39 research outputs found

    EAP Students’ Perceptions of Extensive Listening

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    Compared to other language skills, listening is a language skill that is often ignored and forgotten in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) classes. Thus, there should be more room for teaching listening in EAP classes. Extensive listening (EL) could be one alternative that English teachers can do to give more room for teaching listening. This descriptive study investigated 19 EAP students' perceptions of an EL program. Research data showed that most students have positive perceptions of EL. EL provides a fun but meaningful activity for students. Most of the students agree that EL can improve their listening fluency and vocabulary and expose them to various English accents. In addition, they state that EL helps them become more confident to talk to other people in English and they want to do EL in the future although nobody asks them. Therefore, EL is a promising program to be implemented in EAP classes

    Pelatihan Bahasa Inggris bagi Calon Perawat di Maluku di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Maluku Province has tourism attraction which can attract international visitors to visit Maluku. However, those tourists in Maluku might get sick and be treated in hospital. In this case, nurses play an important role for the patient's recovery. They must treat all patients according to their responsibilities, regardless of differences in ethnicity, religion or origin of the patient. One of the trainings they need is English language training to prepare them to handle foreign patients who do not speak Indonesian and only understand English. For this reason, this Community Service (PkM) activity is proposed to accommodate the needs of learning English for prospective nurses in Maluku. Learning activities were carried out in a period of 10 sessions and approximately there were 3-5 participants per meeting joined the training. The learning approach used was the flipped-learning approach which has positive impacts on the participants. The participants felt more confident to speak English and English skills in nursing context increased after completing the program. However, there were some challenges faced by the participants, namely related to their English language skills and inadequate quality of the internet network in the area where the participants joined the program. Recommendations for future English trainers are explained in this paper. Similar future programs could implement teaching and learning method and approach by considering participants’ internet connection quality. In addition, training on General English should be carried out first before training on English for Specific Pusposes is implemented


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    ABSTRAK Proses belajar mengajar di Indonesia khususnya di tingkat SMA masih menggunakan metode yang lama yakni melalui interaksi pembelajaran secara langsung antara murid dengan guru. Salah satu sekolah tingkat SMA di Indonesia yaitu SMA Sejahtera Prigen menggunakan media pembelajaran materi berupa buku dan penyampaian informasi langsung oleh guru. Metode belajar tersebut membuat siswa merasa bosan dan tidak memperhatikan dengan baik saat guru Biologi menjelaskan materi, sehingga memerlukan metode pembelajaran baru yang berhubungan langsung dengan teknologi. Gambar visual 2 dimensi bisa dirubah menjadi 3 dimensi dengan bantuan teknologi Augmented reality. Augmented reality adalah teknologi yang menggabungkan benda 2 dimensi dan 3 dimensi kedalam sebuah lingkungan nyata dan waktu nyata. Augmented reality memungkinkan pengguna untuk dapat meilhat dan berinteraksi langsung dengan objek 3 dimensi, visual yang ditampilkan dan diproyeksian ke dunia nyata melalui layar smartphone maupun komputer. Aplikasi media pembelajaran bakteri yang menggunakan bantuan teknologi Augmented Reality dapat digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran untuk memvisualisasikan bentuk dasar dari bakteri yang berbentuk 2 dimensi menjadi bentuk 3 dimensi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dari media pembelajaran pengenalan bakteri menggunakan Augmented Reality didapatkan hasil siswa SMA kelas X menunjukkan nilai 70,96% dengan kriteria Sangat Setuju. Kata kunci : Media Pembelajaran, Bakteri, Augmented Reality, Android

    International Student's Language Learning Identities in English as a Lingua Franca Context in Indonesia

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    Indonesia has stipulated the implementation of the international program as one of its internationalisation's agendas. As a result, private and public universities strive to create international programs that would attract international students. This study focuses on an international program in a private university in Tangerang, which promotes English as a medium of instruction with little interference from native speakers. As many previous research have centred around study abroad in English speaking countries, this study offers a novelty of how identities are constructed in the context of English as a Lingua Franca where both local Indonesian and the international students are non-native speakers of English. Therefore, this research aims to discover how international students construct their language learning identity in English as a Lingua Franca context in Indonesia. There were eight participants from five different countries. They were interviewed using conversational narrative interview, and the data was analysed using narratives analysis. The findings were established in themes, and they indicated the positive identities constructions in many ways. These included reconstructing economic identity to religious identity, establishing Lingua Franca speakers identities, constructing global citizenship identities where all these constructions were supported by the acceptance and the zero pressure from the host. Therefore, it is concluded that zero power inequality promotes favourable language learning and identity construction during study abroad


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    COVID-19 pandemic has presented an enormous challenge to Indonesian education system, that is a sudden shift to online learning for all levels of education. This unplanned change may bring an impact on students’ learning motivation, either positively or negatively. A study examining students' learning motivation while studying from home, hence, is needed. This research was conducted to find out the motivation of nursing students of one private university in Tangerang in English online learning during COVID-19 pandemic. The sample was taken using a convenience sampling technique and the data were collected using a likert-scale questionnaire. The results of this study showed that nursing students’ intrinsic motivation was on moderate level with the mean score of 3.49, while their extrinsic motivation was considered high with the mean score of 3.84. Thus, the nursing students at one private university in Tangerang had higher extrinsic motivation than intrinsic motivation. This study also figured out students’ moderate level of amotivation with the mean score of 3.57. It indicated that there were several elements causing students to be demotivated in learning. These results are expected to provide an overview of nursing students’ motivation and to serve as an evaluation for enhancing the quality of future learning

