30 research outputs found
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung leader member exchange (LMX), organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) dan innovative work behavior (IWB) terhadap kinerja organisasi pada PT. Persero Angkasa Pura I Bandar Udara Internasional Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan analisis jalur dengan bantuan Amos ver. 21. Data diperoleh melalui penyebaran kuesioner dan wawancara langsung kepada responden dengan menggunakan metode pemilihan sampel probability sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 146 orang. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa LMX berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap IWB dan OCB berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap IWB. LMX memiliki pengaruh terhadap Kinerja organisasi. OCB memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja organisasi. IWB memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja organisasi. LMX berpengaruh positif dan signifikan kinerja organisasi melalui IWB. OCB memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja organisasi melalui IWB
Non-Physical Work Environment, Career Development, and Work Motivation on Employee Performance
Employee performance (EP) is one of the supporting factors in improving the quality of tertiary institutions to support improving services to the academic community. The phenomena in this study are employee dissatisfaction with inadequate non-physical work environment policies, lack of clear career development opportunities, and low levels of work motivation which can affect performance effectiveness. What is linking between non-physical work environment (NP), career development, and WM on EPer? There are still few researchers who explore this question, especially in the scope of higher education. This study will use both qualitative and quantitative data, both of which are different types of data. The study's sample and population were both civil servants based on echelon III and IV at Hasanuddin University with a total of 120 respondents. A multiple linear regression analysis is the method uses for analysis. The findings showed that NP variables, career development, and WM have a significant effect on EPer. The findings of this study indicate that career development has a dominant effect on EPer. These findings contribute to the development of theory and practice in the areas of work psychology and managing human resources
Analisis Keberlanjutan Agribisnis Paprika di Kabupaten Gowa (Studi Kasus Kelompok Tani Veteran Buluballea Malino)
The research was aimed to (1) identify the level of sustainability of the paprika agribusiness in Gowa Regency, (2) identify the factors affecting the sustainability of the paprika agribusiness in Gowa Regency. Rap-Paprika's MDS (Multidimensional Scaling) analysis is used to identify the level of sustainability as well as factors affecting the sustainability of paprika agribusiness in Gowa Regency in terms of economic, ecological, social, technological and institutional dimensions. The results of this study show that the level of sustainability of agribusiness peppers in Gowa Regency is at a sustainable level with an index value of 72.83. This result shows that the agribusiness of peppers in Gowa Regency is already running quite well, where the very sustainable dimension is shown the social dimension, while the economic dimension, ecological dimension, technological dimension, and institutional dimension still need attention from policymakers, so that the sustainability of these four dimensions can be raised to a very sustainable level. From the results of the MDS analysis of 5 dimensions of sustainability and 49 sustainability attributes, showing 15 sensitive attributes that show the most dominant factor affecting the sustainability of paprika agribusiness in Gowa Regency, Monte Carlo and MDS analysis showed that the value of the status of the paprika sustainability index in Gowa Regency in each dimension with a confidence interval of 95%, the MDS analysis results showed S-Stress values for all dimensions and multidimensional had a smaller value from 0.25, the coefficient of determinatinon (R²) value of each dimension and multidimensional is close to the values 1. These results show that the interrelationship of all attributes used in each dimension in the Rap-paprika MDS analysis is good enough to untangle the problem of agribusiness sustainability of peppers in Gowa Regency.