3 research outputs found

    Экзематозные поражения кистей рук

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    The article concerns with the case dermatitis of hands. It analyses the modern classifications of hand dermatitis, epidemiological aspects, initiating agents, clinical treatment and therapeutical principals. The special focus is put on microbal eczemas and chronical allergodermathosis of hands. Among the pathogenetical factors of development and maintaining of dermatological inflammation the problem of microbacterial infection of skin is emphasized. The effectiveness and safety of external therapy of patients with microbal and chronical hand eczemas is proven and established while using the multicomponental medication Triderm.Статья посвящена проблеме экзематозных поражений кожи кистей рук. Подробно разобраны современные классификации экземы кистей рук, эпидемиологические аспекты, провоцирующие факторы, клиника и принципы терапии. Особое внимание в статье уделено микробным экземам и хроническим аллергодерматозам кистей рук. Среди патогенетических факторов развития и поддержания экзематозного воспаления выделена проблема микобактериального инфицирования кожных покровов. Обоснованы и доказаны собственными клиническими наблюдениями эффективность и безопасность наружной терапии пациентов с микробными и хроническими экземами кистей рук многокомпонентным препаратом Тридерм

    Papulonecrotic angiitis of Werther—Werner—Duemling while taking NSAIDs

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    The problem of vascular pathology of the skin remains one of the relevant topics in modern practical dermatology, which is associated with the relative rarity of the disease, polyetiology and polymorphism of clinical manifestations that impede timely diagnosis. Angiitis (vasculitis) of the skin is a disease in the clinical and pathomorphological symptoms of which the initial and leading link is nonspecific inflammation of the walls of dermal and hypodermal blood vessels of various calibers. Trigger factors for the development of pathology can be systemic diseases of the connective tissue (systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, dermatopolymiosis, Sjogren’s syndrome, etc.), various infectious processes (sepsis, infectious endocarditis, syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B, C, cytomegalovirus), malignant tumors (usually hemo-blastosis), as well as drug sensitization. Papulonecrotic vasculitis (necrotic nodular angiitis of Werther—Werner—Duemling) refers to dermal vasculitis, therefore, it mainly affects small-caliber vessels. It is quite possible the transformation of skin vasculitis into a systemic process with damage to internal organs and the development of severe complications. Angiitis refers to polyethiological dermatoses, however, the allergic component is decisive in the development of the disease, one of the reasons for which may be taking medications. We present the case of the polymorphic dermal vasculitis of the papulonecrotic type Werther—Werner—Duemling, caused by taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in a 59-year-old woman. It is known that long-term use of drugs such as cuprenyl, allopurinol, thiazide diuretics, ketorola-cum, aurum medications, sulfonamides, phenytoin, penicillins, amphetamine, can cause vasculitis. In the modern literature, isolated cases of the occurrence of this pathology are described against the background of the use of NSAIDs, such as ketorolac, naproxen and ibuprofen. Given the fairly popular and often uncontrolled use of NSAIDs, it is important to consider the potential side effect of this group of drugs. © 2020, Media Sfera. All rights reserved

    Модель развития современного Китая: оценки, дискуссии, прогнозы

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    The book is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the problems of development of modern China. The group of authors, covering almost all the leading divisions of the sinological profile of Moscow and St. Petersburg and represented by four generations of Russian researchers, as well as well-known Chinese researchers, analyzes the main dimensions of the modern model of China's development. It is recommended for politicians and diplomats, researchers of modern China, teachers and students of higher education institutions (Orientalists, regionalists, journalists, political scientists and international experts), as well as for a wide range of readers interested in modern foreign and domestic policy of the PRC.Книга посвящена комплексному анализу проблем развития современного Китая. Группа авторов, охватывающая практически все ведущие подразделения китаеведческого профиля Москвы и Петербурга и представленная четырьмя поколениями российских исследователей, а также известные Китайские исследователи, анализируют основные измерения современной модели развития КНР. Рекомендуется для политиков и дипломатов, исследователей современного Китая, преподавателей и студентов вузов (востоковедов, регионоведов, журналистов, политологов и международников), а также для широкого круга читателей, интересующихся современной внешней и внутренней политикой КНР