlakuan (kontrol), kelompok perlakuan II mendapat parasetamol 500 mg/kgBB, kelompok perlakuan III dan IV diberikan perlakuan parasetamol 500 mg/kgBB selama 14 hari kemudian masing-masing diberikan EACH 250 dan 500 mg/kgBB selama 21 hari. Semua kelompok dilakukan pengamatan berat badan dan asupan pakan harian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak air cincau hitam 500 mg/kgBB memiliki aktivitas antioksidan DPPH yang hampir menyamai BHT yaitu sebesar 82,760%, pemberian EACH pada berbagai dosis mampu meningkatkan kadar SOD  dan GSH secara signifikan dibanding kelompok kontrol positif, serta mampu menurunkan pembentukan peroksidasi lipid melalui pengamatan kadar MDA serum secara signifikan (P<0,05). Ekstrak air cincau hitam dosis 500 mg/kgBB memiliki sifat antioksidasi terbaik yang berperan sebagai hepatoprotektor akibat paparan parasetamol dosis toksik

    Optimasi Fermentasi Asam Laktat Oleh Lactobacillus Casei Pada Media Fermentasi Yang Disubtitusi Tepung Kulit Pisang

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan kondisi optimum fermentasi asam laktat pada beberapa perbandingan konsentrasi substrat dan inokulum yang berasal dari pemanfaatan limbah kulit pisang sebagai subtrat dan Lactobacillus casei sebagai inokulum. Optimasi dilakukan dengan rancangan percobaan menggunakan Central Composite Design (CCD) dengan penentuan titik optimum variabel menggunakan Respon Surface Methodolgy (RSM). Tiga belas satuan percobaan, yaitu konsentrasi substrat (X1: 2,5; 5; 7,5% b/v) dan inokulum (X2: 2, 4, 6% v/v), digunakan untuk menentukan titik optimum proses fermentasi. Fermentasi dilakukan dengan sistem tumpak dengan volume media 100 mL dalam fermentor berupa labu Erlenmeyer 250 mL. Kultur diinkubasi pada goyangan 150 rpm dan suhu 37 °C, selama 72 jam. Selanjutnya, asam laktat hasil analisis digunakan sebagai respon penentuan titik optimum variabel proses fermentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rendemen proses penepungan kulit pisang yang dihasilkan adalah 23,02% dengan karakteristik kimia memiliki kadar pati, gulatotal, asam total, dan serat kasar secara berturut-turut adalah 5,35; 1,36; 0,61; dan 1,54 % (b/b). Titik optimum konsentrasi substrat dan inokulum, yaitu 4,71% dan 6,61%, menghasilkan konsentrasi biomassa yang optimum sebesar 5,99 g/L, sedangkan titik optimum variabel X1 dan X2 dengan konsentrasi substrat dan inokulum sebesar 4,31% dan 4,64% menghasilkan nilai optimum konsentrasi asam laktat sebesar 7,06 g/L, yang merupakan hasil produksi asam laktat terbaik pada penelitian ini

    Pemberdayaan Wanita Tani Kabupaten Kudus dalam Pembuatan Saus Cabai (Capsicum anuum)

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    Produksi cabai (Capsicum anuum) di Kabupaten Kudus yang cukup melimpah belum banyak dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat. Buah cabai dapat diolah menjadi produk saus sehingga meningkatkan nilai ekonominya. Pengolahan cabai menjadi saus cabai dapat meningkatkan nilai jual sekaligus menghindari pembusukan berlebih ketika musim panen. Pengolahan cabai ini juga dapat menjadi alternatif pemberdayaan wanita tani di Kabupaten Kudus sehingga keterampilan dan produktivitasnya meningkat. Program ini bertujuan untuk memberdayakan wanita tani di Kabupaten Kudus dalam pembuatan saus cabai demi meningkatkan produktivitas dan kesejahteraan ekonomi masyarakat. Pelaksanaan program dibagi menjadi tiga tahapan yaitu penyuluhan dan sosialisasi, pelatihan, serta monitoring dan evaluasi. Peserta pelatihan adalah ibu-ibu wanita tani Kabupaten Kudus yang cenderung tidak produktif. Antusiasme peserta pelatihan terlihat dari keterlibatan dan partisipasi mereka dalam setiap tahapan program. Peningkatan keterampilan pembuatan saus cabai melalui pemberdayaan wanita tani Kabupaten Kudus ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan produktivitas dan tingkat ekonomi masyarakat yang selama ini bergantung pada sektor pertanian.Kata kunci: pemberdayaan, saus cabai, wanita tani.AbstractThe high production of chilli (Capsicum anuum) in Kudus is not utilized yet. Chilli can be processed to other products such as chilli ketchup so its economical value is increasing. Chilli processing to ketchup is improve its price and also inhibit putrefaction when in harvest time. Its chilli processing can also empower peasant women in Kudus so it would increase their skill and productivity. The aim of this program is to empower peasant women in Kudus to process chilli ketchup. The program is devide into three steps: counseling and socialization, training, also monitoring and evaluation. The participants are peasant women in Kudus whose productivity is not so high.The participants antusiasm showed in their involvements and partisipations in each steps. Productivity of society are expected to improve by empower Kudus peasant women to produce chilli ketchup. So, the economy level is also been increased by its empowering program

