156 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar siswa yang dibelajarkan menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Buzz Group (MPKBG) dengan hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran langsung, dan (2) mengetahui perbedaan keterampilan sosial siswa yang dibelajarkan menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Buzz Group dengan keterampilan sosial siswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran langsung (MPL). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi experiment dengan rancangan “Nonequivalen Control Design”. Subyek dalam penelitian siswa SMKN 2 Surabaya, kelas X TITL-1 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan X TITL-2 kelas kontrol. Untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar dan keterampilan sosial siswa dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis statistik uji-t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) hasil belajar siswa yang dibelajarkan menggunakan MPKBG dengan rata-rata 73,54 lebih tinggi atau berbeda secara signifikan pada taraf signifikansi 5% dibandingkan dengan hasil belajar siswa yang dibelajarkan menggunakan MPL dengan rata-rata 70,16, dan (2) keterampilan sosial siswa yang dibelajarkan menggunakan MPKBG dengan rata-rata 71,97 lebih baik atau berbeda secara signifikan pada taraf signifikansi 5% dibandingkan kelas dibelajarkan  menggunakan MPL dengan rata-rata 69,82. Kata kunci: Model pembelajaran,  kooperatif tipe Buzz Group, model pembelajaran langsung, keterampilan sosial, hasil belajar.     ABSTRACT This research aims to: (1) gain the information difference learning outcomes of students who are taught using cooperative learning models buzz group (MPKBG) compared with students who are taught using direct instruction model, and (2) gain the information difference social skills of students who are taught using cooperative learning models buzz group compared with students who are taught using direct instruction model (MPL). The research method used a quasi experimental design with “nonequivalent control design”. This research subject is students SMKN 2 Surabaya, class X TITL-1 class experiments and class X TITL-2 grade control. While to know the differences in the results of their study and social skills of students used statistical analysis techniques t-test. The results showed that: (1) learning outcomes of students in the class that uses MPKBG with an average 73,54 is higher or significantly different at the 5% significance level compared with students who are taught using MPL whit an average 70,16; and (2) social skill of students in the class that uses MPKBG whith an average 71,97 at the 5% significance level compared with students who are taught using MPL whit an average 69,82. Keywords: Learning model, cooperative buzz group, model of direct instruction, student social skills, learning outcome

    Insulin Inclusion into a Tragacanth Hydrogel: An Oral Delivery System for Insulin

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    Nanoparticles or microparticles created by physical complexation between two polyelectrolytes may have a prospective use as an excipient for oral insulin administration. Natural polymers such as tragacanth, alginate, dextran, pullulan, hyaluronic acid, gelatin and chitosan can be potential candidates for this purpose. In this research, insulin particles were prepared by the inclusion of insulin into a tragacanth hydrogel. The effect of the pH and concentration relationship involving polyelectrolytes offering individual particle size and zeta potential was assessed by zetasizer and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Insulin–tragacanth interactions at varying pH (3.7, 4.3, 4.6, or 6), and concentration (0.1%, 0.5%, or 1% w/w) were evaluated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and ATR Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) analysis. Individual and smaller particles, approximately 800 nm, were acquired at pH 4.6 with 0.5% of tragacanth. The acid gelation test indicated that insulin could be entrapped in the physical hydrogel of tragacanth. DSC thermograms of insulin–tragacanth showed shifts on the same unloaded tragacanth peaks and suggested polyelectrolyte–protein interactions at a pH close to 4.3–4.6. FTIR spectra of tragacanth–insulin complexes exhibited amide absorption bands featuring in the protein spectra and revealed the creation of a new chemical substance

    Analisis Statistik Pertandingan Tim Nasional Sepak Bola Indonesia U-18 Di Piala AFF 2019

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    In the game of football, basic techniques are an important aspect of the course of the match and will affect the outcome of the game. Basic soccer techniques such as passing, shooting and heading are important elements in soccer game. In connection with this, the researcher is interested in conducting research on the Statistical Analysis of the Indonesian U-18 National Football Team Match at the 2019 AFF Cup. This study aims to see how the situation describes the technique and ball possession during the match. This research is an observational research. Observational research is a narrow activity, namely paying attention to something with the eye. Based on the results of the study, it is known that the Indonesian national team players have not been maximal in mastering basic soccer techniques such as passing, shooting and heading which affect ball possession in every match. If the players can have basic football techniques, the Indonesian National Team could win the AFF U-18 Cup 2019. However, it cannot be denied that other factors can also affect a match such as strategy and game formation

