184 research outputs found


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    Este pequeno ensaio foi publicado por Cesare Beccaria no periódico Il Caffé, no qual eram veiculadas as produções dos iluministas milaneses que compunham a Società dei Pugni na segunda metade do século XVIII. Neste artigo, redigido em 1764 – mesmo ano da publicação do célebre “Dos Delitos e das Penas” –, Beccaria traça uma análise econômica a respeito da questão do contrabando, na qual articula elementos como os tributos, o valor da mercadoria e a intensidade da vigilância do Tesouro. O autor formula um teorema que, a partir daqueles elementos, permite que os formuladores de políticas públicas saibam quanto se deve esperar de contrabando por parte dos mercadores

    Fragilidade financeira e volatilidade dos ciclos econômicos no Brasil pós-Plano Real

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    Fricções financeiras comprometem a eficiência com que sistema financeiro direciona recursospara o financiamento de gastos com consumo e com investimentos em bens de capital. Imperfeiçõesno mercado financeiro elevam a volatilidade dos ciclos de econômicos, em razãode flutuações no prêmio de financiamento externo ou de mudanças no comportamento derisco dos agentes econômicos. Este artigo investiga se um aumento da fragilidade financeiracompromete a estabilidade dos ciclos econômicos no Brasil. Utilizando dados mensais entre1996 e 2018, um indicador de fragilidade financeira foi derivado com base no modelo de fatordinâmico e a estimação de modelos de vetores autorregressivos permitiu analisar o comportamentodeste indicador nos ciclos econômicos. Os resultados indicam que um aumento nafragilidade financeira compromete o desempenho macroeconômico e revelam a importânciada volatilidade cambial e do componente cíclico do nível de preços para as flutuações de curtoprazo na atividade econômica no Brasil.Financial frictions undermine the efficiency with which the financial system channels resourcesto fund consumption expenditures and fixed capital investment. Fluctuations in the externalfinance premium or changes in the risk behavior of economic agents may lead to increasedbusiness cycles volatility. This paper investigates whether greater financial fragility increases theshort-run fluctuations in economic activity in Brazil. Using monthly data between 1996 and 2018, this article applied a dynamic factor model to derive a financial system fragility indicatorand estimated vector autoregressive models to evaluate this indicator’s performance throughoutthe business cycles. The results indicate that greater financial fragility compromise thecountry’s macroeconomic performance and reveal the importance of exchange-rate volatilityand price level volatility to the short-run fluctuations in economic activity in Brazil

    Gingival calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor: case report and review of the literature comprising a period of 44 years

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    Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumors are rare odontogenic neoplasms that account for approximately 1% of all odontogenic tumors. The extraosseous variant is extremely rare, with only few cases being described in the literature. To our knowledge, only 22 cases have been reported over a period of 44 years. Therefore, the aim of this study was to present a critical literature review comprising the period from 1966 to 2010. In addition, we discuss the clinical presentation, diagnosis, and subsequent treatment of a patient with a gingival calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor in the anterior mandible. This study shows that even though being an extremely rare neoplasm the gingival calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor should be included in the differential diagnosis by general dentists of gingival lesions due to its clinical similarity to other oral hyperplastic or reactive lesions. A conservative surgical approach can be adopted in view of the nonaggressive behavior of this tumor. Recurrence is low and the prognosis is excellen

    Effect of GnRH or Estradiol Benzoate on Reproductive Traits during a Heatsynch Protocol in Dairy Cows

