33 research outputs found


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    A new species of the genus Amakusanthura azumai (Crustacea: Isopoda: Anthuridae) is described based on a number of specimens collected from Yuya Bay, on the Sea of Japan side of Yamaguchi Prefecture in western Honshu. The present new species is most closely allied to Amakusanthura longiantennata Nunomura, 1977. The former is differentiated from the latter by the following characteristics: in the rounded medial process and the antero-lateral process of cephalon, the rounded tip of the masculina of the second male pleopod, less numerous teeth on the maxillula, shorter maxillipeds, a wider propodus on the pereopdl, a lack of dorsal pits on the dorsal surface of the pereonal somites, and less numerous setae on the pereopods

    山形県飛島から発見されたニホンコツブムシ属(甲殻類, 等脚目, コツブムシ科)の一新種

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    A new species of the genus Cymodoce gibberula (Crustacea: Isopoda: Sphaeromatidae) is described based on specimens collected from Tobishima, Yamagata Prefecture, in eastern Honshu, Japan. The present new species is most closely allied to Cymodoce japonica (Richardson, 1906) and Cymodoce acuta (Richardson, 1904). However, it differs from them in the following features: (I) having a hemispheric dome in the midline of the posterior margin of the pleotelson, (2) a roubster process on the posterior margin of the pleotelson, (3) shorter penes, (4) a longer stylus on the second male pleopod, (5) blunt tips on both ramis of the uropod, and (6) numerous bosses on the exopod of the fifth pleopod. In addition to these, this species differs from japonica in having more numerous protuberances on the pleotelson, and from acuta in having fewer protuberances. Of these, the most remarkable difference is having a hemispheric dome in the midline of the posterior margin of the pleotelson. In general however, more than a few species furnished with this feature have been reported, mainly in the Indian Ocean. Among them, the present new species is most closely allied to Cymodoce lire/la (Schotte & Kensley). On the other hand, it differs from lire/la in the following features: (I) the presence of a transverse small dome in the anterior area of the pleotelson, (2) the entire tip of medial process on the pleotelson, (3) a shorter stylus on the second male pleopod, (4) the shape of the posterior margin of the pleonal somites, (5) longer penes, (6) less numerous tlagellar segments on both antennae, and (7) a more acute tip on the frontal lamina

    北海道利尻島から発見されたハマベワラジムシ属(甲殻亜門, 等脚目, シオサイワラジムシ科)の一種

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    A new species, Detonella oblata (Crustacea: Isopoda: Detonidae) is described based on two female specimens collected from Rishiri Island, Hokkaido, in the Sea of Japan. The present new species is separated from Detone/la papillicornis (Richardson, 1904), a single species of the genus with regards to the following features: a shorter and flatter body, a triangular pleotelson, less sinuate margin regarding the fifth peduncular segment of the antenna, larger eyes with numerous ommatidea, a shorter exopod in pleopods for females, numerous setae of pleopods, a lack of bifurcated teeth on the lateral endite of the maxillula, longer spines on the mesial endite of the same, less numerous setae on pereopods, especially in terms of carpus and merus, sparsely spread pectinate scale on the exopod of the pleopod 5, and an arrangement of small tubercles on the pereonal somites.北海道利尻島から発見されたハマベワラジムシ属(甲殻亜阿, 等脚目, シオサイワラジムシ科)の一種を新種Detonella oblata (和名:ヒラタハマベワラジムシ)として記載した。 本属にはDetonella papillicornisのみが知られていたが,本新種はpapillicornisに比べて外形では体の幅が明瞭に広いこと,複眼が大きく,多数の個眼からできていること,胸節背面の小顆粒配列が相違すること, 腹尾節が短く後端中央が鈍角をなしていることで区別されるが, 付属肢については第2触角鞭節が短く,その第5柄節側縁が波状にならないこと,第1小顎基節内葉の歯がすべて 単純なタイプばかりであり,底節内葉のとげが長いこと,胸脚基節が長いこと,胸脚,特に長節と腕節の剛毛数が少ないこと,メス各腹肢外肢が短く,剛毛数が多いことにより明瞭に区別できる。ただ,オスが見つかっておらず,性による形態差,特に雄性交尾器官の知見を欠くが,追加標本が得られないため,メスだけで記載を行った

    島根県松江市大根島の熔岩洞から発見されたナガミズムシPhreatoasellus kawamurai (Tattersall) (甲殻類,等脚目,ミズムシ科)の標本について