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) mengidentifikasi tingkat keberlanjutan, (2) mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberlanjutan agribisnis paprika di Kabupaten Gowa. Analisis MDS (Multidimensional Scaling) Rap-Paprika digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat keberlanjutan serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberlanjutan agribisnis paprika di Kabupaten Gowa dilihat dari dimensi ekonomi, ekologi, sosial, teknologi dan kelembagaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan tingkat keberlanjutan agribisnis paprika di Kabupaten Gowa berada di level berkelanjutan dengan nilai indeks sebesar 72,83. Hasil ini menunjukkan agribisnis paprika di Kabupaten Gowa sudah berjalan dengan cukup baik, dimana dimensi yang sangat berkelanjutan ditunjukkan dimensi sosial, sedangkan dimensi ekonomi, dimensi ekologi, dimensi teknologi, dan dimensi kelembagaan masih perlu mendapat perhatian dari pembuat kebijakan, sehingga keberlanjutan dari keempat dimensi tersebut bisa dinaikkan ke tingkat sangat berkelanjutan. Hasil analisis MDS dari 5 dimensi keberlanjutan dan 49 atribut keberlanjutan, menunjukkan 15 atribut sensitif yang menunjukkan faktor yang paling dominan mempengaruhi keberlanjutan agribisnis paprika di Kabupaten Gowa, analisis Monte Carlo dan MDS menunjukkan bahwa nilai status indeks keberlanjutan paprika di Kabupaten Gowa pada masing-masing dimensi dengan selang kepercayaan 95 %, hasil analisis MDS menunjukkan nilai S-Stress untuk semua dimensi dan multidimensi memilki nilai lebih kecil dari 0,25, nilai koefisien determinasi (R²) setiap dimensi dan multidimensi mendekati nilai 1. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa keterkaitan seluruh atribut yang digunakan disetiap dimensi pada analisis MDS Rap-paprika sudah cukup baik untuk mengurai masalah keberlanjutan agribisnis paprika di Kabupaten Gowa
Performance Evaluation and Organization’s Culture Impacts on Job Satisfaction and Employees’ Performance
Abstract: The study investigates and evaluates impacts of performance evaluation and company’s culture on job satisfaction and employees’ performance. Method of data collection is using questionnaire. Data was analyzed by path analysis with decomposition model of causal influence between variables. The results indicate that the influence of two variables - performance evaluation and Company’s culture have direct and indirect effect to employees’ performance. The other variable (job satisfaction) has direct effect to employees’ performance
Effect of Leadership and Employee Work Performance to Employee Performance Through the Satisfaction of Work as Intervening Variable in PT. Wedu District Merauke
Human resources is one of the determinants of corporate success because the role of human resources as a valuable asset is to plan, implement and control various corporate operations. This study uses quantitative methods to examine the population or specific samples, random sampling in general and quantitative / statistical data analysis with the aim to test the hypothesis that has been established using the help of software SPSS 20.0. The result of this research found that partially leadership style and work environment have positive and significant influence to the satisfaction, leadership style and work environment have positive and significant effect to performance, job satisfaction have positive and significant effect to performance. while indirect influence shows the style of leadership and work environment have positive and significant influence to performance through satisfaction
Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah meningkatkan motivasi, pengetahuan dan pemahaman kelompok masyarakat UMKM di Kabupaten Wajo, Sulawesi Selatan tentang motivasi untuk pengembangan usaha bagi UMKM binaan Dinas Perindustrian, perdagangan, koperasi dan UKM Kabupaten Wajo. Dua UMKM yang menjadi mitra adalah UMKM Lion Putra Perdana, dan UMKM Wanita Sejahtera. Metode pendekatan yang ditawarkan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan mitra tersebut adalah: (1) Pertemuan secara daring dan luring; (2) Ceramah singkat tentang penjelasan materi yang disajikan pada kegiatan ini; (3) Diskusi dan Latihan Kelompok untuk membahas kasus-kasus dengan mengambil contoh kasus usaha dari beberapa peserta sehubungan dengan materi yang disajikan; (4) Game dan Simulasi dengan menyajikan beberapa games/permainan-permainan yang terkait dengan bisnis untuk memperoleh refleksi sekaitan dengan aktifitas usaha anggota/pengurus UMKM. Pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam ceramah, diskusi serta games dan simulasi adalah pemateri, peserta, fasilitator, dan panitia. Beberapa metode dikombinasikan dalam aplikasinya sehingga meningkatkan partisipasi dan pemahaman seluruh peserta dalam proses pelatihan. Output pengabdian ini adalah artikel yang diterbitkan pada jurnal pengabdian pada masyarakat atau jurnal yang relevan dan sebagai tambahan dimuat pada media cetak online yakni fajar.com.