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    Background: Milk production of cows is closely correlated with its reproductive efficiency. One of the several factors influencing the dairy efficiency is the decline in fertility of the cows/heifers. Use of hormonal protocol are often used to improve the fertility of the recipients. Several programs are available to inseminate dairy cows, with variation in the use of different types of hormones, time of use and range of duration period, as well as the time of AI. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of follicular wave emergence induction of estradiol benzoate in comparison to GnRH in a Heatsynch protocol and its influence on reproductive parameters.Materials, Methods & Results: In this study were used primiparous and multiparous Holstein cows (n = 325). Animals were divided randomly into two different treatments according with the hormone used to induce follicular wave emergence (D0). The GnRH group (n = 167), was given 25 mg, while in the EB group (n = 158) was used 2 mg. At same day, were inserted, a controlled internal drug-releasing containing 1.9 g of progesterone CIDR®. On day 7, CIDR was removed and cows were given 25 mg luteinizing hormone followed by an injection of 1 mg Inducer Ovulation at day 8. Cows were then observed for signs of estrus for at least two hours (twice daily at 7 am and 6 pm) for three days following CIDR® removal. Cows detected in estrus were inseminated 12 h later the estrus detection. Pregnancy status was determined by ultrasonography at 30 ± 5 d and 60 ± 5 d after AI. A single technician was responsible for the estrus detection and inseminations. A single technician was responsible for the estrus detection and inseminations. Ultrassonographic examinations with ultrasound, transrectal linear probe of 5 MHz, were performed for the diagnosis of pregnancy at 30 and 60 days after artificial insemination. Binomially distributed data, such as, estrous response, conception rate, pregnancy rate and pregnancy losses, were analyzed by Chi-square test. Pregnancy rates at 30-35 days and 60-65 days as well as pregnancy losses were considered in the model for the effect of parity (primiparous vs. multiparous) and the group of estrus behavior during the Heatsynch protocol. Conception rate was similar between GnRH (36.1%, 57/158) and EB (37.7%, 63/167) treatments. Cows showing estrus signs after CIDR removed were 71.9% in GnRH and 62% in EB group (P = 0.05). Embryonic losses were different (P = 0.03) according to groups of cows showing estrus signals or not.Discussion: Our results demonstrate that conception rates are not affected by using either EB or GnRH at the beginning of the Heatsynch protocol. Therefore, the EB can be an alternative choice to GnRH at Heatsynch beginning. Similar results were found by autor in dairy cows, once it was also observed that there is no difference in conception rate in two TAI protocols using either GnRH or EB. In Heatsynch protocols the increase in estrus detection are a key factor to increase fertility in lactating dairy cows. It can be explained once animals in regular estrous cycle have a palpable corpus luteum and circulating progesterone concentration higher than 1 ng/mL which leads than to enhance pregnancy ratios. The use of BE at the time of CIDR insertion in TAI protocols for dairy cattle proved to be an alternative to GnRH considering conception rates. Therefore, the use of BE at the time of CIDR insertion in a Heatsynch protocol in dairy cattle proved to be an alternative to GnRH which can be an important tool to increase the TAI utilization by farmers. Furthermore, in Heatsynch protocol cows showing estrus have pregnancy rates improved and lower pregnancy losses

    Reverse sural flap as an alternative to microsurgical reconstruction of extensive foot wound after electrical burn: case report

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    Introduction: To present a reverse sural flap case report as an alternative to microsurgical flap in foot reconstruction after electrical trauma. The report presented is of a patient treated by the Burns and Complex Wounds groups of the Plastic Surgery Service of the Hospital das Clínicas of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo in 2020. Case Report: Male patient, 35 years old, without comorbidities, victim of high voltage electrical trauma (1300V) at home, affecting upper and lower limbs bilaterally. Due to the severity of the injuries, he underwent left transtibial amputation and serial debridement in the contralateral limb, resulting in a defect in the medial face, hallux and entire dorsum of the right foot, with bone exposure. Due to the failure of reconstruction with a microsurgical flap of the vastus lateralis muscle, reconstruction with a reverse sural flap was chosen. It evolved with distal necrosis, requiring new debridement and re-advancement of the flap. In the follow-up, he presented a favorable evolution and is in the process of rehabilitation. Conclusion: The reverse sural flap proved to be suitable for the salvage treatment of extensive foot injuries after the failure of microsurgical therapy, offering stable coverage and excellent contour, thus allowing satisfactory patient rehabilitation

    Hospital admissions and financial impact due to Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Bahia, Brazil

