5 research outputs found

    L'historien et l'algorithme

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    Les relations houleuses qu’histoire et informatique entretiennent ne sont pas nouvelles et la révolution des sciences historiques annoncée depuis plusieurs décennies continue de se faire attendre. Dans ce chapitre, nous aimerions néanmoins tenter de montrer qu’une évolution inédite est aujourd’hui à l’oeuvre dans les sciences historiques et que cette transformation est différente de celle qui a caractérisé, il y a quelques décennies l’arrivée de la « cliométrie » et des méthodes quantitatives. Notre hypothèse est que nous assistons par les effets de deux processus complémentaires à une généralisation des algorithmes comme objets médiateurs de la connaissance historique

    Knowing What the Peer Knows: The Differential Effect of Knowledge Awareness on Collaborative Learning Performance of Asymmetric Pairs

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    In an empirical study, we provided (or not) pairs of students working in a remote collaborative learning situation with a knowledge awareness tool that provided learner A with learner B’s level of knowledge measured through a pre-test. We analyzed the effect of the knowledge awareness tool on asymmetric pairs with regards to the prior-knowledge. Post-hoc analysis on the pairs’ knowledge level showed that the knowledge awareness tool mainly affects the learning performances of asymmetric pairs. Further analysis on the learners’ level showed that the knowledge awareness tool mainly affects the collaborative learning gain of the more-knowledgeable peers of asymmetric pairs. The results are discussed in light of socio-cognitive processes such as audience design and perspective taking

    Dual Eye-Tracking: Lessons Learnt

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    Dual eye-tracking (DUET) is at the confluents of cognitive (and social) psychology and computer science. DUET is a novel methodology to explore the socio-cognitive processes underlying collaboration. The basic aims of DUET are to better understand, through gaze indicators, a socially distributed cognitive system and to support collaboration by real time gaze display of collaborators. We are interested in finding whether and how patterns of eye-movements can reflect the cognition underlying collaboration. This paper concentrates on the major motivations, methodological challenges and the future aspects of DUET

    Dual Eye-Tracking: Lessons Learnt

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    Dual eye-tracking (DUET) is at the confluents of cognitive (and social) psychology and computer science. DUET is a novel methodology to explore the socio-cognitive processes underlying collaboration. The basic aims of DUET are to better understand, through gaze indicators, a socially distributed cognitive system and to support collaboration by real time gaze display of collaborators. We are interested in finding whether and how patterns of eye-movements can reflect the cognition underlying collaboration. This paper concentrates on the major motivations, methodological challenges and the future aspects of DUET

    Encoding metaknowledge for historical databases

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    Historical knowledge is fundamentally uncertain. A given account of an historical event is typically based on a series of sources and on sequences of interpretation and reasoning based on these sources. Generally, the product of this historical research takes the form of a synthesis, like a narrative or a map, but does not give a precise account of the intellectual process that led to this result. Our project consists of developing a methodology, based on semantic web technologies, to encode historical knowledge, while documenting, in detail, the intellectual sequences linking the historical sources with a given encoding, also know as paradata. More generally, the aim of this methodology is to build systems capable of representing multiple historical realities, as they are used to document the underlying processes in the construction of possible knowledge spaces