6 research outputs found
ABSTRACTThis research is entitled Review of Sharia Economic Law of the Practice of theLiability System in Cooperatives at PT. PNM Mekaar Mariana Branch has two things thatare the focus of the study. First, how is the practice of the joint responsibility system by thecooperative for each member who uses the Collection Method of Savings and Loans(PSPMK) at PT. PNM Mekaar Mariana Branch ?; and second, how is the review of ShariaEconomic Law of the joint responsibility system by the cooperative for each member whouses the Collaborative Savings and Loans Method (PSPMK) at PT. PNM Mekaar MarianaBranchThis type of research is field research (field research) with data collectiontechniques through interviews and qualitative descriptive data analysis. Based on theanalysis of the data, it is concluded that inductive conclusions can be drawn in accordancewith the problem formulation. This type of research used by the author in this thesis is touse the type of field research (field research) where the data source is obtained from theresults of field data management which is closely related to the title of this thesis. Thetypes and sources of data in this study are qualitative data, namely in the form ofdescriptions of ideas and opinions that come from interviews, regarding data collectiontechniques, namely by using interviews by asking respondents directly related to thisthesis. By conducting these interviews, which were then analyzed and concluded, severalopinions were obtained regarding the practice of the joint responsibility system for savingsand loans using the Collaborative Savings and Loans Method (PSPMK).The results of the study concluded that 1) the Tanggung Renteng System in thecooperative at PT. PNM Mekaar Mariana Branch system of joint responsibility is anagreement that targets people with middle to lower economies and the PT. PNM Mekaar(Permodalan Nasional Madani Fostering a Prosperous Family Economy), this cooperativesavings and loan group is based on groups of as many as 10 members in one group, in thecooperative at PT. PNM Mekaar Mariana Branch implemented a Renteng Liability Systemwith the aim of smooth installments and has been enforced since the inception of one of theBUMN products which later became the responsibility of the group; 2) Review of IslamicEconomic Law on the Renteng System at PT. PNM Mekaar Mariana Branch has fulfilledthe requirements and the harmonious conditions that have been enforced are also a meansof helping and mutual cooperation for fellow members in the group and creating disciplinethat is felt to be clear in guaranteeing installments and for the smooth running of thetogether because it provides more benefits than harm.Keywords: Sharia Economic Law, Responsibility System Practices, Cooperative
Akad mudharabah dalam transaksi dan bisnis Islam adalah salah satu akan yang sering digunakan, bahkan akad mudharabah sudah dikenal sebelum kedatangan Islam. Eksistensi akad mudharabah dalam dunia bisnis selalu mendapatkan pembahasan, sejak masa klasik hingga sekarang, bahkan dari 152 Fatwa DSN-MUI yang dikeluarkan 30 di antaranya membahas akad mudharabah. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, pokok pembahasan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana perkembangan akad mudharabah dalam Fiqh ke dalam Fatwa DSN-MUI di Indonesia. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian normatif, dengan pendekatan doktrinal dan yuridis historis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terjadi perkembangan akad mudharabah dalam fiqh ke dalam fatwa DSN-MUI dalam dua hal yaitu Pertama, perkembangan dari aspek para pihak dalam akad dan kedua, perkembangan dari aspek tanggung jawab dan pertanggungjawaban mudharib.
Kata Kunci: Mudharabah, Fiqh, Fatwa
Mudharabah agreement in Islamic transactions and business is often used, even mudharabah agreements were known before the arrival of Islam. The existence of mudharabah contracts in the business world has always been discussed, since classical times until now, even out of 152 DSN-MUI Fatwas issued, 30 of them discuss mudharabah contracts. Based on this, the main discussion in this research is how the development of mudharabah contracts in Fiqh into Fatwa DSN-MUI in Indonesia. This research is normative research, with doctrinal and historical juridical approaches. The results of this study indicate that there is a development of mudharabah contracts in fiqh into the DSN-MUI fatwa in two ways, namely First, the development of the aspect of the parties in the contract and second, the development of the aspect of responsibility and liability of mudharib.
