28 research outputs found

    Profile of Hand Compartment Syndrome in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, West Java, 2008−2012

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    Background: Compartment syndrome is a serious disorder caused by elevated pressure in a muscle compartment that can progress to muscle and nerve damage. This disorder can happen to anyone but more frequently in young adults. The occurrence frequency of hand compartment syndrome is relatively low. The aim of this study is to identify the profile of compartment syndrome in patients hand Methods: A descriptive study was perfomed to 15 cases that were collected from medical records from 2008-2012, in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital. The profile of the case consisted of age, sex, symptoms and signs, etiology, facsiotomy schedule after admission, length of stay and patient’s outcome. The collected data were presented using tables. Results: The study showed that 12 out of 15 cases were males and 7 out of 15 cases were 20−39 years old patients. The common clinical findings were swelling, pain, limited range of motion and normal sensibility. The faciotomy procedure was conducted 1 day after the admission with length of stay more than 1 week. The patients condition were improved after operation. Conclusions: Hand compartment syndrome is a rare case, mostly affects younger adults and male. Most of the symptoms and signs are swelling, limitation of movement, pain in the location area with normal sensibility. The faciotomy procedure is conducted 1 day after admission. The length of stay is more than 1 week with an improved outcome

    Profile of Hand Compartment Syndrome in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, West Java, 2008−2012

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    Background: Compartment syndrome is a serious disorder caused by elevated pressure in a muscle compartment that can progress to muscle and nerve damage. This disorder can happen to anyone but more frequently in young adults. The occurrence frequency of hand compartment syndrome is relatively low. The aim of this study is to identify the profile of compartment syndrome in patients handMethods: A descriptive study was perfomed to 15 cases that were collected from medical records from 2008-2012, in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital. The profile of the case consisted of age, sex, symptoms and signs, etiology, facsiotomy schedule after admission, length of stay and patient’s outcome. The collected data were presented using tables.Results: The study showed that 12 out of 15 cases were males and 7 out of 15 cases were 20−39 years oldpatients. The common clinical findings were swelling, pain, limited range of motion and normal sensibility. The faciotomy procedure was conducted 1 day after the admission with length of stay more than 1 week. The patients condition were improved after operation. Conclusions: Hand compartment syndrome is a rare case, mostly affects younger adults and male. Most of the symptoms and signs are swelling, limitation of movement, pain in the location area with normal sensibility. The faciotomy procedure is conducted 1 day after admission. The length of stay is more than 1 week with an improved outcome. [AMJ.2015;2(4):497–501] DOI: 10.15850/amj.v2n4.63

    Patient Satisfaction on Surgical Service Decision Time in Emergency Department of A Tertiary Hospital in Indonesia

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    Background: Patient satisfaction survey is essential for evaluating and developing plans to improve health services' quality. One of the emergency department service quality indicators is decision time. Overcrowding of the emergency room as a result of long decision time may cause dissatisfaction among patients. This study aimed to evaluate the satisfaction level of patients receiving surgical services and the correlation between the satisfaction level and  surgical service decision time.Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive analytical study was conducted from September to November 2019 at the emergency department of Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital. The consecutive sampling method was applied and a total of 110 patients met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Patient satisfaction was assessed using a validated questionnaire and data on decision time was obtained from the patient’s medical record. Spearman correlation test was used to analyze the data.Results: This study discovered that most of the respondents were satisfied with the service (92.7%) and that decision was mostly made in less than 2 hours (79.1%). A weak negative correlation (ρ = - 0.144), was identified between decision time and patient satisfaction, albeit insignificant (p = 0.067), with a confidence interval of 95% (α = 5%).Conclusion: This study suggested that there is no correlation between patient satisfaction and decision time. Thus, decision time is not the main factor that determines patient satisfaction

    Iron as Preoperative Antituberculosis Supplement Increases Interleukin-12 Level in Spinal Tuberculosis and Iron Deficiency Patients

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    Iron deficiency remains the most prevalent micronutrient deficiency worldwide. Iron deficiency in TB patients, causes a poor outcome, reccurency, and treatment failure. Iron supplements on TB patients with iron deficiency will activate macrophage-derived monocytes (MDM) and interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), with a positive feedback mechanism pushing interleukin-12 (IL-12). This study is a single-blind randomized control trial comparing the effectivity of preoperative iron supplementation in IL-12 level between two different groups in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung, conducted from November 2018 until March 2019. Respondents are those having Spondylitis TB, with sTfR > 21,7 pg/mL and IL-12 21,7 pg/ml dan IL-12< 41 pg/mL. fase intensif OAT kategori 1sesuai dengan standar WHO. Kelompok eksperimen, 17responden diterapi 2 RHZE + tablet iron (III) hidroksi polimaltosa357 mg selama 2 bulan. Kelompok kontrol 17 responden diterapi 2RHZE. Peningkatan IL-12 pada kelompok eksperimen sebesar +364,53% lebih besar dari kelompok kontrol (p<0,05) dan; Penurunan kadar sTfR pada kelompok eksperimen sebesar –60,68% (p<0,05) lebih besar dari kontrol. Uji korelasi sTfR dan IL-12 dengan Pearson ; korelasi -0,763, menunjukkan korelasi kuat antara penurunan sTfR dan kenaikan nilai IL-12. Suplementasi Fe pada terapi preoperatif spondilitis TB dengan defisiensi Fe meningkatkan respon imun yang ditandai dengan meningkatnya IL-12

    Histopathological Effects of Ageratum Leaf Extract (Ageratum Conyzoides) on Wound Healing Acceleration After Acute Excisional Wound on Epidermis in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Model of Sprague Dawley Rats (Rattus norvegicus)

