2,058 research outputs found

    Patent foramen ovale and thromboembolic complications

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    The foramen ovale, an atrial septal defect which is essential in the fetal circulation, remains patent through adulthood in approximately 25% of the general population and so it represents the most common persistent abnormality of fetal origin. Patent foramen ovale (PFO) allows interatrial right-to-left blood shunting during those periods of the cardiac cycle in which the right atrial pressure exceeds the left one. An increasing number of pathological manifestations of PFO has been recently identified; among these, paradoxical systemic embolism, refractory hypoxemia in patients with right ventricular myocardium infarction or severe pulmonary disease, orthostatic oxygen desaturation in the rare platypnea-orthodeoxia syndrome, neurological decompression illness in divers, high altitude pilots and astronauts, and finally, migraine headache with aura. Nowadays many techniques allow to detect a PFO. In this study we investigated each of them, assessing their potential diagnostic role even in comparison with the main features of the other method

    Dietary strategy for prevention and management of dyslipidemia: International guidelines

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    Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease should begin with a detailed metabolic study of our patients who must follow a nutritional therapy. Recently, new guidelines ESC/EAS 2011 on the treatment of dyslipidemia have been drawn up, according to which it is possible to arrive at desirable values of cholesterol and triglycerides with a synergy between drug treatment and adequate diet therapy. At this time, Mediterranean diet has been undergoing a radical transformation: there is hyperalimentation of the Mediterranean diet in all its components. The effectiveness of the Mediterranean diet on the reduction of lipids has been demonstrated, and the problem is how to implement this diet in the general population and dyslipidemic patients. Certainly, awareness, education of their nutritional status, suitable food and portions can increase adherence to diet

    Cardiorenal syndrome: the role of new biochemical markers

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    Cardiorenal syndrome is a pathophysiological heart and kidney disorder, in which acute or chronic dysfunction of one organ induces a damage in the other. It's a syndrome more and more often encountered in clinical practice and this implies the need to recognize the syndrome through biochemical markers with a good sensitivity and specificity, since its earliest stages in order to optimize therapy. In addition to widely validated biomarkers, such as BNP, pro BNP, creatinine, GFR and cystatin C, other promising molecules are available, like NGAL (neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, KIM-1 (kidney injury molecule-1), MCP-1 (monocyte chemotactic peptide), Netrin-1, interleuchin 18 and NAG (N-acetyl-β-glucosa-minidase). The role of these emerging biomarkers is still not completely clarified: hence the need of new clinical trials

    Complexity of Gaussian quantum optics with a limited number of non-linearities

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    It is well known in quantum optics that any process involving the preparation of a multimode gaussian state, followed by a gaussian operation and gaussian measurements, can be efficiently simulated by classical computers. Here, we provide evidence that computing transition amplitudes of Gaussian processes with a single-layer of non-linearities is hard for classical computers. To do so, we show how an efficient algorithm to solve this problem could be used to efficiently approximate outcome probabilities of a Gaussian boson sampling experiment. We also extend this complexity result to the problem of computing transition probabilities of Gaussian processes with two layers of non-linearities, by developing a Hadamard test for continuous-variable systems that may be of independent interest. Given recent experimental developments in the implementation of photon-photon interactions, our results may inspire new schemes showing quantum computational advantage or algorithmic applications of non-linear quantum optical systems realizable in the near-term.Comment: 5 pages for the main file, 8 pages for the appendix, 3 figure

    Soluble CD40L and cardiovascular risk in asymptomatic low-grade carotid stenosis

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    Background and Purpose-We investigated whether soluble CD40L (sCD40L) may predict the risk of cardiovascular (CV) events in patients with asymptomatic carotid plaques. Methods-Forty-two patients with asymptomatic low-grade carotid stenosis (ALCS) and 21 controls without any carotid stenosis were enrolled. All subjects had at least a major cardiovascular risk factor (CRF). Plasma levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), IL-6, and sCD40L were measured. Subjects were reviewed every 12 months (median follow-up, 8 years). Results-ALCS patients had higher (P<0.0001) CRP, IL-6, and sCD40L than controls. Fourteen patients experienced a CV event. Cox regression analysis showed that only high sCD40L levels (P=0.003) independently predicted cardiovascular risk. Conclusions-High levels of sCD40L may predict the risk of CV events in ALCS

    Prognostic role of aldosterone in patients with acute coronary syndrome: short and medium term follow-up.