    Formulasi Tablet Hisap Kombinasi Curcuma xanthoriza Roxb., Curcuma longa L., dan Zingiber officinale ‘Sunti’ Sebagai Sediaan Kemopreventif Kanker

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    Kanker adalah penyebab kematian terbesar kelima di dunia dan kasus baru muncul secara signifikan. Akhir-akhir ini, produk alami yang digunakan secara luas sebagai kemopreventive untuk kanker. Penelitian sebelumnya melaporkan Curcuma zanthorrhiza Roxb., Curcuma longa L. Dan Zingiber officinale 'Sunti' memiliki aktivitas antikanker yang diuji secara in vitro dan in vivo. Saat ini, penggunaan C. Zanthorrhiza Roxb., C. Longa L.and Z. Officinale 'Sunti'is masih terbatas oleh masyarakat. Sehingga dibutuhkan suatu sediaan yang lebih praktis dalam bentuk formulasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan tablet hisap dengan variasi bahan pengikat polivinilpirolidon (PVP), sehingga dihasilkan formula yang memenuhi syarat uji fisik tablet hisap serta dapat diterima oleh masyarakat. Ekstrak campuran disiapkan secara granulasi basah, sifat fisik dari uji yang dilakukan meliputi penampilan fisik, keseragaman bobot dan ukuran, uji kekerasan, uji kerapuhan, dan waktu larut dan dievaluasi berdasarkan persyaratan dalam Farmakope Indonesia edisi III dan edisi IV, data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan uji statistik ANOVA. Data responsif uji rasa hasil oleh para responden dianalisis menggunakan Kruskal Wallis. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa formulasi tablet hisap ekstrak dengan variasi dalam tingkat PVP 2-6%  menunjukkan sifat fisik yang memenuhi syarat untuk tablet hisap

    Formulasi Tablet Hisap Kombinasi Curcuma xanthoriza Roxb., Curcuma longa L., dan Zingiber officinale ‘Sunti’ Sebagai Sediaan Kemopreventif Kanker

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    Kanker adalah penyebab kematian terbesar kelima di dunia dan kasus baru muncul secara signifikan. Akhir-akhir ini, produk alami yang digunakan secara luas sebagai kemopreventive untuk kanker. Penelitian sebelumnya melaporkan Curcuma zanthorrhiza Roxb., Curcuma longa L. Dan Zingiber officinale 'Sunti' memiliki aktivitas antikanker yang diuji secara in vitro dan in vivo. Saat ini, penggunaan C. Zanthorrhiza Roxb., C. Longa L.and Z. Officinale 'Sunti'is masih terbatas oleh masyarakat. Sehingga dibutuhkan suatu sediaan yang lebih praktis dalam bentuk formulasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan tablet hisap dengan variasi bahan pengikat polivinilpirolidon (PVP), sehingga dihasilkan formula yang memenuhi syarat uji fisik tablet hisap serta dapat diterima oleh masyarakat. Ekstrak campuran disiapkan secara granulasi basah, sifat fisik dari uji yang dilakukan meliputi penampilan fisik, keseragaman bobot dan ukuran, uji kekerasan, uji kerapuhan, dan waktu larut dan dievaluasi berdasarkan persyaratan dalam Farmakope Indonesia edisi III dan edisi IV, data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan uji statistik ANOVA. Data responsif uji rasa hasil oleh para responden dianalisis menggunakan Kruskal Wallis. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa formulasi tablet hisap ekstrak dengan variasi dalam tingkat PVP 2-6%  menunjukkan sifat fisik yang memenuhi syarat untuk tablet hisap


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    The purpose of this study was to assess inter-experimental reliability and construction validity on aspects of physical measurement in the training process of wheelchair tennis athletes. This study uses research development research methods with a mix of qualitative and quantitative approaches. There are four stages: the first stage is to analyze ebooks, journals and book texts to design a series of tests, the second stage applies the Delphi technique, namely the author meets with experts to assess the physical test series that has been compiled, the third stage analyzes and data using the content validity ratio formula, reliability analysis using test retest. The experimental subjects in this study consisted of 15 wheelchair tennis athletes in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) and 7 experts who were academics and professionals. It has been found that the assessment items from 7 experts showed the value of the content validity ratio was 1.00 so it can be categorized as having high content validity, then the retest test was obtained a value of 0.81 < r 1.00 so it can be said to be very good or match the tennis character. wheel chair. This battery test has criteria that are relevant to wheelchair tennis, the construction of the test is relevant to the definition of the test, the test procedure is relevant to the purpose of the test, the assessment score is in accordance with the definition of the developed test. The series of wheelchair tennis physical tests that have been compiled have validity which is said to be vali