40 research outputs found

    Koordinacija više robota za učinkovite pretraživanje prostora

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    This paper addresses the problem of exploration of an unknown environment by developing effective exploration strategies for a team of mobile robots equipped with continuously rotating 3D scanners. The main aim of the new strategies is to reduce the exploration time of unknown environment. Unlike most of other published works, to save time, the laser scanners rotate and scan the environment while robots are in motion. Furthermore, the new strategies are able to explore large outdoor environments as a considerable reduction of the required computations, especially those required for path planning, have been achieved. Moreover, another new exploration strategy has been developed so that robots continuously replan the order to visit the remaining unexplored areas according to the new data (i.e. updated map) collected by the robot in question or by the other team members. This new extension led to further enhancements over the above mentioned ones, but with slightly higher computational costs. Finally, to assess our new exploration strategies with different levels of environment complexity, new set of experiments were conducted in environments where obstacles are distributed according to the Hilbert curve. The results of these experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed technique to effectively distribute the robots over the environment. More importantly, we show how the optimal number of robots is related to the environment complexity.Ovaj članak istražuje problem pretraživanja nepoznatog prostora razvijanjem učinkovite strategije za tim mobilnih robota s rotirajućim 3D laserskim senzorom. Glavni cilj ove nove strategije je smanjenje vremena pretraživanja nepoznatog prostora. Za razliku od većine objavljenih radova, u ovome članku, radi smanjenja vremena, laserski senzori rotiraju i snimaju prostor dok su roboti još u pokretu. Predložene strategije, pošto se njima znatno smanjuje računska složenost, pogotovo za planiranje gibanja, omogućuju pretraživanje i vanjskih prostora prostora velikih dimenzija. Nadalje, razvijena je još jedna strategija pretraživanja koja omogućuje robotima da kontinuirano replaniraju poredak kojim će posjetiti ostatak neistraženog prostora, prema novim podacima (ažuriranoj karti) prikupljenim od njih samih ili drugih članova tima. Ovo novo proširenje nadalje unaprjeđuje performanse algoritma, ali uz nešto veću računsku složenost. Kako bi se u konačnici testirale nove strategije pretraživanja na prostorima različite složenosti, provedeni su eksperimenti s preprekama raspoređenim po Hilbertovoj krivulji. Rezultati eksperimenata pokazuju učinkovitost predložene metode u prostornom raspoređivanju robota. Od posebne je važnosti istaknuti da se u članku također istražuje odnos između broja robota i kompleksnosti prostora

    Microwave Fields and Parallel Synthesis

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    Microwave-Assisted Chemical Reactions

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    Parallel and Cached Scan Matching for Robotic 3D Mapping

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    Intelligent autonomous acting of mobile robots in unstructured environments requires 3D maps. Since manual mapping is a tedious job, automatization of this job is necessary. Automatic, consistent volumetric modeling of environments requires a solution to the simultaneous localization and map building problem (SLAM problem). In 3D task is computationally expensive, since the environments are sampled with many data points with state of the art sensing technology. In addition, the solution space grows exponentially with the additional degrees of freedom needed to represent the robot pose. Mapping environments in 3D must regard six degrees of freedom to characterize the robot pose. This paper summarizes our 6D SLAM algorithm and presents novel algorithmic and technical means to reduce computation time, i.e., the data structure cached \kd~tree and parallelization. The availability of multi-core processors as well as efficient programming schemes as OpenMP permit the parallel execution of robotics tasks

    Indirect Point Cloud Registration: Aligning Distance Fields using a Pseudo Third Point Ses

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    In recent years, implicit functions have drawn attention in the field of 3D reconstruction and have successfully been applied with Deep Learning. However, for incremental reconstruction, implicit function-based registrations have been rarely explored. Inspired by the high precision of deep learning global feature registration, we propose to combine this with distance fields. We generalize the algorithm to a non-Deep Learning setting while retaining the accuracy. Our algorithm is more accurate than conventional models while, without any training, it achieves a competitive performance and faster speed, compared to Deep Learning-based registration models. The implementation is available on github for the research community.Comment: Accpted to RAL2022, code at https://github.com/Jarrome/IF

    Co-Channel Interference Analysis of Point to Point mm-Wave Radio Links

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    Abstract- Point to point mm-wave radio links are being increasingly deployed because of the expansion of commercial wireless services. Providers of wireless services continue to demand systems with higher data rate and higher carrier frequency. In order to fulfill the demand unlicensed mm-wave bands have been investigated for fixed point-to-point outdoor radio applications. An analytical method is developed in this paper to study co-channel inteference of mm-wave devices in a given area. An optimum number of mmwave devices in a certain area may be drawn from the analysis. MatLab programs are also produced to simulate the approach. The simulation results are plotted to give a clear view. It is expected that the interference analysis would help to implement the mm-wave point to point communication systems in outdoor environment. Keywords- point to point radio link, unlicensed mm-wave, co-channel interference, carrier to interference ratio (C/I), optimum link number, spatial efficiency I