    Kontribusi Konsentrasi Terhadap Hasil Ketepatan Servis Atas pada Peserta Ekstrakurikuler Bolavoli Putra SMPN 3 Madiun

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    Abstrak Olahraga bolavoli merupakan permainan menggunakan bola besar yang dimainkan oleh dua regu yang saling berhadapan dengan enam orang disetiap regunya. Salah satu teknik yang digunakan untuk memulai permainan olahraga bolavoli adalah menggunakan teknik service, khususnya servis atas yang menghasilkan bola bersifat tajam, keras ataupun menukik menyebabkan lawan sulit mengembalikan bola. Namun tidak semua hasil dari pelaksanaan servis atas menghasilkan bola yang bersifat tajam, keras ataupun menukik. Untuk mengindari hal tersebut pemain bolavoli memerlukan teknik servis yang baik dan konsentrasi yang tinggi pada saat melakukan servis atas. Sehingga peneliti dapat menarik rumusan masalah yaitu seberapa besar nilai kontribusi konsentrasi dengan hasil ketepatan servis atas pada peserta ekstrakulikuler bolavoli putra SMPN 3 Madiun. Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah peserta ekstrakurikuler bolavoli putra SMPN 3 Madiun yang berjumlah 12 orang. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif analisis korelasi yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tahu tidaknya kontribusi antara tingkat konsentrasi dengan ketepatan servis atas bolavoli. Berdasarkan perhitungan analisis data maka didapatkan nilai rhitung lebih besar dari rtabel (0,873>0,576) yang berarti terdapat korelasi yang sangat kuat antara tingkat konsentrasi dengan ketepatan servis atas bolavoli. Besarnya kontribusi antara tingkat konsentrasi dengan ketepatan servis atas bolavoli sebesar 76,21%. Kata Kunci: Bolavoli, Konsentrasi, Kontribusi, Servis Atas. Abstract Volleyball is a game using large balls played by two teams facing each other with six people in each team. One technique used to start the game of volleyball is to use service techniques, especially top service which results in sharp, hard or swooping balls that make it difficult for opponents to return the ball. But not all results from the implementation of the service to produce a ball that is sharp, hard or swooping. To avoid this, volleyball players need good service techniques and high concentration when serving up. So that researchers can draw the formulation of the problem, namely how much the value of the contribution of concentration with the results of the accuracy of top service for male volleyball extracurricular participants at SMPN 3 Madiun. The sample of this study was 12 volleyball male extracurricular members of SMPN 3 Madiun. This type of research uses quantitative research methods with a descriptive approach to correlation analysis that aims to find out whether there is a contribution between the level of concentration and the accuracy of service on volleyball. Based on the calculation of data analysis, the calculated r-value is greater than rtable (0.873> 0.576) which means that there is a very strong correlation between the concentration level and the accuracy of service on volleyball. The amount of contribution between the level of concentration and the accuracy of service for volleyball is 76.21%. Keywords: Concentration, Contribution, Top Service, Volleyball


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    During the COVID-19 pandemic, many sports championship plans were postponed, resulting in a lack of competitions for athletes. This condition has an impact on the burnout of athletes in carrying out routine training programs. This study aims to determine the level of diversion burnout of training in pencak silat athletes of the Puslatcab Pasuruan Regency Porprov 2022.This research method uses a survey with a population of 23 athletes(Male = 14, Female = 9, Mage = 17.56, SD = 1.903). The survey was carried out online with the considerations and concerns of coaches related to the increasing number of omicron cases in Indonesia. Determination of the sample through saturated sampling technique. The results showed that the level of diversion burnout of training in the pencak silat athletes of the Puslatcab Pasuruan District 2022 resulted, in a high category of 8 people, a medium category of 8people, a low category of 5 people, and a very low category of 2 people. The level of diversion burnout of training in terms of intrinsic, got very high category results as many as 1 person, high category as many as 8 people, medium category as many as 8 people, low category as many as 3 people, and very low category as many as 3 people. Meanwhile, when viewed from an extrinsic perspective, the results obtained are in the very high category as many as 2 people, in the high category as many as 7 people, in the medium category as many as 6 people, in the low category as many as 6 people, and in the very low category as many as 2 people. The implications of burnout provide many negative effects for athletes such as weakening performance and even the risk of dropout.Keyword: Burnout, Training, Athlete, Performanc