    Efek Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Petai (Parkia speciosa) Terhadap Fungsi Hepar Rattus norvegicus yang Terpapar Minyak Goreng Bekas

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    The use of cooking oil repeatedly is one of liver damage trigger which usually be marked byenhancement of SGPT and SGOT level. The objective of this study is to know the eff ect of P. speciosa peelethanolic extract in used cooking oil exposed Wistar rats (R. norvegicus). The indicator are SGPT and SGOTconcentration. Parkia speciosa peel was extracted then use to antioxidant source. Rattus norvegicus was divided into 4 group. Group 1 with no treatment, group 2 with 1 ml used cooking oil 118 mek/kg and 100 mg/l extract, group 3 with 1 ml used cooking oil 118 mek/kg and 200 mg/l extract, and group 4 as positive control with 1 ml used cooking oil 118 mek/kg. Each group serum sample was analyzed for SGPT and SGOT. The result showed that 200 mg extract treatment is signifi cantly bring lower SGPT and SGOT concentration compared to positive control. The higher dose of ethanolic extract of P. speciosa peel is highly prevent liver damage which indicated by the lower SGPT and SGOT concentration in serum. The ethanolic extract of P. speciosa peel has potential to ward off free radicals which caused by used cooking oil exposed. That fact was be marked by SGPT and SGOT decreasing persentage.Penggunaan minyak goreng secara berulang merupakan salah satu pemicu terjadinya kerusakan heparyang seringkali ditandai dengan meningkatnya kadar SGPT dan SGOT dalam darah. Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk mengetahui efek pemberian ekstrak etanol kulit petai (P. speciosa) pada R. norvegicus yang terpaparminyak goreng bekas dengan indikator kadar SGPT dan SGOT. Penelitian dimulai dengan ekstraksi kulit petaiuntuk kemudian digunakan sebagai sumber antioksidan dalam melawan paparan radikal bebas akibat minyak jelantah secara in vivo. Rattus norvegicus dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok. Kelompok I kontrol negatif, Kelompok II dengan 1 ml minyak jelantah 118 mek/kg dan ekstrak etanol kulit petai dosis 100 mg/l, Kelompok III dengan 1 ml minyak jelantah 118 mek/kg dan ekstrak etanol kulit petai dosis 200 mg/l, serta Kelompok IV sebagai kontrol positif yang diberi 1 ml minyak jelantah 118 mek/kg. Pemberian ekstrak etanol kulit petai dengan dosis 200 mg/kgBB mampu mencegah kerusakan hepar yang ditandai dengan kadar SGPT dan SGOT serum yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kontrol positif. Kesimpulan penelitian menunjukkan ekstrak etanol kulit petai memiliki potensi sebagai antioksidan dalam menangkal radikal bebas akibat paparan minyak goreng bekas

    Fraksinasi Ekstrak Metanol Buah Parijoto (Medinilla speciosa Blume) dengan Pelarut Metanol, Etil Asetat, dan N-Heksana

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    Parijoto fruit (Medinilla speciosa Blume) is an endemic fruit around Mount Muria, Kudus, Central Java. The native people utilize Parijoto as traditional herbal medicine. Those utilization due to its metabolite compounds, such as tannin, flavonoid, fenolic, terpenoid, etc. In order to utilize Parijoto fruit properly, it is necessary to have an appropriate extraction and fractination method. So, the bioactive compounds of Parijoto fruit can be optimally extracted. The objective of this study is to obtain fractions of Parijoto fruit using three different solvent, methanol, ethyl acetate, and n-hexane. This study perform maceration as extraction method and liquid-liquid fractination to obtain the fractions. The dry simplicia yield was 85.49%. The maceration result was in the form of a blackish red green liquid with 67.45% yield. The methanol fraction was a thick blackish red liquid with 45.4% yield. While, the ethyl acetate fraction was a slightly fibrous viscous liquid with pinkish milk brown colour and 22.8% yield. On the other hand, the n-hexane fraction was a greenish viscous liquid with 13.8% yield. The highest yield is the result of fractination with methanol as a solvent because it is the most polar among others in this study. The solvent polarity is greatly affects the yield of fractination from natural product materials. In this study, the order of Parijoto yield from the highest to the lowest is methanol fraction, ethyl acetate fraction, and the last is n-hexane fraction. Those results were obtained due to the differences of each solvent polarity