Keywords: Mudharabah, Jurisprudence, Fatw
POLITIK PENINGKATAN KEKAYAAN: Negara dan Peranannya dalam Mengentaskan Kemiskinan
Abstrak: The problem of poverty became a necessity faced by many countries including Indonesia. Several solutions have been implemented by the government, but only a temporary solution so it does not run in the long term. The main problem of poverty caused by the unequal wealth distribution so that the natural resources that exist only enjoyed by the majority party, while by not enjoyed by the other party. In fact the capitalist economic system can not provide a solution to the problems faced by the country. Islamic economic system felt able to overcome these problems is to set up a mechanism so that the distribution of wealth is not only accumulate wealth on the part alone. Key word : Poverty, distribution, Islamic economic syste
AbstrakPenelitian ini berjudul Telaah atas Akad Aplikasi Dibajolbae terhadap Program Belanja Sembako Online dalam Perspektif Hukum Ekonomi Syariah. Aplikasi dibajolbae merupakan aplikasi belanja sembako secara online yang dioperasikan sepenuhnya oleh PT. Darsa Hakam Darusslam (DHD). Dalam proses pelaksanaan aplikasi terdapat banyak pihak didalamnya serta banyak transaksi yang terjadi. Sebagai muslim, maka perlu diketahui sesuatu yang digunakan dan berkembang di masyarakat sesuai dengan ajaran syariat atau tidak. Dengan latar belakang masalah ingin melihat akad apa saja yang ada dalam aplikasi dibajolbae. Adapun rumusan masalahnya adalah 1. Bagaimana Akad Aplikasi dibajolbae pada Program Belanja Sembako Online? 2. Bagaimana Perspektif Hukum Ekonomi Syariah terhadap Akad Aplikasi dibajolbae?Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah data primer, data sekunder dan data tersier. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara dan dokumentasi. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah pihak- pihak yang terlibat dalam aplikasi dibajolbae. Penelitian ini berfokus pada akad dalam aplikasi dibajolbae dan perspektif Hukum Ekonomi Syariah tentang akad dalam aplikasi dibajolbae.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa akad aplikasi dibajolbae memiliki beberapa transaksi. Yaitu transaksi penjualan bersistem konsinyasi antara PT. Darsa Hakam Darussalam (DHD) dan supplier, juga transaksi hubungan kerja antara PT. Darsa Hakam Darussalam (DHD) dan driver bajol serta transaksi jual beli dan perwakilan dengan upah antara PT. Darsa Hakam Darussalam (DHD) dengan konsumen.Kemudian dalam perspektif Hukum Ekonomi Syariah bahwa transaksi penjualan bersistem konsinyasi merupakan bentuk akad wakalah, sedangkan transaksi hubungan kerja merupakan bentuk akad ijarah dan transaksi jual beli dan perwakilan dengan upah merupakan bentuk akad ba‟i dan akad wakalah bil ujrah yang penerapannya tidak bertentangan dengan Hukum Ekonomi Syariah.Kata Kunci: Akad, Aplikasi dibajolbae, Perspektif Hukum Ekonomi Syaria
PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT MELALUI OPTIMALISASI PENGELOLAAN WAKAF TUNAI (Studi Kasus pada LAZ Baitul Maal Hidayatullah dan Yatim Mandiri Cabang Lampung)
This research includes into field research using descriptive comparative-analytic
method compare two cash donation management institutions Baitul Maal Hidayatullah and Yatim Mandiri branch of Lampung from managerial aspects
and its management. From the research it was found that the managerial aspects,
both institutions have been carrying out management functions well, although there are still many obstacles encountered. Constraints that exist are more focused on positioning discrepancy employees that do not comply with the expertise that is not equally effective. In funding aspect and utilization of cash donation is still traditionally and consumer organized, because the funding model was only intended to supplement the inventory donation asset that have been there without doing more innovations especially in the field of public economic
Tinjauan Hukum Ekonomi Syariah terhadap Kenaikan Harga Masker pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tinjauan hukum ekonomi syariah terhadap kenaikan harga masker pada masa Pandemi Covid-19. Metode penelitian menggunakan penelitian lapangan (field reseach) dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, dokumentasi, dan kepustakaan. Selanjutnya data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa penyebab kenaikan harga masker tersebut dikarenakan adanya ketidakseimbangan antara penawaran (supply) dan permintaan (demand). Bahwa jika adanya kenaikan harga barang ini disebabkan karena adanya faktor konsumsi masyarakat yang tinggi akan suatu komoditas barang dan terjadinya ketidakseimbangan antara supply dan demand di pasaran. Tinjauan hukum ekonomi syariah terhadap kenaikan harga masker bahwa dalam mekanisme pasar ini penetapan harga jual berlaku secara alami, harga tersebut bergantung pada supply dan demand yang ada. Ketika permintaan naik dan pasokan rendah maka harga-harga akan naik dan jika permintaan rendah dan pasokan tinggi maka harga-harga akan turun