4 research outputs found

    Practical aspects of energy storage

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    Jednym z kluczowych problemów i wyzwań współczesnej cywilizacji jest efekt cieplarniany i bezpieczeństwo energetyczne (strategia Unii Europejskiej), konkurencyjność polskiej i europejskiej gospodarki oraz zmniejszenie zanieczyszczenia powietrza w miastach. Rozwój nowoczesnych baterii litowo-jonowych i poprawa zdolności magazynowania energii w bateriach ma strategiczne znaczenie dla Europy. Wojna na Ukrainie rozpoczęta w lutym 2022 r. zwróciła uwagę Europy na kwestię dywersyfikacji źródeł energii oraz konieczność inwestowania w odnawialne źródła energii. Rozpoczęto intensywne prace nad systemem energetyki rozproszonej, która nie może istnieć bez rozproszonego magazynowania energii. Kluczem do rozwoju rynku magazynów energii jest opracowanie rozwiązań w zakresie nowoczesnych elektrochemicznych metod magazynowania energii, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem poniższych parametrów: wydajność, przyjazność dla środowiska, koszty, bezpieczeństwo. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest zaprezentowanie strategii projektowania nowego magazynu energii połączonego z instalacją fotowoltaiczną na wybranym modelowym domu, opartego na bateriach jonowo-litowych na podstawie zidentyfikowanych wyzwań technologicznych. Magazyny energii produkowane w oparciu o europejskie łańcuchy dostaw oraz o lokalną myśl techniczną przyczynią się do zwiększenia bezpieczeństwa energetycznego, rozwoju rozproszonej energetyki oraz uniezależnienia od komponentów dostarczanych z Azji. W rozdziale poruszono kwestie technologiczne związane z budową ogniw jonowo-litowych oraz poszczególnych elementów ogniw takich jak katoda, anoda oraz elektrolit. Ponadto zaprezentowane są również dane dotyczące rozwoju rynku baterii na rynku światowym oraz trendy na rynkach europejskich. Na podstawie wyróżnionych wyzwań technologicznych projektowania nowego magazynu energii zaprojektowano strategie zmierzające to pokonania trudności, a co za tym idzie, zbudowania nowego magazynu charakteryzującego się: obniżonymi kosztami produkcji, zwiększoną pojemnością, zwiększoną mocą, zwiększoną żywotnością oraz wzrostem bezpieczeństwa.One of the key problems and challenges of modern civilization is the greenhouse effect and energy security (European Union strategy), the competitiveness of the Polish and European economies and the reduction of urban air pollution. The development of modern lithium-ion batteries and the improvement of battery energy storage capacity is of strategic importance for Europe. The war in Ukraine, which began in February 2022, has drawn Europe’s attention to the issue of diversification of energy sources and the need to invest in renewable energy sources. Intensive work has begun on a distributed energy system, which cannot exist without distributed energy storage. The key to the development of the energy storage market is the development of solutions for modern electrochemical methods of energy storage, with particular attention to the following parameters: efficiency, environmental friendliness, cost, safety. The purpose of this article is to present a strategy for the design of a new energy storage combined with a photovoltaic installation on a selected model house, based on lithium ion batteries on the basis of the identified technological challenges. Energy storages produced on the basis of the European supply chain and local technical thought will contribute to increased energy security, the development of distributed energy and independence from components supplied from Asia. The article addresses technological issues related to the construction of lithium ion cells and individual cell components such as cathode, anode and electrolyte. In addition, data on the development of the battery market in the global market and trends in European markets are also presented. On the basis of the highlighted technological challenges of designing a new energy storage, strategies are designed to overcome the difficulties and thus build a new storage characterized by: reduced production costs, increased capacity, increased power, increased life and increased safety

    Electrochemical performance of highly conductive nanocrystallized glassy alluaudite-type cathode materials for NIBs

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    Alluaudite-type materials are systematically attracting more attention as prospective cathode materials for sodium-ion batteries. It has been demonstrated that optimized thermal nanocrystallization of glassy analogs of various cathode materials may lead to a significant increase in their electrical conductivity. In this paper, three alluaudite-like glasses (Na2Fe3(PO4)3—FFF, Na2VFe2(PO4)3—VFF, and Na2VFeMn(PO4)3—VFM) were synthesized and subjected to an optimized thermal nanocrystallization. This procedure resulted in nanostructured samples with increased electrical conductivity at room temperature: 5×10−7 S/cm (FFF), 7×10−5 S/cm (VFM), and 6×10−4 S/cm (VFF). The nanocrystalline microstructure was also evidenced by ultra-high-frequency impedance spectroscopy (up to 10 GHz) and proposed electrical equivalent circuits. Prototype electrochemical cells were assembled and characterized with voltage cutoffs of 1.5 and 4.5 V. The electrochemical performance was, however, modest. The gravimetric capacity varied between the studied materials, but did not exceed 35 mAh/g. Capacity retention after ca. 100 cycles was satisfactory. Further optimization of the residual-glass-to-nanocrystallite volume ratio would be desirable

    Electrochemical Performance of Highly Conductive Nanocrystallized Glassy Alluaudite-Type Cathode Materials for NIBs

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    Alluaudite-type materials are systematically attracting more attention as prospective cathode materials for sodium-ion batteries. It has been demonstrated that optimized thermal nanocrystallization of glassy analogs of various cathode materials may lead to a significant increase in their electrical conductivity. In this paper, three alluaudite-like glasses (Na2Fe3(PO4)3—FFF, Na2VFe2(PO4)3—VFF, and Na2VFeMn(PO4)3—VFM) were synthesized and subjected to an optimized thermal nanocrystallization. This procedure resulted in nanostructured samples with increased electrical conductivity at room temperature: 5×10−7 S/cm (FFF), 7×10−5 S/cm (VFM), and 6×10−4 S/cm (VFF). The nanocrystalline microstructure was also evidenced by ultra-high-frequency impedance spectroscopy (up to 10 GHz) and proposed electrical equivalent circuits. Prototype electrochemical cells were assembled and characterized with voltage cutoffs of 1.5 and 4.5 V. The electrochemical performance was, however, modest. The gravimetric capacity varied between the studied materials, but did not exceed 35 mAh/g. Capacity retention after ca. 100 cycles was satisfactory. Further optimization of the residual-glass-to-nanocrystallite volume ratio would be desirable