76 research outputs found

    Context Dependent Formation and Retrieval of Human Motor Memories

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    Internal noise determines external stochastic resonance in visual perception

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    AbstractWe provide the first experimental evidence that the internal noise level determines whether external noise can enhance the detectability of a weak signal. We conduct a visual detection experiment in the absence and presence of visual noise. We define three indices of external stochastic resonance effects, consider the spread of the psychometric function without external noise as an internal noise level index, and find that the indices of external stochastic resonance effects negatively correlate with the internal noise level index. Our results suggest that external stochastic resonance depends not only on the external but also on the internal noise level

    Adaptation to Visual Feedback Delay Influences Visuomotor Learning

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    Computational theory of motor control suggests that the brain continuously monitors motor commands, to predict their sensory consequences before actual sensory feedback becomes available. Such prediction error is a driving force of motor learning, and therefore appropriate associations between motor commands and delayed sensory feedback signals are crucial. Indeed, artificially introduced delays in visual feedback have been reported to degrade motor learning. However, considering our perceptual ability to causally bind our own actions with sensory feedback, demonstrated by the decrease in the perceived time delay following repeated exposure to an artificial delay, we hypothesized that such perceptual binding might alleviate deficits of motor learning associated with delayed visual feedback. Here, we evaluated this hypothesis by investigating the ability of human participants to adapt their reaching movements in response to a novel visuomotor environment with 3 visual feedback conditions—no-delay, sudden-delay, and adapted-delay. To introduce novelty into the trials, the cursor position, which originally indicated the hand position in baseline trials, was rotated around the starting position. In contrast to the no-delay condition, a 200-ms delay was artificially introduced between the cursor and hand positions during the presence of visual rotation (sudden-delay condition), or before the application of visual rotation (adapted-delay condition). We compared the learning rate (representing how the movement error modifies the movement direction in the subsequent trial) between the 3 conditions. In comparison with the no-delay condition, the learning rate was significantly degraded for the sudden-delay condition. However, this degradation was significantly alleviated by prior exposure to the delay (adapted-delay condition). Our data indicate the importance of appropriate temporal associations between motor commands and sensory feedback in visuomotor learning. Moreover, they suggest that the brain is able to account for such temporal associations in a flexible manner

    Context Dependent Formation and Retrieval of Human Motor Memories

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    Maximal voluntary force strengthened by the enhancement of motor system state through barely visible priming words with reward.

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    The topic of unconscious influences on behaviour has long been explored as a means of understanding human performance and the neurobiological correlates of intention, motivation, and action. However, what is relatively unknown is whether subconsciously delivered priming stimuli, with or without rewards, can affect individuals' maximum level of force produced with their best effort. We demonstrated using transcranial magnetic stimulation that barely visible priming of an action concept, when combined with a reward in the form of a consciously visible positive stimulus, could alter the state of the motor system. In accordance with this neurophysiological alteration, the prime-plus-reward stimuli significantly increased the hand-grip force level of maximum voluntary contraction with little conscious awareness. This is the first objective evidence that the barely conscious presence of a behavioral goal can influence the state of the motor system and arouse latent ability for human force exertion

    Simultaneous processing of information on multiple errors in visuomotor learning.

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    The proper association between planned and executed movements is crucial for motor learning because the discrepancies between them drive such learning. Our study explored how this association was determined when a single action caused the movements of multiple visual objects. Participants reached toward a target by moving a cursor, which represented the right hand's position. Once every five to six normal trials, we interleaved either of two kinds of visual perturbation trials: rotation of the cursor by a certain amount (±15°, ±30°, and ±45°) around the starting position (single-cursor condition) or rotation of two cursors by different angles (+15° and -45°, 0° and 30°, etc.) that were presented simultaneously (double-cursor condition). We evaluated the aftereffects of each condition in the subsequent trial. The error sensitivity (ratio of the aftereffect to the imposed visual rotation) in the single-cursor trials decayed with the amount of rotation, indicating that the motor learning system relied to a greater extent on smaller errors. In the double-cursor trials, we obtained a coefficient that represented the degree to which each of the visual rotations contributed to the aftereffects based on the assumption that the observed aftereffects were a result of the weighted summation of the influences of the imposed visual rotations. The decaying pattern according to the amount of rotation was maintained in the coefficient of each imposed visual rotation in the double-cursor trials, but the value was reduced to approximately 40% of the corresponding error sensitivity in the single-cursor trials. We also found a further reduction of the coefficients when three distinct cursors were presented (e.g., -15°, 15°, and 30°). These results indicated that the motor learning system utilized multiple sources of visual error information simultaneously to correct subsequent movement and that a certain averaging mechanism might be at work in the utilization process

    Divisively normalized neuronal processing of uncertain visual feedback for visuomotor learning

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    Abstract When encountering a visual error during a reaching movement, the motor system improves the motor command for the subsequent trial. This improvement is impaired by visual error uncertainty, which is considered evidence that the motor system optimally estimates the error. However, how such statistical computation is accomplished remains unclear. Here, we propose an alternative scheme implemented with a divisive normalization (DN): the responses of neuronal elements are normalized by the summed activity of the population. This scheme assumes that when an uncertain visual error is provided by multiple cursors, the motor system processes the error conveyed by each cursor and integrates the information using DN. The DN model reproduced the patterns of learning response to 1-3 cursor errors and the impairment of learning response with visual error uncertainty. This study provides a new perspective on how the motor system updates motor commands according to uncertain visual error information