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever os casos de internações hospitalares e impacto financeiro da tuberculose pulmonar no estado da Bahia, Brasil, entre o período de 2012 e 2016. É um estudo epidemiológico, descritivo transversal, utilizando dados do Departamento de Ciência da Computação do Sistema Único de Saúde. As variáveis coletadas foram: sexo, faixa etária, valores dos serviços hospitalares e raça, relatadas no período de 2012 e 2016. Os casos de internações hospitalares foram selecionados de acordo com o capítulo I da 10ª Classificação Estatística Internacional de Doenças e Problemas de Saúde, incluindo as categorias entre A15.0 e A15.3. Entre os resultados, constatou-se que no período estudado, foram registrados 5.593 casos de internações hospitalares por tuberculose pulmonar no estado da Bahia, o que corresponde a 0,14% do total de internações hospitalares. A maior prevalência ocorreu na macro região oriental (n = 4.623), entre os homens (n = 4.079), entre 40 e 49 anos (n = 1.361) e cor / raça ignorada (n = 5.176). A tuberculose pulmonar gerou um impacto financeiro na Bahia de mais de 7 milhões de reais no período estudado e a macrorregião oriental gerou maiores gastos para o estado, correspondendo a 91,70% do total de custos hospitalares. Conclui-se que na macro região oriental, o modo de distribuição dos casos de internações hospitalares por tuberculose pulmonar faz da macrorregião uma prioridade para as ações de controle e prevenção da patologia.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo describir los casos de internamientos hospitalarios y el impacto financiero por tuberculosis pulmonar en el estado de Bahía, Brasil entre el periodo 2012 y 2016. Es un estudio epidemiológico, descriptivo y transversal, utilizando los datos obtenidos en el Departamento de Informática del Sistema Único de Salud. Las variables recolectadas fueron: sexo, grupo de edad, valores de los servicios hospitalarios y raza, notificados en el período de 2012 y 2016. Los casos de internamientos hospitalarios han sido seleccionados de acuerdo con el capítulo I de la 10ª Clasificación Estadística Internacional de Enfermedades y Problemas de Salud, comprendiendo las categorías entre A15.0 y A15.3. Entre los resultados se obtuvo que  en el período estudiado, se han registrado 5.593 casos de internamientos hospitalarios por tuberculosis pulmonar en el estado de Bahía, que corresponde a 0,14% del total de las hospitalizaciones. La mayor prevalencia ocurrió en la macro región Este (n=4.623), entre personas de sexo masculino (n=4.079), de grupo etario entre 40 y 49 años (n=1.361) y color/raza ignorada (n=5.176). La tuberculosis pulmonar ha generado en Bahía un impacto financiero superior a 7 millones de reales en el período estudiado y la macro región Este ha generado mayor gasto al estado, correspondiendo a 91,70% del total de los costos hospitalarios. Se concluye que en la macro región Este, el modo de distribución de los casos de internamientos hospitalarios por tuberculosis pulmonar convierte la macro región como prioritaria para las acciones de control y prevención de la patología.The purpose of this study was to describe the cases of hospital admissions and the financial impact of pulmonary tuberculosis in the state of Bahia, Brazil between 2012 and 2016. It is an epidemiological, descriptive and cross-sectional study, using the data obtained in the Department of Information Technology of the Unified Health System. The variables collected were: sex, age group, values of hospital services and race, reported in the period of 2012 and 2016. The cases of hospital admissions have been selected in accordance with chapter I of the 10th International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems, including the categories between A15.0 and A15.3. Among the results, it was found that in the period studied, 5,593 cases of hospital admissions for pulmonary tuberculosis in the state of Bahia were registered, which corresponds to 0.14% of the total number of hospitalizations. The highest prevalence occurred in the Eastern macro region (n = 4,623), between male people (n = 4,079), between 40 and 49 years old (n = 1,361) and color / race ignored (n = 5,176). Pulmonary tuberculosis has generated a financial impact in Bahia of more than 7 million reales in the period studied and the Eastern macro region has generated greater spending to the state, corresponding to 91.70% of total hospital costs. It is concluded that in the Eastern macro region, the mode of distribution of cases of hospital admissions for pulmonary tuberculosis makes the macro region a priority for the actions of control and prevention of the pathology


