65 research outputs found
Konsistensi Pemerintah Indonesia dalam Political Will Pasca Keikutsertaan Ratifikasi Perjanjian Internasional di Bidang HAM
Commitment or often termed the government's political will to implement and enforce the rights of the ratification of several International human rights instruments are still being encouraged and is a logical consequence of the ratification of human rights. At the national level, there are government programs through the National Action Plan human rights ideal, but at the regional / local, still going violations of human rights and the implementation of a slightly run due to differences in the interpretation of the meaning of human perception among law enforcement, people’s (civil society) and the government.In this study, the observed variables are: first, the consequences of the government's participation in the ratification of treaties on human rights, which is then transformed into national legislation. Here, researchers are more focused on the political will of the government, and second, people's perception of human rights before the government took part in the ratification of treaties on human rights and the changes are positive or merely lip service and political imagery alone.Approach or method that is applied using a socio-legal research or empirical legal research. Key informants of this research is the Head of the sub-directorate of economic, social, cultural and development at the Directorate General for Multilateral Directorate of Human Rights and Humanitarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Head of legal harmonization in the Directorate General of Human Rights of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Commissioner Assessment and Counseling sub Commission on Human Rights at the National Commission on Human Rights and Resource Development Deputy Head of Human Rights in ELSAM (Institute for Policy Research and Advocacy). Interviews using questionnaires and intervie
Peran Pondok Pesantren Dalam Pembinaan Keberagamaan Remaja
Penelitian ini berupaya menggali lebih dalam dalam tentang relasi masyarakat dengan pondok pesantren dan peran pondok pesantren dalam pembinaan keberagamaan remaja. Pertanyaan utama yang ingin dijawab melalui penelitian ini adalah bagaimana perilaku keberagamaan remaja?, bagaimana peran pondok pesantren dalam meningkatkan perilaku keberagamaan?, apa problematika pembinaan keberagamaan remaja? Metode yang penulis gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan mulai bulan November 2013 di pondok pesantren al-Hasan. Responden dalam penelitian ini terdiri atas, pengasuh, pengurus dan santri serta remaja sekitar. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah wawancara dan observasi. Setelah melakukan analisis, di peroleh hasil penelitian yang menunjukkan bahwa keberagamaan remaja yang beragam dan agak minim. Peran pondok yang dijalankan sebagai fasilitator, mobilisasi, sumber daya manusia, agent of development dan agen of excellence kurang berjalan maksimal. Pembinaan yang dilakukan kurang berjalan maksimal karena di pengaruhi berbagai faktor salah satunya kurang komunikasi antara remaja dengan pondok pesantren. This study seeks to dig deep inside of people\u27s relationships with the boarding school and the role of religious boarding school in coaching teenagers. The main question to be answered through this research is how the behavior of adolescent religious boarding school ?, what are the roles of boarding school in increasing the religious behavior?, what are the problems of fostering teenagers religiosity? It is a qualitative research. This study was conducted from November 2013 in the Al-Hasan boarding school. Respondents in this study consisted of caregivers, administrators and students as well as the teen around. Data collection techniques used in this research is interview and observation. The results show that religious teens are varied and somewhat lack. The role of the boarding school as a facilitator, mobilization, human resources, an agent of development and agents of excellence are not running optimally. Coaching is in less effect since it was influenced by many factors, one of which is less communication between adolescents with boarding school
Waste Power Plant Modeling Based Landfill Pretreatment and HCCI (Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition) Generator Engine
