8 research outputs found

    Andrzej Stasiuk's Montenegro

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    Autor analizuje obrazy Czarnogóry w prozie Andrzeja Stasiuka, inspirując się refleksjami zawartymi w Poruszonej mapie Przemysława Czaplińskiego. Ograniczenie przedmiotu analizy do tego państwa pozwala uwypuklić istotne cechy pisarstwa Stasiuka, nie zawsze dostrzegane przez krytykę. Przywiązanie do własnej pamięci i autorskiej wizji są w tej prozie ważniejsze niż cele, które przyświecają literaturze non fiction. Jest ono przez to zależne od stereotypów na temat Bałkanów oraz własnych powierzchownych obserwacji.The author of this article analyses the images of Montenegro in Andrzej Stasiuk’s prose, inspired by the reflections contained in Przemysław Czapliński’s Poruszona mapa [A Moved Map]. Limiting the subject of the analysis to this country allows the author to highlight essential features of Stasiuk’s writing which are not always noticed by its critics. In this prose work, attachment to one’s own memory and the author's vision are more important than the goals of non-fiction literature. It is thus dependent on the stereotypes about the Balkans and the author’s own superficial observations


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    Деревня особенно сильно ощутила последствия режимной трансформации, оставаясь на периферии интересов центров власти. Кризис затронул не только экономику, но также семейные и соседские отношения, поскольку коммунизм нарушил гармонию человеческого сосуществования с природой и локальным сообществом. Автор статьи рассматривает разные аспекты деревенской повседневности конца ХХ века в Польше и России на примере Галицких рассказов Анджея Стасюка и Елтышевых Романа Сенчина. Сравнительный анализ позволяет выявить существенные различия в способах изображения польской и российской сельской действительностиThe rural areas, remaining on the periphery of the power centres’ interests, especially strongly felt the effect of the systemic transformation. This crisis had a significant impact not only on the economic issues, but also on the family and neighbour relationships, since communism had damaged the harmony of human coexistence with nature and relations inside the local communities. The author presents a look at the rural daily life of the late twentieth century in Poland and Russia using examples of Tales of Galicia by Andrzej Stasiuk and The Yeltyshevs by Roman Senchin – books describing the reality of the countryside in each of the countries. A comparison of these two works reveals significant differences in the ways of capturing reality of the countryside in Poland and Russia.Wieś szczególnie mocno odczuła skutki transformacji ustrojowej, pozostając na peryferiach zainteresowania władz centralnych. Kryzys dotknął nie tylko gospodarkę, ale także relacje rodzinne i sąsiedzkie, ponieważ komunizm naruszył harmonię koegzystencji człowieka z naturą i lokalną społecznością. Autor artykułu rozpatruje różne aspekty wiejskiej codzienności końca XX wieku w Polsce i Rosji na przykładzie Opowieści galicyjskich Andrzeja Stasiuka i Rodziny Jołtyszewów Romana Senczina. Analiza komparatystyczna pozwala na wyodrębnienie istotnych różnic w sposobach przedstawienia polskiej i rosyjskiej codzienności wsi.


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    Although Krzystof Karasek counts among the most outstanding representatives of the Nowa Fala (New Wave) generation, his poems have not been subject to detailed analysis so far. The author attempts to highlight the meaning of the Orphic threads in Krzysztof Karasek’s poetry written after 1989. For more than twenty years Karasek’s poems have been tied to each other by a suggestive figure of a hero named by the poet a ‘castaway’. This castaway’s characteristics include distance to himself and lack of delusion about the condition of the world after personal and cultural collapse. Still, it also includes great appraisal of life. The poet, defining the figure of the castaway, calls in a number of castaway figures, characters after catastrophe, among which one can find the mythical Orpheus. The article addresses the originality of Karasek’s idea with regard to his polemical texts which engaged with Zbigniew Herbert’s and Julian Kornhauser’s works


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    Although Krzystof Karasek counts among the most outstanding representatives of the Nowa Fala (New Wave) generation, his poems have not been subject to detailed analysis so far. The author attempts to highlight the meaning of the Orphic threads in Krzysztof Karasek’s poetry written after 1989. For more than twenty years Karasek’s poems have been tied to each other by a suggestive figure of a hero named by the poet a ‘castaway’. This castaway’s characteristics include distance to himself and lack of delusion about the condition of the world after personal and cultural collapse. Still, it also includes great appraisal of life. The poet, defining the figure of the castaway, calls in a number of castaway figures, characters after catastrophe, among which one can find the mythical Orpheus. The article addresses the originality of Karasek’s idea with regard to his polemical texts which engaged with Zbigniew Herbert’s and Julian Kornhauser’s works