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    Existem diversas ações relacionadas ao planejamento ambiental que visam gerenciar o ordenamento dos usos antrópicos. Dentre estes métodos destaca-se o Zoneamento Agrossilvipastoril, que sugere locais para uma melhor ocupação e uso do solo. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar o Zoneamento Agrossilvipastoril da bacia hidrográfica do córrego da Serrinha no município de Santa Cruz da Conceição e comparar este zoneamento com o uso e cobertura da terra presente no ano 2016, com a utilização de Sistemas de Informação Geográficas. A integração das informações ocorreu através do software Arcgis®, por meio da utilização da lógica Fuzzy, gerando classes equiparativas dos dados analisados, resultando no mapa do zoneamento agrossilvipastoril da área de estudo. Ao relacionar esse mapa produto com o uso e ocupação de 2016 do município, é possível identificar irregularidades na ocupação do uso do solo

    Prediction of attempted suicide in men and women with crack-cocaine use disorder in Brazil

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    Background: Suicide is a severe health problem, with high rates in individuals with addiction. Considering the lack of studies exploring suicide predictors in this population, we aimed to investigate factors associated with attempted suicide in inpatients diagnosed with cocaine use disorder using two analytical approaches. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study using a secondary database with 247 men and 442 women hospitalized for cocaine use disorder. Clinical assessment included the Addiction Severity Index, the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, and the Structured Clinical Interview for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, totalling 58 variables. Descriptive Poisson regression and predictive Random Forest algorithm were used complementarily to estimate prevalence ratios and to build prediction models, respectively. All analyses were stratified by gender. Results: The prevalence of attempted suicide was 34% for men and 50% for women. In both genders, depression (PRM = 1.56, PRW = 1.27) and hallucinations (PRM = 1.80, PRW = 1.39) were factors associated with attempted suicide. Other specific factors were found for men and women, such as childhood trauma, aggression, and drug use severity. The men's predictive model had prediction statistics of AUC = 0.68, Acc. = 0.66, Sens. = 0.82, Spec. = 0.50, PPV = 0.47 and NPV = 0.84. This model identified several variables as important predictors, mainly related to drug use severity. The women's model had higher predictive power (AUC = 0.73 and all other statistics were equal to 0.71) and was parsimonious. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that attempted suicide is associated with depression, hallucinations and childhood trauma in both genders. Also, it suggests that severity of drug use may be a moderator between predictors and suicide among men, while psychiatric issues shown to be more important for women

    Use of probiotics in the production of pink shrimp postlarvae

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o uso de probióticos na produção de pós‑larvas do camarão‑rosa (Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis). Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com dois tratamentos – uso de probióticos (Bacillus spp.) e controle com uso de antibiótico (eritromicina) – e quatro repetições. Pós‑larvas no estágio PL1 foram estocadas em cada parcela experimental (3,0 L) e cultivadas até o estágio PL10. As variáveis de qualidade de água e o desenvolvimento de bactérias do gênero Vibrio, na água de cultivo, foram monitorados ao longo do experimento. Ao final do período experimental, as pós‑larvas foram avaliadas qualitativamente e quanto à sobrevivência, ao peso e ao comprimento. Nas variáveis de qualidade de água, apenas o nitrito apresentou valor significativamente maior no tratamento com antibiótico. Para as variáveis peso e comprimento final, não houve diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos quanto à qualidade das pós‑larvas e à concentração de Vibrio spp. na água. A utilização de antibiótico pode ser substituída pelo emprego de probióticos durante a produção de pós‑larvas de F. brasiliensis.The objective of this work was to evaluate the use of probiotics in the production of postlarvae of pink shrimp (Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis). A completely randomized experimental design was used, with two treatments – use of probiotics (Bacillus spp.), and a control using antibiotic (erythromycin) –, and four replicates. Postlarvae in the PL1 stage were stocked in each experimental unit (3.0 L) and cultured until stage PL10. Water quality variables and the development of the bacteria of the genus Vibrio, in the culture water, were monitored throughout the experiment. At the end of the experimental period, postlarvae were evaluated qualitatively and for survival, weight, and length. Regarding water quality variables, only nitrite was significantly higher in the antibiotic treatment. For the variables weight and length, there were no significant differences between treatments. No significant differences between treatments were observed in postlarvae quality and in the concentration of Vibrio spp. in the water. The use of antibiotics may be replaced by probiotics during production of F. brasiliensis postlarvae