3 research outputs found
The Buffering Capacity of Probiotic Yogurt
Svrha: U ovom se istraživanju želio odrediti u literaturi još neistražen potencijal puferiranja probiotičkih jogurta. Zadaća je bila odrediti pH, titracijsku kiselost određenih probiotičkih jogurta i njihov puferski kapacitet s naglaskom na raspon pH u kojem je puferiranje učinkovito. Materijali i metode: Dvadeset i pet mililitara svakog odabranog jogurta titrirano je s 1 mol/L natrijeva hidroksida. Dodavao se postupno po 0,5 mililitara sve dok nije postignuto 10, kako bi se procijenila ukupna titrabilna kiselost – mjera za puferski kapacitet jogurta. Rezultat: Početni pH bio je najniži kod jogurta Activia Peach (4,40± 0,14), a najviši kod Danonea natural (5,29± 0,10). Puferski kapacitet analiziranih jogurta može biti sljedeći: Danone natural >Danone peach >Activia plain >Activia strawberry >Activia Peach. Između tih pet jogurta nema statistički značajne razlike (p >0,05). Zaključak: Trebalo bi preispitati tvrdnju o puferskom kapacitetu probiotičkih jogurta.Aim: The potential buffering role of probiotic yogurt has not been investigated. The aim of the study was to determine the pH, titratable acidity of a selection of various probiotic yogurts, their buffering effects with an emphasis on the pH range in which the buffer is efficient. Material & Methods: A quantity of 25 ml of each yogurt was titrated with 1 mol/L sodium hydroxide, added gradually by 0.5 ml, until the pH reached 10 to assess the total titratable acidity - a measure of probiotic yogurt’s own buffering capacity. Results: The initial pH was the lowest for Activia peach yogurt (4.40± 0.14) and the highest for Danone natural yogurt (5.29± 0.10). The buffering capacities can be listed as follows: Danone natural >Danone peach >Activia plain >Activia strawberry >Activia peach. There were no statistically significant differences observed between yogurts within any of the five groups compared as a whole with one another. (p >0.05). Conclusions: Buffering capacities of probiotic yogurts should be undermined