11 research outputs found
Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate Na-montmorillonite (Na-MMT) intercalated medium molecular weight (MMW) chitosan as an oral drug delivery vehicle for In Vitro release of theophylline sustained release tablet.
Methods: Montmorillonite (MMT) clay were synthesized into Na-MMT and treated with chitosan. Combination becomes synthesis of Na-montmorillonite intercalated MMW chitosan. Parameters tested including MMT characterization as well as already intercalated using XRD, FTIR and SEM. Tablets were prepared using the wet granulation method. The physical properties evaluation was conducted on granules and tablets. Dissolution test used apparatus II USP model with 100 rpm of speed rotation for 6 hours and phosphate buffer pH 7.2 as a medium. Absorbance of the sample was measured on a spectrophotometer.
Results: XRD spectra results showed 15.43 Ã… MMT basal spacing. Na-MMT was synthesized and distance between the layers value was 15.225 Ã…, this was because the smaller size of impurity cations than Na+ cation. After intercalation with chitosan, distance between layers became wider to 15.94Ã…. Characterization results with FTIR spectra on MMT intercalated MMW chitosan exposed similarities with Na-MMT, small shift was occurred. This indicated that intercalation with chitosan did not change the structure of Alumina silicate MMT. However, the physical properties of the granule were not affected by any difference of components formula. Tablets physical properties still meet the reference requirements. Tablets with dissolution efficiency has different values with different composition formulas.
Conclusion: Characteristics of the MMT, Na-MMT, Na-MMT intercalated MMW chitosan did not change much. The intercalation process of Na-MMT with chitosan further accelerates drug release compared to MMT and exhibited a prolonged release as compared to the pure drug without MMT
Pelatihan Keselamatan Bahan Gas Berbahaya Untuk Teknisi Mesin Pendingin
Pelatihan keselamatan bahan gas berbahaya untuk teknisi mesin pending telah dilaksanakan untuk teknisi mesin pendingin yang tergabung dalam paguyuban Aneka Jasa Teknik Surakarta (AJTS). Kecelakaan kerja berkaitan dengan gas freon banyak diberitakan di dunia maya. Paguyuban AJTS merupakan perkumpulan dari teknisi yang banyak berkecimpung sebagai teknisi mesin pendingin terutama AC, kulkas, dan freezer di Solo Raya. Pelatihan ini penting untuk dilakukan untuk membekali teknisi tersebut agar selamat dalam perakitan dan perbaikan mesin pendingin. Pelatihan ini dilaksanakan secara luring meliputi ceramah keselamatan bahan, praktek mengenal MSDS, dan praktek mendeteksi kebocoran gas freon menggunakan alat leaking detektor. Hasil pelatihan antara lain: peserta paham tentang bahaya gas freon dan pencegahan kecelakaan kerja dalam penanganan mesin pendingin. Pelatihan sangat bermanfaat bagi teknisi mesin pendingin terutama peserta pelatihan dan pembaca artikel ini, sehingga keselamatan kerja dapat tercapai
Perbandingan Efektivitas Patient-Controlled Analgesia (PCA) Fentanil, PCA Morfin dan Tramadol Intravena sebagai Analgetik Pasca Operasi Modified Radical Mastectomy
Background : Modified Radical Mastectomy often accompanied by moderate to severe post-operative pain. Some patients who received intermitten analgesic combination of tramadol and ketorolac still complaining of pain. PCA is a new method of analgesic administration. The use of PCA fentanyl and PCA morphine is expected to be more effective in the management of MRM post-operative pain.
The aim of study : This study aims to determine the effectivity, side effects and patient satisfaction level between intravenous PCA fentanyl, PCA morphine and tramadol as an analgesic for post-operative MRM.
Methods : Double-blind clinical trial of 36 patients who were scheduled to undergo MRMfulfilled this study criteria. After general anesthesia, the patients were divided into 3 groups of post-operative analgesic treatment: 1) PCA fentanyl group with fentanyl loading dose 50 mcg, demand dose 20 mcg, 10 min interval lockout, 70 mcg/hour dose limit, infusion background 30 mcg/hour; 2) PCA group morphine with morphine loading dose 4 mg, demand dose 1 mg, 10 minute interval lockout, 6 mg/hour limit dose, no background infusion; 3) tramadol group who received intravenous tramadol 100 mg/8 hours. Periodic assessment of NRS score, RASS score, vital signs, side effects and patient satisfaction levels during first 24 hours post-operative. Data analyzed with Shapiro-Wilk followed by Kruskal-Wallis or One Way ANOVA, were considered significant if p<0.05.
