1,025 research outputs found

    Quantum transport in semiconductor quantum dot superlattices: electron-phonon resonances and polaron effects

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    Electron transport in periodic quantum dot arrays in the presence of interactions with phonons was investigated using the formalism of nonequilibrium Green's functions. The self-consistent Born approximation was used to model the self-energies. Its validity was checked by comparison with the results obtained by direct diagonalization of the Hamiltonian of interacting electrons and longitudinal optical phonons. The nature of charge transport at electron -- phonon resonances was investigated in detail and contributions from scattering and coherent tunnelling to the current were identified. It was found that at larger values of the structure period the main peak in the current -- field characteristics exhibits a doublet structure which was shown to be a transport signature of polaron effects. At smaller values of the period, electron -- phonon resonances cause multiple peaks in the characteristics. A phenomenological model for treatment of nonuniformities of a realistic quantum dot ensemble was also introduced to estimate the influence of nonuniformities on current -- field characteristics

    Time-Resolved Intraband Relaxation of Strongly-Confined Electrons and Holes in Colloidal PbSe Nanocrystals

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    The relaxation of strongly-confined electrons and holes between 1P and 1S levels in colloidal PbSe nanocrystals has been time-resolved using femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy. In contrast to II-VI and III-V semiconductor nanocrystals, both electrons and holes are strongly confined in PbSe nanocrystals. Despite the large electron and hole energy level spacings (at least 12 times the optical phonon energy), we consistently observe picosecond time-scale relaxation. Existing theories of carrier relaxation cannot account for these experimental results. Mechanisms that could possibly circumvent the phonon bottleneck in IV-VI quantum dots are discussed

    Estimation of number of runaway electrons per avalanche in Earth's atmosphere

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    The connection between thunderstorms and relativistic runaway electron avalanches is an important topic that has attracted the attention of many researchers. Among other things, there are a lot of various simulations of the dynamics of electron avalanches. This article was written mostly in response to the article "The critical avalanche of runaway electrons" by Evgeny Oreshkin et al, which shows rather large numbers for an estimate of the number of runaway electrons, but it also contains the results of our own simulation and comparison with other papers

    Probing Interband Coulomb Interactions in Semiconductor Nanocrystals with 2D Double-Quantum Coherence Spectroscopy

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    Using previously developed exciton scattering model accounting for the interband, i.e., exciton-biexciton, Coulomb interactions in semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs), we derive a closed set of equations for 2D double-quantum coherence signal. The signal depends on the Liouville space pathways which include both the interband scattering processes and the inter- and intraband optical transitions. These processes correspond to the formation of different cross-peaks in the 2D spectra. We further report on our numerical calculations of the 2D signal using reduced level scheme parameterized for PbSe NCs. Two different NC excitation regimes considered and unique spectroscopic features associated with the interband Coulomb interactions are identified.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Ultrafast supercontinuum spectroscopy of carrier multiplication and biexcitonic effects in excited states of PbS quantum dots

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    We examine the multiple exciton population dynamics in PbS quantum dots by ultrafast spectrally-resolved supercontinuum transient absorption (SC-TA). We simultaneously probe the first three excitonic transitions over a broad spectral range. Transient spectra show the presence of first order bleach of absorption for the 1S_h-1S_e transition and second order bleach along with photoinduced absorption band for 1P_h-1P_e transition. We also report evidence of the one-photon forbidden 1S_{h,e}-1P_{h,e} transition. We examine signatures of carrier multiplication (multiexcitons for the single absorbed photon) from analysis of the first and second order bleaches, in the limit of low absorbed photon numbers (~ 10^-2), at pump energies from two to four times the semiconductor band gap. The multiexciton generation efficiency is discussed both in terms of a broadband global fit and the ratio between early- to long-time transient absorption signals.. Analysis of population dynamics shows that the bleach peak due to the biexciton population is red-shifted respect the single exciton one, indicating a positive binding energy.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure
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