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    Phreatoasel/us kawamurai (Tattersall) (Crustacea: Malacostraca: Isopoda: Asellidae) was redescribed based on specimens collected from a lava tube called "Yukido," in Shimane Prefecture. As a result of my examination, these specimens generally agreed with the original description, but several differences were found. Key differences included: a concaved posterior margin of pleotelson; a not remarkably short pereopod 4; the number of setae of exopod in relation to pleopod 3; numerous setae on the middle lobe of maxilla; and a not so short exopod in relation to uropod which are considered to be a geographic variation. Collecting new specimens would be difficult for the conservation of rare species such as Luciogobius a/bus (Regan), due to the danger of ground collapse. I therefore redescribed this species based on a collection from the lava tube "Yiikido," in Shimane Prefecture.島根県松江市の大根島は島全体が火山で,主に玄武岩の溶岩からなるが,溶岩が流れる際にできだ熔岩隧道である幽鬼洞から発見されたナガミズムシ属(甲殻亜門,軟甲綱,等脚目, ミズムシ科)の標本を調査したところ, Phreatoasellus kawamurai (Tattersall) と同定された。しかし,原記載や従来報告された幾つかの報告との形態的相違が見つかった。そのうち,腹部節後端に 1対の浅いくぼみがあること,第 4胸脚が第3胸脚に比して著しく小さくはないこと,尾肢が比較的短いこと,第 2小顎の基節内葉の剛毛数や第3腹肢外肢の剛毛数が多いこと,第1胸脚指節内縁の棘の数が少ないこと,尾肢外肢の長さが内肢に比して著しく短くないことなどは地理的変異と考えられる。なお,顎脚の交尾鉤数やオス第1腹肢基節の交尾鉤数などは個体により変異があるようである。そのほかの変異は成長の変化に伴って変化する形質である可能性が高い。なお,この隧道はドウクツミミズハゼのなどの貴重種が生息しており,崩落の危険があるため入洞は禁止されており,今後も多くの標本を採集することは困難であると思われるので主に分類形質として必要となる可能性の高いオスのほとんどの付属肢の形態を記載しておく

    Isopod crustaceans collected from Aomori Prefecture Northern Japan

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    A total of 17 marine, a freshwater and 10 terrestrial isopod crustaceans were reported from Aomori Prefecture. And many of them are considered to be warm elements. Among them, a new species of gnathiid isopod crustacean is described as Gnathia mutsuensis, based on single male specimen

    An Evolutionary Glimpse of the inland-water species of the Genus Gnorimosphaeroma (Isopoda, Sphaeromatidae) in Japan

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    In Japan, 15 species of the genus Gnorimosphaeroma have hitherto been recorded from various areas of not only seashores but also inland freshwaters. Considering the morphological, ecological and biogeographical data, a preliminary trial on phylogenic relationship of the group is made

    Gnathia capillata, a new species of the genus Gnathia (Crustacea, Isopoda) from Sado Island, the Sea of Japan

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    A new species of gnathiid isopod crustacean is described as Gnathia capillata, based on an adult male individual which was bred in the laboratory from the parasitic praniza larva on the stingray Dasyatis akajei, caught off the coast of Sado Island, Niigata Prefecture, the Sea of Japan. The features of its praniza juvenile is also described

    Cymothoid isopods (Crustacea: Isopoda) collected by Dr. Y. Kano in Toyama Bay of the Sea of Japan

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    加野泰男博士が1974-2000年に富山湾で採集したウオノエ科魚類寄生虫標本45個体を調査した結果,以下の5属4種3未同定種を確認した:ウオノコバン属(新称)の未同定種Nerocila sp.(宿主:マハゼAcanthogobius flavimanus),ウオノギンカ属(新称)の未同定種Anilocra sp.(宿主:コノシロKonosirus punctatus),ソコウオノエCeratothoa oxyrrhynchaena(宿主:アカムツDoederleiniaberycoides),タイノエCeratothoa verrucosa(宿主:マダイPagrus major),Mothocya parvostis(宿主:サヨリHyporhamphus sajori),エラヌシ属の未同定種Mothocya sp.(宿主:メジナGirella punctata,チャガラPterogobius zonoleucus),Elthusa raynaudii。タイノエの学名は新結合である。ソコウオノエは水深30-300mで採集された。本種は全長12-26cmのアカムツから採集され,アカムツに普通にみられる寄生虫であると考えられた。ウオノギンカ属の種とElthusa raynaudiiは日本海で初めて記録された。コノシロ(ニシン科)はウオノギンカ属の,そしてチャガラ(ハゼ科)はエラヌシ属の新宿主記録となる