Result : PCA fentanyl is the most effective, followed by PCA morphine then tramadol. PCA fentanyl and PCA morphineRASS score are lower than tramadol(p=0,000). Drugs side effects are nausea,vomiting and dizziness which not statistically significant. PCA fentanyl provides the highest patient satisfaction level, while there is no significant differences between PCA morphine and tramadol(p=0,009). Blood pressure, respiratory rate and pulse rate PCA fentanyl and PCA morphine is significantly lower than tramadol group.
Conclusion :PCA fentanyl and PCA morphine are more effective than tramadol. PCA fentanyl providesthe highest patient satisfaction level. Drugs side effects are nausea, vomiting and dizziness which not statistically significant.
Keyword : MRM,PCA fentanil, PCA morfin, tramadol, effectivity, side effects, patient satisfaction level
Latar Belakang : Operasi Modified Radical Mastectomy menimbulkan nyeri derajat sedang hingga berat pasca operasi. Sebagian pasien yang mendapat kombinasi anagetik tramadol dan ketorolak secara berkala, masih mengeluh nyeri. PCA merupakan metode baru pemberian analgetik. Penggunaan PCA fentanil dan PCA morfin diharapkan dapat lebih efektif dalam mengatasi nyeri pasca operasi MRM.
Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan efektivitas, efek samping dan tingkat kepuasan pasien antara penggunaan PCA fentanil, PCA morfin dan tramadol intravena sebagai analgetik pasca operasi MRM.
Metode :Dilakukan uji klinis tersamar ganda terhadap 36 pasien rencana operasi MRM yang memenuhi kriteria penelitian. Setelah dilakukan anestesi umum, pasien dibagi dalam 3 kelompok perlakuan pemberian analgetik pasca operasi: 1) kelompok PCA fentanil dengan fentanilloading dose 50 mcg, demand dose 20 mcg, lockout interval 10 menit, limit dose70 mcg/jam, background infusion 30 mcg/jam; 2) kelompok PCA morfin denganmorfin loading dose 4 mg, demand dose 1 mg, lockout interval 10 menit, limit dose6 mg/jam, tanpa background infusion; 3)kelompok tramadol yang mendapat tramadol intravena 100 mg/8jam. Dilakukan penilaian berkala skor NRS, RASS, tanda vital, efek samping dan tingkat kepuasan pasien selama 24 jam pasca operasi. Data dianalisa dengan Shapiro-Wilk dilanjutkan Kruskal-Wallis atau One wayANOVA, dianggap bermakna bila p< 0,05.
Hasil :Efektivitas terbaik pada PCA fentanil, diikuti PCA morfin lalu tramadol. Skor RASS PCA fentanil dan PCA morfin lebih rendah dari tramadol (p=0,000). Terdapat efek samping mual, muntah dan dizziness yang secara statistik tidak berbeda bermakna. Tingkat kepuasan pasien tertinggi pada kelompok PCA fentanil, sedangkan antara kelompok PCA morfin dan tramadol tidak berbeda bermakna(p=0,009). Tekanan darah, laju napas dan laju nadi kelompok PCA fentanil dan PCA morfin lebih rendah daripada tramadol.