Waste management is cruisal problem for major cities in all countries. Technically, MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) biological processes can be converted into LFG (landfill Gas), which can be used as an energy source for electricity generation. LFG utilization as fuel for power generation is also supported by the presence of motor fuel engines based HCCI (Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition). To ensure the successful adoption of waste power plan based HCCI engine-generator, in the form of mathematical modeling studies of biogas production in a region need to be done carefully. The formulation waste power plant models with engine HCCI, is based on the reference model and reference experimental results of each part in the power plant waste that includes, production of biogas from landfill, biogas filter, generator power conversion HCCI. The production of biogas from landfills using multicomponent models, biogas filter using a filter system with a suspension of dolomite, and for the conversion of electricity using a generator HCCI referring to the results of experiments that has been conducted by Bedoya,2012. Waste power plant modeling result shows, if power output 3.725 .10-3 of capacity HCCI engine fuel consumption
Struktur Kepemilikan, Ukuran Perusahaan Dan Praktek Corporate Governance Terhadap Manajemen Laba
Many companies conducted earnings management in order to attract potential investors. The extent to whichthose companies undertook profit management was influenced by many factors, such as: ownership structure,company size and corporate governance practices. The objective of this study was to determine the effect ofownership structure, company size and corporate governance practices toward earnings management. Ownershipstructure was the proxy of management ownership, and firm size was the proxy of the log of total assets.In addition, corporate governance was measured by the composition of the board of commissioners and industryspecialization of audit firm. The companies used in this study were 16 LQ 45 firms from the year 2008 to2010. The method of analysis used in this study was multiple linear regressions. The results showed that thecomposition of commissioner board had a significant negative effect on earnings management while the otherthree variables, namely the ownership structure, firm size, and KAP industry specialization did not affectsignificantly toward earning management
Analisis Kegagalan Baut Pengikat Gearbox Pada Lokomotif Kereta Rel Diesel Elektrik (Krde)
Analisa kegagalan merupakan metode investigasi secara sistematis untuk mencari penyebab mekanisme kegagalan suatu komponen atau peralatan. Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang analisa kegagalan baut pengikat gearbox pada lokomotif kereta rel diesel elektrik (KRDE). Baut mengalami patah pada pengoperasian selama 8 bulan. Baut berstandar SAE J429 Medium Carbon Grade 5 dengan dimensi panjang 6 inch, diameter luar (d) 25,4 mm, diameter efektif (d2) 23,34 mm, jarak bagi (p) 3,175 mm dan jumlah ulir 8/inch. Metode yang digunakan antara lain studi literatur, pengamatan visual dan pengumpulan data, analisa tegangan, uji komposisi, uji metalografi, uji kekerasan serta pengolahan data dan analisa hasil pengujian. Dari hasil pengamatan visual terlihat adanya tanda beachmark yang sering dijumpai di kasus patah lelah dan kehadirannya pertanda positif bahwa material uji mengalami patah lelah. Tegangan geser yang terjadi sebesar 96,71 MPa dan safety factor (Sf) sebesar 3,5. Dari uji komposisi terlihat bahwa baut sesuai dengan standar SAE J429. Namun uji kekerasan menunjukkan nilai kekerasan yang tidak sesuai yaitu antara 23,5 – 28,88 HRC. Diperkuat dengan uji metalografi yang memperlihatkan ukuran butir tidak merata dan fasa yang berupa ferrite dan perlite. Disimpulkan bahwa baut mengalami kegagalan akibat patah lelah yang dipercepat dengan proses quench and temper yang tidak sempurna pada saat baut diproduksi
Algoritma Genetika Dalam Program Pencarian Jalur Alternatif
Pencarian jalur alternatif pada saat terjadi kemacetan atau penutupan jalan bisadilakukan dengan mengingat setiap jalan yang terhubung dengan jalan terse\u27but, tapi hal inihanya bisa dilakukan oleh pengguna jasa kendaraan yang sudah mengenal jalan tersebut.Bentuk permasalahan yang terjadi diubah dalam bentuk graf dimana tiap titik merupakanperwujudan dari tiap persimpangan yang ada pada peta, sedangkan jaraknya diwujudkan dalambentuk garis.Pencarian jaraknya adalah dimulai dengan penginputan titik asal dan titik tujuan. Melaluiperhitungan dengan algoritma genetika maka akan didapat jalur yang menurut sistemmerupakan jalur yang dapat dilewati, dan jika terjadinya kemacetan pada jalur tersebut sistem akan mencari ulang jalur alternatifnya dengan titik awal adalah persimpangan dimanakemacetan terjadi.Algoritma Genetika merupakan algoritma pencarian yang berdasarkan pada genetik danseleksi alam. Dikarena prosesnya menggunakan evolusi yang diwakili dengan bilangan random,maka hasil yang didapat bervariasi mulai dari diketahui jalur alternatif paling baik, sampai jaluryang diinginkan tidak didapat
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