Kata kunci: Pelatihan, motivasi, daring dan luring.
The purpose of this community service activity is to increase the motivation, knowledge and understanding of MSME community groups in Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi about the motivation for business development for MSMEs assisted by the Department of Industry, trade, cooperatives and SMEs of Wajo Regency. The two MSMEs that become partners are the Lion Putra Perdana MSME and the Wanita Sejahtera MSME. The approach methods offered to resolve the partners' problems are: (1) Online and offline meetings; (2) a short lecture on the explanation of the material presented in this activity; (3) Group Discussions and Exercises to discuss cases by taking examples of business cases from several participants in relation to the material presented; (4) Games and Simulations by presenting several games/games related to business to gain reflection in relation to the business activities of MSME members/managers. The parties involved in lectures, discussions as well as games and simulations are presenters, participants, facilitators, and committees. Several methods are combined in their application so as to increase participation and understanding of all participants in the training process. The output of this service is articles published in community service journals or relevant journals and additionally published in online print media, namely Fajar.com.
Keywords: Training, motivation, online, and offline
The Influence of Organizational Culture, Leadership Style and Organizational Commitment in Improving Employee Performance
The university is one of the containers, where the provision of service facilities and provide human resource capacity to the identical community of various sciences. This study aims to determine to know the influence of Organizational Culture, Leadership Style and Organizational Commitment in improving job performance Employees consisting of permanent and non permanent lecturer at Unpad Unpad Dili Timor-Leste. The type of research used in this study is quantitative approach. The quantitative approach is based on the approach done by recording and analyzing the data of the research results by using statistical calculations supported by literature study and data collection tool in the form of questionnaires distributed to permanent and non permanent lecturers at Unpad Unpad Dili Timor-Leste. The results showed that partially organizational culture, positive and significant effect on employee performance, leadership style has a positive and significant impact on employee performance, as well as organizational commitment have a positive and significant impact on employee performance
The Effect of Situational Leadership on Employee Performance Through the Corporate and Organizational Working Citizenship Behavior as Intervening Variables (Case Study on Office of PT Nindya Karya Branch Makassar)
The role of leadership will be important and necessary to harmonize the various needs and also to create a conducive working situation. This study aims to determine to know the influence of leadership on employee performance mediated by job satisfaction and OCB at PT Nindya Karya Makassar Branch. The type of research used in this study is quantitative approach. The quantitative approach bases the study of empirical rational principles. The quantitative approach bases the study of empirical rational principles. Therefore, before doing research the researcher must find the problem and hypothesis to be tested based on the criteria specified and the path analysis tool that is Smart PLS 2.0 to know the relation of the variable. The result of this research shows that situational leadership has a significant positive effect on employee job satisfaction, situational leadership has positive and significant effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior of employees, while situational leadership has positive and insignificant effect on employee performance. As the mediation variable of job satisfaction has negative and insignificant effect on employee performance while Organization Citizenship Behavior has positive and significant effect on employee performance. For situational leadership mediation perspectives have no significant positive effect on employee performance mediated by job satisfaction while situational leadership has a positive and significant effect on employee performance mediated by organizational citizenship behavior.
Keywords: Situational Leadership, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Employee Performanc
One of the most fundamental problems in the process of improving employee performance in a company is employee competence which is influenced by talent management. This study aims to determine and justify the influence of competence on employee performance through talent management in PT. Baruga Asrinusa Development. The method in this study uses quantitative methods using the path analysis method (path analysis) to measure the influence of competence on employee performance through talent management. The results of this study show that competence has a positive and significant effect on talent management, competence has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, talent management has a positive and significant effect on employee performance and competence has a positive and significant effect on employee performance through talent management