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    The discussion between three poets of the Polish New Wave (Generation 68), Stanisław Barańczak, Krzysztof Karasek and Adam Zagajewski about The Magic Mountain marked the end of the stage of group manifestations of their generation’s ideas. It also defined the attitude of Polish intellectuals against totalitarianism until 1989 – Mann’s fictional character, Settembrini, became their patron, while the attitude of Krzysztof Karasek, who identified himself with the figure of Hans Castorp, became a forerunner to the protagonists of the “brulion generation” poetry. The legacy of the New Wave is so much more diverse than it is commonly spoken of

    Image of the Balkans in the works by Andrzej Stasiuk and Małgorzata Rejmer

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    Historię terminu Bałkany oraz stygmatyzujących obrazów tworzonych przez podróżników, pisarzy z Europy Zachodniej, znajdziemy w klasycznych już pracach Marii Todorovej i Božidara Jezernika. Po 1989 roku obraz krajów Europy Południowo-WschodWschodniej w Polsce kształtował się pod wpływem zachodniego dyskursu, ale miał też cechy odrębne. Do tych należało sytuowanie Bałkanów wobec mitu Europy Środkowej oraz w pewnym stopniu wspólnego doświadczenia komunizmu. Najciekawsze (i najbardziej wpływowe) narracje polskich pisarzy o krajach tej części Europy wiążą się z twórczością Andrzeja Stasiuka i Małgorzaty Rejmer. Wpisują się też one w dyskusję o granicach reportażu toczącą się w Polsce w XXI wieku po śmierci Ryszarda Kapuścińskiego.The history of the term the Balkans and stigmatising images of the Balkan area, created by travellers and writers from Western Europe, have been described in works by Maria Todorova and Božidar Jezernik, which can already be considered classical. After 1989, the image of the countries of Southeast Europe in Poland was shaped under the infl uence of the Western discourse, but it also had distinguishing features. These included the positioning of the Balkans against of the myth of Central Europe and, to an extent, against the common experience of communism. The most interesting (and infl uential) narratives of Polish writers about the countries of this part of Europe are related to the literary works by Andrzej Stasiuk and Małgorzata Rejmer. They also fi t into the discussion about the boundaries of reportage that took place in Poland in the 21st century after the death of Ryszard Kapuściński

    The Effect of Glutamine as Feed Additive on Selected Parameters of the Nonspecific Immune Response in Pigs

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    The use of feed additives containing glutamine can influence the growth and development of piglets during the weaning period. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of feed supplementation with 0.5% L-glutamine on selected parameters of the nonspecific immune response of pigs. The research was carried out on 60 pigs (Polish Large White × Polish Landrace), from 28 days of age to slaughter. The obtained results showed an increased percentage of phagocytic cells (monocytes and granulocytes) and oxygen blast cells in pigs between 28 and 70 days of age, proving that non-specific immune mechanisms were stimulated, which contributed to the improvement of the processes of antigen elimination from the body. The increase in the percentage of cells expressing SWC3, CD11b/CD18+, CD14+ and CD14+CD16+ molecules on granulocytes and monocytes during this period resulted in the enhancement of the host defense mechanisms by stimulating phagocytosis and enhancing the mechanisms of a non-specific immune response. The high concentration of TNF-α and IL-1β as well as Il-10 in the experimental group indicates the cellular phenotype of the Th1-type response, and the maintenance of the immune balance between the pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory responses and ensuring the homeostasis of the organism

    Influence of Effective Microorganisms and Clinoptilolite on Gut Barrier Function, Intestinal Health and Performance of Broiler Chickens during Induced <i>Eimeria tenella</i> Infection

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    The prohibition of certain coccidiostats in poultry has created a need to seek an alternative to control Eimeria infection. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of effective microorganisms (EM) in a multi-strain probiotic (Bokashi®), with clinoptilolite as a feed supplement on the mRNA expression of tight junction proteins and redox enzymes in the caecal tissue of chickens infected with E. tenella. The integrity of the intestinal barrier was tested by determining the concentration of fluorescein isothiocyanate dextran (FITC-d) in the chicken’s serum. A total of 600 1-day-old Ross 308 male chickens received diets with a 0.5% or 0.8% concentration of the probiotic together with clinoptilolite. The experiment used 5 treatment groups, and a control group, each with 5 replicates with 20 birds. The results indicate that the use of the 8 kg/t of feed multi-strain probiotic together with clinoptilolite in the diet of poultry caused a significant reduction in the number of E. tenella oocysts in the faeces and caecum and significantly improved the growth rate of chicken broilers infected with E. tenella. In addition, the probiotic and clinoptilolite enhanced antioxidant processes in the caecal mucosa and reduced oxidative stress induced by E. tenella infection