50 research outputs found

    RankME: Reliable Human Ratings for Natural Language Generation

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    Human evaluation for natural language generation (NLG) often suffers from inconsistent user ratings. While previous research tends to attribute this problem to individual user preferences, we show that the quality of human judgements can also be improved by experimental design. We present a novel rank-based magnitude estimation method (RankME), which combines the use of continuous scales and relative assessments. We show that RankME significantly improves the reliability and consistency of human ratings compared to traditional evaluation methods. In addition, we show that it is possible to evaluate NLG systems according to multiple, distinct criteria, which is important for error analysis. Finally, we demonstrate that RankME, in combination with Bayesian estimation of system quality, is a cost-effective alternative for ranking multiple NLG systems.Comment: Accepted to NAACL 2018 (The 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

    Findings of the E2E NLG Challenge

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    This paper summarises the experimental setup and results of the first shared task on end-to-end (E2E) natural language generation (NLG) in spoken dialogue systems. Recent end-to-end generation systems are promising since they reduce the need for data annotation. However, they are currently limited to small, delexicalised datasets. The E2E NLG shared task aims to assess whether these novel approaches can generate better-quality output by learning from a dataset containing higher lexical richness, syntactic complexity and diverse discourse phenomena. We compare 62 systems submitted by 17 institutions, covering a wide range of approaches, including machine learning architectures -- with the majority implementing sequence-to-sequence models (seq2seq) -- as well as systems based on grammatical rules and templates.Comment: Accepted to INLG 201

    Data-driven Natural Language Generation: Paving the Road to Success

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    We argue that there are currently two major bottlenecks to the commercial use of statistical machine learning approaches for natural language generation (NLG): (a) The lack of reliable automatic evaluation metrics for NLG, and (b) The scarcity of high quality in-domain corpora. We address the first problem by thoroughly analysing current evaluation metrics and motivating the need for a new, more reliable metric. The second problem is addressed by presenting a novel framework for developing and evaluating a high quality corpus for NLG training.Comment: WiNLP workshop at ACL 201

    Crowd-sourcing NLG Data: Pictures Elicit Better Data

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    Recent advances in corpus-based Natural Language Generation (NLG) hold the promise of being easily portable across domains, but require costly training data, consisting of meaning representations (MRs) paired with Natural Language (NL) utterances. In this work, we propose a novel framework for crowdsourcing high quality NLG training data, using automatic quality control measures and evaluating different MRs with which to elicit data. We show that pictorial MRs result in better NL data being collected than logic-based MRs: utterances elicited by pictorial MRs are judged as significantly more natural, more informative, and better phrased, with a significant increase in average quality ratings (around 0.5 points on a 6-point scale), compared to using the logical MRs. As the MR becomes more complex, the benefits of pictorial stimuli increase. The collected data will be released as part of this submission.Comment: The 9th International Natural Language Generation conference INLG, 2016. 10 pages, 2 figures, 3 table

    The E2E Dataset: New Challenges For End-to-End Generation

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    This paper describes the E2E data, a new dataset for training end-to-end, data-driven natural language generation systems in the restaurant domain, which is ten times bigger than existing, frequently used datasets in this area. The E2E dataset poses new challenges: (1) its human reference texts show more lexical richness and syntactic variation, including discourse phenomena; (2) generating from this set requires content selection. As such, learning from this dataset promises more natural, varied and less template-like system utterances. We also establish a baseline on this dataset, which illustrates some of the difficulties associated with this data.Comment: Accepted as a short paper for SIGDIAL 2017 (final submission including supplementary material

    Referenceless Quality Estimation for Natural Language Generation

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    Traditional automatic evaluation measures for natural language generation (NLG) use costly human-authored references to estimate the quality of a system output. In this paper, we propose a referenceless quality estimation (QE) approach based on recurrent neural networks, which predicts a quality score for a NLG system output by comparing it to the source meaning representation only. Our method outperforms traditional metrics and a constant baseline in most respects; we also show that synthetic data helps to increase correlation results by 21% compared to the base system. Our results are comparable to results obtained in similar QE tasks despite the more challenging setting.Comment: Accepted as a regular paper to 1st Workshop on Learning to Generate Natural Language (LGNL), Sydney, 10 August 201

    Sympathy Begins with a Smile, Intelligence Begins with a Word: Use of Multimodal Features in Spoken Human-Robot Interaction

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    Recognition of social signals, from human facial expressions or prosody of speech, is a popular research topic in human-robot interaction studies. There is also a long line of research in the spoken dialogue community that investigates user satisfaction in relation to dialogue characteristics. However, very little research relates a combination of multimodal social signals and language features detected during spoken face-to-face human-robot interaction to the resulting user perception of a robot. In this paper we show how different emotional facial expressions of human users, in combination with prosodic characteristics of human speech and features of human-robot dialogue, correlate with users' impressions of the robot after a conversation. We find that happiness in the user's recognised facial expression strongly correlates with likeability of a robot, while dialogue-related features (such as number of human turns or number of sentences per robot utterance) correlate with perceiving a robot as intelligent. In addition, we show that facial expression, emotional features, and prosody are better predictors of human ratings related to perceived robot likeability and anthropomorphism, while linguistic and non-linguistic features more often predict perceived robot intelligence and interpretability. As such, these characteristics may in future be used as an online reward signal for in-situ Reinforcement Learning based adaptive human-robot dialogue systems.Comment: Robo-NLP workshop at ACL 2017. 9 pages, 5 figures, 6 table

    Why We Need New Evaluation Metrics for NLG

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    The majority of NLG evaluation relies on automatic metrics, such as BLEU . In this paper, we motivate the need for novel, system- and data-independent automatic evaluation methods: We investigate a wide range of metrics, including state-of-the-art word-based and novel grammar-based ones, and demonstrate that they only weakly reflect human judgements of system outputs as generated by data-driven, end-to-end NLG. We also show that metric performance is data- and system-specific. Nevertheless, our results also suggest that automatic metrics perform reliably at system-level and can support system development by finding cases where a system performs poorly.Comment: accepted to EMNLP 201