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    AIMS: Different studies have shown a correlation between aldosterone, atherosclerosis and ischemia in the past decade. Evidence exists for the relationship between high levels of aldosterone and augmented risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as hypertension, cardiac failure, coronary artery disease and stroke. The objective of this study was to determine the prognostic role of aldosterone in patients with myocardial infarction. METHODS:The study population included 96 consecutive patients admitted to our department for ST-elevated and non-ST-elevated myocardial infarction from June 2009 to March 2012. Plasma aldosterone levels were measured at admission to hospital in all patients. A 2-year prospective follow-up was performed, and fatal events and non-fatal events, such as reinfarction, congestive heart failure and arrhythmias, were recorded. RESULTS:Aldosterone levels at admission were associated with incidence of congestive heart failure (P\u200a=\u200a0.02), ventricular arrhythmias (P\u200a=\u200a0.01) and all complications (P\u200a=\u200a0.003) after 1-month follow-up. Moreover, high aldosterone levels gave important information in the medium term (24\u200a\ub1\u200a6 months). Specifically, aldosterone was a predictive variable of reinfarction (P\u200a<\u200a0.0001), congestive heart failure (P\u200a<\u200a0.0001) and adverse events (P\u200a=\u200a0.0002). The logistic regression analysis confirmed these results and showed that aldosterone may be predictive of adverse events at medium-term follow-up (odds ratio 1.1, 95% confidence interval 1.03-1.15, P\u200a=\u200a0.02). CONCLUSION:These data show a strong and significant correlation between plasma aldosterone levels at admission for myocardial infarction and fatal and nonfatal adverse events. Aldosterone appears to be a main marker of adverse clinical outcome, in accordance with the literature. These data suggest the need to identify whether antialdosteronic drug treatment, applied acutely in patients with aldosterone elevation, can influence favorably the prognosis of patients with myocardial infarction

    What links BRAF to the heart function? New insights from the cardiotoxicity of BRAF inhibitors in cancer treatment

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    none11noThe RAS-related signalling cascade has a fundamental role in cell. It activates differentiation and survival. It is particularly important one of its molecules, B-RAF. B-RAF has been a central point for research, especially in melanoma. Indeed, it lacked effective therapeutic weapons since the early years of its study. Molecules targeting B-RAF have been developed. Nowadays, two classes of molecules are approved by FDA. Multi-target molecules, such as Sorafenib and Regorafenib, and selective molecules, such as Vemurafenib and Dabrafenib. Many other molecules are still under investigation. Most of them are studied in phase 1 trials. Clinical studies correlate B-RAF inhibitors and QT prolongation. Though this cardiovascular side effect is not common using these drugs, it must be noticed early and recognize its signals. Indeed, Oncologists and Cardiologists should work in cooperation to prevent lethal events, such as fatal arrhythmias or sudden cardiac death. These events could originate from an uncontrolled QT prolongation.openBronte E.; Bronte G.; Novo G.; Bronte F.; Bavetta M.G.; Re G.L.; Brancatelli G.; Bazan V.; Natoli C.; Novo S.; Russo A.Bronte, E.; Bronte, G.; Novo, G.; Bronte, F.; Bavetta, M. G.; Re, G. L.; Brancatelli, G.; Bazan, V.; Natoli, C.; Novo, S.; Russo, A

    Preclinical atherosclerosis and metabolic syndrome increase cardio- and cerebrovascular events rate: a 20-year follow up