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    Sports extracurricular is a place for coaching activities in schools that aim to develop the interests and talents of students, one of which is in the field of sports. Futsal extracurricular is one of the extracurricular activities that students choose to improve their talents and interests. However, judging from the performance of some students, there are still problems with agility in making movements in playing futsal. Because with that agility in futsal is very necessary. This research is classified as quantitative research using quasi-experimental research methods. The population of this study were students of SMAN 3 Jombang, totaling 20 students, which later samples from this study were taken from 15 students from 22 students who took part in futsal extracurricular using simple random sampling. The data analysis technique used in this study is the analysis of differences by performing the T-test technique (t-test). This calculation is to determine the difference between the results of the pretest and posttest in the group that is the source of research data and an improvement test to determine whether there is an increase or not from the results of the ladder-cone combination exercise that has been carried out. After carrying out the research, which begins with data collection to data processing which is finally used as a discussion of research results. The results of data analysis show that agility training through a ladder-cone combination can improve the agility of futsal extracurricular students at SMAN 3 Jombang. It is all proven by the results of the analysis of the T-test (t-test) resulting in Tcount of 8.25 and Ttable of 1.76, which means Tcount is greater than Ttable. It can be concluded that the agility training movement through the ladder-cone combination has an effect on increasing the agility of the futsal extracurricular students of SMAN 3 Jombang. Keywords: agility, enhancement, ladder-cone combination trainin


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    Feelings of tension and anxiety sometimes often appear in several sports competitions, this is triggered by a very tight level of competition or competition, so that it has an impact on athletes, especially athletes who will do sports competitions. There are many discrepancies between training and matches. In practice, athletes tend to be optimal and confident so that they provide a good game on the field, both technically and psychologically. However, it is inversely proportional to during competitions or tournaments, where athletes seem to lose their courage in making decisions, or it can be said that stage fright can affect skills and game optimization. This happens because of the different levels of tension, or can be said to be competitive values. Therefore, self-concept plays an important role, an athlete who is able to master, control or even understand self-concept will be able to minimize this occurrence, or even athletes will not experience psycho-physiological disorders or anxiety when competing. This study aims to determine the relationship between self-concept and anxiety levels in Yanitra FC fulsal athletes aged 16-23 years. The target of this research is Yanitra FC futsal athletes aged 16 – 23 years, totaling 20 athletes. And data collection techniques using self-concept questionnaires and levels of anxiety. From the results of the study, two conclusions were obtained, including: First, there was a significant relationship between self-concept and anxiety levels in Yanitra FC futsal athletes aged 16-23 years. These results were obtained by performing a correlation test (r), where p value (0.032) < alpha (0.05), where rcount (0.480) > rtable (0.378) with an error level of 0.05. And secondly, the magnitude of the relationship between self-concept and anxiety levels in Yanitra FC futsal athletes aged 16-23 years is 23.06%.. Keywords: Self Concept, Anxiety Level, Futsal


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    Background: Motivation is one of the most important parts in humans, to achieve what is targeted. With motivation, a person can push himself to achieve what is targeted with maximum results. Motivation in terms of a person's personal point of view there are Intrinsic and Extrinsic. Objective: Based on this background, this study was to determine the motivation of students in participating in improving the value of swimming courses during the pandemic and what motivation is more dominant in students. Methods: This study uses a correlational method by using a questionnaire/questionnaire for data collection. The sample of this study was students who took part in improving the value of the 2016 T class swimming course, Faculty of Sports Science, State University of Surabaya. Results: From the results of the correlation between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation variables on student achievement, the improvement in the 2016 T grade is very low. And from these results it can be concluded that there is no significant relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on learning achievement. But in the percentage of questionnaire data intrinsic motivation is more dominant. And shows that students who take swimming courses to improve grades in 2016 T follow on their own accord and wish to change their grades to be better than before. Conclusion: This shows that the results of the relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of IKOR students on improvement in swimming learning achievement (remedies) are not significant. But the motivation that is more dominant in the student's self-improvement value is intrinsic motivation. Keywords: Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation, Learning Achievemen
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