    Effects of An Isotonic Medinilla Speciosa During and After Exercise

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 16(2): 1269-1283, 2023. Maintaining an adequate fluid balance is crucial during extended physical activity. It is currently unknown how drinking an isotonic medinilla speciosa beverage affects the autonomic regulation of heart function during and after exercise. The purpose of this study is to examine how drinking isotonic beverages affects heart rate variability (HRV) during and after intense exercise. A maximal exercise test to assess protocol loading, a control group, and an experimental group were all carried out by twenty-one young man (19.3 ± 1.2 years) over the course of three distinct protocols, with a 48-hour break in between each stage. The protocol called for 10 minutes of rest with the subject lying down, 90 minutes of treadmill work at 70% of one\u27s maximum oxygen uptake, and 60 minutes of rest in the dorsal decubitus position. In the control group, no rehydration beverages could be consumed. No matter the level of hydration, alterations in the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS) were seen, showing an increase in the former and a reduction in the latter. Hydration with isotonic solutions during recovery causes considerable alterations in cardiac autonomic regulation, hastening the recovery of the linear HRV index. Exercise-induced HRV was not significantly impacted by isotonic hydration, however it does speed up the recovery of linear indices after exercise


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    Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan kondisi optimum fermentasi asam laktat pada beberapa perbandingan konsentrasi substrat dan inokulum yang berasal dari pemanfaatan limbah kulit pisang sebagai subtrat dan Lactobacillus casei sebagai inokulum. Optimasi dilakukan dengan rancangan percobaan menggunakan Central Composite Design (CCD) dengan penentuan titik optimum variabel menggunakan Respon Surface Methodolgy (RSM). Tiga belas satuan percobaan, yaitu konsentrasi substrat (X1: 2,5; 5; 7,5% b/v) dan inokulum (X2: 2, 4, 6% v/v), digunakan untuk menentukan titik optimum proses fermentasi. Fermentasi dilakukan dengan sistem tumpak dengan volume media 100 mL dalam fermentor berupa labu Erlenmeyer 250 mL. Kultur diinkubasi pada goyangan 150 rpm dan suhu 37 °C, selama 72 jam. Selanjutnya, asam laktat hasil analisis digunakan sebagai respon penentuan titik optimum variabel proses fermentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rendemen proses penepungan kulit pisang yang dihasilkan adalah 23,02% dengan karakteristik kimia memiliki kadar pati, gulatotal, asam total, dan serat kasar secara berturut-turut adalah 5,35; 1,36; 0,61; dan 1,54 % (b/b). Titik optimum konsentrasi substrat dan inokulum, yaitu 4,71% dan 6,61%, menghasilkan konsentrasi biomassa yang optimum sebesar 5,99 g/L, sedangkan titik optimum variabel X1 dan X2 dengan konsentrasi substrat dan inokulum sebesar 4,31% dan 4,64% menghasilkan nilai optimum konsentrasi asam laktat sebesar 7,06 g/L, yang merupakan hasil produksi asam laktat terbaik pada penelitian ini.   Abstract The objective of this study is to determine the optimum condition of lactic acid fermentation with various concentrations of substrate and inoculum, which derived from the utilization of banana peel waste as substrate and Lactobacillus casei as inoculum. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used in this study. Variable optimization was conducted by Central Composite Design (CDC) with RSM to determine the optimum point of lactic acid fermentation variable. Those step used 13 groups with independent variable in the form of substrate concentrations (X1:2.5; 5; 7.5% w/v) and inoculum concentrations (X2: 2, 4, 6% v/v) to decide the optimum point of variable in the fermentation process. Fermentation was performed in a batch system with 100 mL media in a fermenter of 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask. The culture was incubated at 150 rpm and 37 °C for 72 hours.The result of lactic acid was used to determine the optimum point of variable in fermentation. The results showed that the yield from the fluor making process of banana peel was 23.02% with chemical characteristics of starch content, total sugar, total acid, and crude fiber were 5.35; 1.36; 0.61; and 1.54% w/w, respectively. The optimum concentration of substrate and inoculum concentration, 4.71% and 6.61%, resulted in optimum biomass concentration of 5.99 g/L, while the optimum point of X1 and X2 variables with substrate and inoculum concentration of 4.31% and 4.64% yielded optimum lactate acid concentration of 7.06 g/L, which is the best production of lactic acid in this study. Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15408/kauniyah.v11i1. 616

    Physical Characteristics of Analog Coffee from Kepok Banana Skin (Musa paradisiaca) Fermented with Lactobacillus plantarum

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    Kepok banana peel can be used as analog coffee. The use of Lactobacillus plantarum is expected to be able to increase flavor during roasting. This study aims to study the effect of fermentation with L. plantarum and roasting time on physical characteristics and analog coffee preferences. This research uses factorial design with the first factor, fermentation, and non-fermentation, while the second factor is the roasting time of 10, 20, and 30 minutes. Kepok banana skin-fermented with L. plantarum for 4 days at 37°C. Drying banana peels done at a temperature of ±50°C for 24 hours. The roasting is done in 10, 20, and 30 minutes. Then milling and sifting are carried out. The results showed that the longer the roasting would decrease the L* value. Fermentation treatment will reduce the value of L*. The fermentation treatment will increase the panelists' liking for color and appearance.Keywords: analog coffee, kepok banana peel, L. plantarum , fermentatio