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    BACKGROUND: Intima-media thickness (IMT) is a validated marker of preclinical atherosclerosis and a predictor of cardiovascular events. PATIENTS: We studied a population of 529 asymptomatic patients (age 62\u2009\ub1\u200912.8 years), divided into two groups of subjects with and without Metabolic Syndrome (MetS). METHODS: All patients, at baseline, have had a carotid ultrasound evaluation and classified in two subgroups: the first one without atherosclerotic lesions and the second one with preclinical atherosclerosis (increased IMT or asymptomatic carotid plaque). Cardiovascular endpoints were investigated in a 20-years follow-up. RESULTS: There were 242 cardiovascular events: 144 among patients with MetS and 98 among in healthy controls (57.4% vs. 35.2%; P\u2009<\u20090.0001). 63 events occurred in patients with normal carotid arteries, while 179 events occurred in patients with preclinical atherosclerosis (31.8% vs. 54.1%; P\u2009<\u20090.0001). Of the 144 total events occurred in patients with MetS, 36 happened in the subgroup with normal carotid arteries and 108 in the subgroup with preclinical atherosclerosis (45% vs. 63.15%; P\u2009=\u20090.009). 98 events occurred in patients without MetS, of which 27 in the subgroup with normal carotid arteries and 71 in the subgroup with preclinical atherosclerosis (22.88% vs. 44.37%; P\u2009=\u20090.0003). In addition, considering the 63 total events occurred in patients without atherosclerotic lesions, 36 events were recorded in the subgroup with MetS and 27 events in the subgroup without MetS (45% vs. 22.88%; P\u2009=\u20090.0019). Finally, in 179 total events recorded in patients with preclinical carotid atherosclerosis, 108 happened in the subgroup with MetS and 71 happened in the subgroup without MetS (63.15% vs. 44.37%; P\u2009=\u20090.0009). The Kaplan-Meier function showed an improved survival in patients without atherosclerotic lesions compared with patients with carotid ultrasound alterations (P\u2009=\u20090.01, HR: 0.7366, CI: 0.5479 to 0.9904). CONCLUSIONS: Preclinical atherosclerosis leads to an increased risk of cardiovascular events, especially if it is associated with MetS

    Chemotherapy cardiotoxicity: cardioprotective drugs and early identification of cardiac dysfunction.

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    Background: Chemotherapy cardiotoxicity is an emerging problem and it is very important to prevent cardiac dysfunction caused by anticancer drugs. The aim of this study was to assess the alterations of the cardiac function induced by chemotherapy in a follow-up of 2 years and to evaluate the cardioprotective role of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) in the prevention of cardiac dysfunction. Methods: A prospective study was carried out using patients with breast cancer (85 women; median age 57W12years) and other inclusion and exclusion criteria. On the basis of treatment, patients were divided into six groups: fluorouracil-epirubicincyclophosphamide, FEC (group A); FEC and trastuzumab (B); trastuzumab (C); FEC and taxotere (D); FEC, paclitaxel and trastuzumab (E); and chemotherapy and cardioprotective drugs (F). Cardiological evaluation including electrocardiogram and conventional echocardiogram with tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) was carried out at T0 (before starting chemotherapy), T1 (after 6months from the start of chemotherapy) and T2 (2 years after the end of chemotherapy). Results: Significant changes in the TDI parameters of systolic and diastolic function were observed at T1 and T2 in all patients. A significant reduction of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was observed only at T2. In the patients treated with ACEI (F), these changes were less significant than in other groups and they do not have significant changes in the indices of diastolic function. Conclusion: TDI is more sensitive than conventional echocardiogram in the early diagnosis of cardiac dysfunction and ACEIs seem to have an important role in the prevention of cardiotoxicity

    Ice-bridging frustration by self-ejection of single droplets results in superior anti-frosting surfaces

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    Surfaces capable of delaying the frosting passively and facilitating its removal are highly desirable in fields where ice introduces inefficiencies and risks. Coalescence jumping, enabled by highly hydrophobic surfaces, is already exploited to slow down the frosting but it is insufficient to completely eliminate the propagation by ice-bridging. We show how the self-ejection of single condensation droplets can frustrate the ice bridges of all the condensation droplets leading to a frost velocity lower than 0.5 um/s thus dropping below the current limits of passive surfaces by a factor of at least 2. Arrays of truncated microcones, covered by uniformly hydrophobic nanostructures, enable individual condensation droplets to growth and self-propel towards the top of the microstructures and to self-eject once a precise volume is reached. The independency of self-ejection on the neighbour droplets allows a precise control on the droplets' size and distance distributions and the ice-bridging frustration. The most performant microstructures tend to cones with a sharp tip on which the percentage of self-ejection is maximum. Looking towards applications, tapered microstructures allow maximising the percentage of self-ejecting drops while maintaining a certain mechanical strength. Further, it is shown that inserted pinning sites are not essential, which greatly facilitates manufacturing