Simpulan:PCA fentanil dan PCA morfin lebih efektif dibandingkan tramadol. PCA fentanil memberikan tingkat kepuasan pasien yang lebih tinggi dibanding PCA morfin dan tramadol. Terdapat efek samping mual, muntah dan dizziness namun secara statistik tidak berbeda bermakna
Kata Kunci : MRM, PCA fentanil, PCA morfin, tramadol, efektivitas, efek samping, tingkat kepuasan pasie
Mass Rapid Transit Operation and Maintenance Cost Calculation Model
Mass rapid transit (MRT) is an efficient transportation mode that is urgently needed by a growing city such as Jakarta, Indonesia. However, limited research has attempted to evaluate the system’s current performance through a comprehensive, unit-based calculation of the costs of MRT operation and maintenance. This research aimed to develop a system for calculating and comparing MRT operation and maintenance costs per kilometer per year. The cost model has three components, namely, capital, operation cost, and maintenance cost, which are, respectively, calculated based on their percentage toward total cost. The cost model calculation determined that Jakarta MRT operation and maintenance costs total USD 8.44 million per kilometer per year. This result was compared to other countries’ MRT operations
Design of power monitoring and electrical control systems to support energy conservation
The increasing demand for electrical energy and the decreasing supply of fossil fuels in recent years have increased the cost of electrical energy. So that the culture of saving electrical energy is a habit that must be cultivated in the community. On the other hand, energy-saving behavior cannot be realized massively without a support system that can control energy use. With these concerns, it is necessary to develop a method that encourages a culture of saving electrical energy. This paper proposes a system that supports active energy efficiency methods that can support an energy-efficient culture. This system is an electric power monitoring system that is integrated with a smart electrical panel that continuously monitors the use of electrical energy and can control electrical loads automatically, record electricity usage, provide comprehensive reports and analyze energy usage. The method used to carry out this research is research and development. This research has produced a prototype of electrical power control and monitoring system that has a smart panel based on a raspberry PI 3 and PZEM-004t power energy meter. The monitoring system performs and executes automatic control of electrical loads. The system can also provide reports in the form of data monitoring in daily, weekly, monthly or annual period. From the test results, it can be concluded that the system can work well. This research is expected to contribute to providing a system that can support government efforts in saving energy. © Pakistan Academy of Sciences
Synthesis and characterization of natural Ca(OH)2/KF superbase catalyst for biodiesel production from palm oil
The natural Ca(OH)2/KF superbase catalyst was synthesized by grinding and calcinations with a rapid thermal annealing method. It was applied to transesterification of palm oil into biodiesel. The effect of molar ratio Ca(OH)2 to KF and calcinations temperature on the catalyst character and the catalytic activity was investigated. The catalysts were characterized by XRD, FTIR, CO2-TPD, surface area, and TGA. The results indicated that natural Ca(OH)2 reacted to KF in forming monoclinic and orthorhombic KCAF3. The monoclinic KCF3 was produced by reaction between Ca(OH)2 and KF, where as the orthorhombic KCaF3 was produced by reaction between CaCO3 impurities and KF. The best catalyst was natural Ca(OH)2/KF with molar ratio of Ca(OH)2 to KF 0.8:1 and calcinations at 500oC. The catalyst was able to convert 97.6 % oil into biodiesel within 1 minute at 5 % catalyst, molar ratio oil/methanol of 1/12, reaction temperature of 65oC
Morphometric, Behavioral, and Genomic Evidence for a New Orangutan Species
Six extant species of non-human great apes are currently recognized: Sumatran and Bornean orangutans, eastern and western gorillas, and chimpanzees and bonobos [1]. However, large gaps remain in our knowledge of fine-scale variation in hominoid morphology, behavior, and genetics, and aspects of great ape taxonomy remain in flux. This is particularly true for orangutans (genus: Pongo), the only Asian great apes and phylogenetically our most distant relatives among extant hominids [1]. Designation of Bornean and Sumatran orangutans, P. pygmaeus (Linnaeus 1760) and P. abelii (Lesson 1827), as distinct species occurred in 2001 [1, 2]. Here, we show that an isolated population from Batang Toru, at the southernmost range limit of extant Sumatran orangutans south of Lake Toba, is distinct from other northern Sumatran and Bornean populations. By comparing cranio-mandibular and dental characters of an orangutan killed in a human-animal conflict to those of 33 adult male orangutans of a similar developmental stage, we found consistent differences between the Batang Toru individual and other extant Ponginae. Our analyses of 37 orangutan genomes provided a second line of evidence. Model-based approaches revealed that the deepest split in the evolutionary history of extant orangutans occurred ∼3.38 mya between the Batang Toru population and those to the north of Lake Toba, whereas both currently recognized species separated much later, about 674 kya. Our combined analyses support a new classification of orangutans into three extant species. The new species, Pongo tapanuliensis, encompasses the Batang Toru population, of which fewer than 800 individuals survive. Video Abstract [Figure presented] Nater et al. describe a new great ape species, the Tapanuli orangutan Pongo tapanuliensis. An isolated population from Batang Toru is highly distinct from the northern Sumatran and Bornean species, based on morphological variation, corroborated by population genomic analyses. Fewer than 800 individuals of P. tapanuliensis survive in the wild