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    Diabetic wound healing problem often occurs if proper care is not given which will lead to the development of a chronic wound. Ageratum (Ageratum conyzoides L.) leaves is one of the most common plants in tropical areas, including Indonesia, which are frequently used in traditional treatment due to its anti-bacterial properties. This experimental study aimed to identify the effects of topical application of Ageratum leaf extract on wound healing based on histopathological examination of the reepithelization, ulceration, neovascularization, and the presence of inflammatory cells. This study was performed in the period of September to December 2017 at the Pharmacology and Pathology Anatomy laboratories of Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung, Indonesia. Excisions were made on the back of the 36 rats that were divided into control and test groups. The test group then received a topical application of Ageratum leaf extract. The resulting histopathologic appearance of the wound was then examined. The test group showed better wound healing in all parameters inspected when compared to the control group. Mann-Whitney Test with 95% confidence interval (p<0.05) showed that the re-epithelialization, ulceration, neovascularization, and presence of inflammatory cells reflected a statistically significant improvement in the test group (p=0.319, p=0.290, p=0.251, and p=0.245, respectively). This study concludes that the topical application of Ageratum leaf extract has a statistically significant benefit on diabetic wound healing.Pengaruh Histopatologis Ekstrak Daun Ageratum (Ageratum Conyzoides) terhadap Akselerasi Penyembuhan Luka Setelah Luka Eksisi Akut pada Epidermis pada Model 2 Diabetes Mellitus Tikus Sprague Dawley (Rattus norvegicus) Luka diabetes sering menyebabkan luka kronik jika tidak mendapat penanganan yang tepat. Ageratum (Ageratum conyzoides) merupakan tanaman khas daerah tropis termasuk Indonesia, yang daunnya digunakan untuk pengobatan tradisional karena mengandung zat anti bakteri. Penelitian eksperimental ini menggunakan desain kelompok kontrol post-test untuk mengidentifikasi efek aplikasi topical dari ekstrak daun Ageratum pada penyembuhan luka dengan pemeriksaan histopatologis dari reepitelialisasi, ulserasi, neovaskularisasi, dan sel radang. Penelitian ini dilakukan antara September hingga Desember 2017 di laboratorium Farmakologi dan Patologi Anatomi Rumah Sakit Umum Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung. Eksisi dilakukan pada tiap-tiap tikus dari 36 tikus yang dibagi menjadi kelompok kontrol dan kelompok uji di mana kelompok uji dilakukan perawatan dengan ekstrak etanol daun ageratum secara topikal. Setelah diaplikasikan ekstrak daun Ageratum, luka diperiksa secara histopatologi. Observasi pada kelompok uji menunjukkan penyembuhan luka eksisional tikus diabetes yang lebih baik daripada kelompok control untuk semua parameter. Uji Mann-Whitney dengan interval kepercayaan 95% (p <0,05) menunjukkan bahwa nilai p untuk reepitelisasi, ulserasi, neovaskularisasi, dan sel radang adalah p=0,319, p=0,290, p=0,251, dan p=0,245. Aplikasi topikal dari ekstrak daun Ageratum memiliki manfaat pada penyembuhan luka diabetes dan hasilnya signifikan secara statistik.

    Cruris Fracture among Child Patients in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung

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    Background: Cruris are lower extremity fractures commonly found in children. These dangerous fracturesmay alter the quality of life of the patients. This study was conducted to explore the characteristics of crurisfractures in children.Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was performed by reviewing the medical records of childrenwho were hospitalized at the Department of Orthopaedi and Traumatology, Dr. Hasan Sadikin GeneralHospital Bandung during 2010–2011.Results: On two years study, 62 cases have been reported. Most cases occurred among senior high schoolgroup (37.1%). Boys (71.0%) have a higher rate of fractures than girls. Fractures most frequently occurredby traffic accidents (87.1%). The fractures are mostly open (58.1%). The common fracture site was tibia(50.0%) rather than fibula (3.2%) and the most frequent location was on the right side (79.0%) and on themiddle third of the leg (41.9%). Majority of the patients went home in good condition (79.0%).Conclusion: Fractures are most frequently occurred in April because of high humidity. The causes anddistribution of the fractures based on diagnosis were related to another study. Furthermore, additionalstudies are needed to explore the characteristics of cruris fracture among children, not only in certainhospital but also in Indonesia especially in West Java.[AMJ.2015;2(1):276–80

    Platelet-Rich Fibrin Enhances Fracture Healing in Tibial Long Bone: An Experiment in Rabbit

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    Background: Fracture on long bone is a complicated case to manage. Bone graft procedure involving growth factors has been widely studied with promising results. Recently, platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) has been introduced as having potential in healing process. This study aimed to explore the quality of fracture healing on long bones treated with bone graft with and without PRF combination.Methods: This study was conducted between October to November 2018 on 18 rabbits that were divided into 2 groups. A 5 mm fracture was created on tibial bones and the fracture was stabilized using a 2.0 mm mini plate. The defect was then treated by an autogenic bone graft with and without  PRF. Histological analysis was conducted 3 weeks after the treatment and a scoring was performed using the Salkeld system. The quality of union; cortex development and remodeling; and bone graft incorporation and new bone formation were then analyzed.Results: There were significant differences between fractures in rabbits given PRF than those without PRF in terms of  union quality (p 0.040), cortex growth and remodeling (p 0.0001), bone graft and new bone union (p 0.0001), as well as in the total Salkeld score (p 0.0001).Conclusion: PRF given with bone graft therapy can enhance the quality of fracture healing of a long bone. Further studies on how the PRF content influences fracture healing process needs to be performed to further explore this effect.