14 research outputs found
Aktivitas Antihiperurisemia Ekstrak Etanol Biji Mahoni (Swietenia macrophylla) Terhadap Tikus Jantan
Asam Urat merupakan penyakit yang paling banyak dialami oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Allopurinol sebagai inhibitor spesifik dari enzim canthin oksidasi (XO) terbukti efektif dalam menurunkan kadar asam urat, tetapi efek sampingnya dapat menyebabkan gagal hati, hepatitis, hiperbilirubinemi, diare serta mual muntah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi pemberian Ekstrak Etanol Biji Mahoni (EEBM) (Swientenia macrophylla) terhadap penururnan kadar asam urat pada tikus. Metode penelitian secara in vivo dengan penginduksi potassium oxonate dan jus hati ayam pada tikus. Sebanyak 5 kelompok tikus (Na-CMC 0,5%, tablet Allopurinol 3,6 mg/kgBB, EEBM (125, 250,375 mg/kgBB)) dilakukan selama 14 hari. Hasil uji ANOVA (p<0,05) menunjukkan adanya perbedaan rerata yang bermakna antara pretes 9,980 mg/dL dan postes  6,612 mg/dL sehingga EEBM berpotensi terhadapat penurunan kadar asam urat dalam darah tikus dengan jumlah rata-rata penurunan 3,392 mg/dL. Penurunan kadar asam urat tersebut diduga karena adanya kandungan senyawa flavonoid. Senyawa tersebut merupakan inhibitor xantin oksidase terkuat karena disebabkan oleh adanya gugus hidroksil C5 dan C7 selain itu, disebabkan juga oleh adanya C2 dan C3 sehingga lebih memudahkan interaksi dengan xantin oksidase. Mekanisme utama dari flavonoid berupa aktifitas inhibitor enzim dan antioksidan untuk radikal bebas
Socialization of The Use of Melinjo Leaf Ethanol Extract (Gnetum gnemon L.) on Growth Salmonella typhi Bacteria
Gnetum gnemon L. has antibacterial activity against Salmonella typhi because it contains flavonoids, saponins, tannins, alkaloids, and steroids. Where these compounds play an important role as an antibacterial. The purpose of this service is to provide information to the public regarding the benefits of melinjo leaves which can act as an antibacterial agent. This service activity is carried out in the form of socialization using lecture, question and answer, and demonstration methods. The number of participants in this community service activity was 20 pharmacists at Grandmed Lubuk Pakam Hospital. Based on the results of the PkM activities carried out, it can be stated that there has been an increase in public knowledge regarding the efficacy of melinjo leaves as an antibacterial substance. This can be proven by the increase in post-test scores when compared to pre-test scores. The average increase in the knowledge of PkM participants was 21.5. On the other hand, the highest post-test score obtained was 85, while the lowest post-test score was 60. Meanwhile, based on the PkM material that had been socialized, the PkM participants understood that the results of phytochemical tests on melinjo leaf Simplicia showed that melinjo leaf extract contains compounds alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, saponins, and tannins. Meanwhile, the antibacterial test showed that the inhibition zones of various concentrations included a moderate concentration of 40%, a moderate category of 60%, and a strong category of 80%. The average diameter of the inhibition zone increased with each concentration of melinjo leaves
Bacteria that cause infection and disease are commonly found in our environment, one of which is Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Several infectious diseases are also caused by Staphylococcus aureus, including cellulitis, acne (acne), and infection with Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome (SSSS). To determine whether the ethanol extract of kedondong leaves (EEDK) has antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. This study used a laboratory experimental method with several stages such as sample collection, identification of plants for making simplicia, phytochemical screening, extract preparation and preparation of kedondong leaf extract test solutions with various concentrations of 15%, 25%, 35% and positive control (Chloramphenicol), negative control (DMSO), and antibacterial activity testing using the paper disc method. The results of phytochemical screening of kedondong leaf simplicia (Spondias dulcis) found that kedondong leaves contain secondary metabolites such as alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins and saponins that have the potential to inhibit bacterial growth. % of 9.4 mm, 25% concentration of 13.5 mm and the greatest inhibition was at a concentration of 35% of 19.5 mm. Kedondong leaf extract has antibacterial activity against the growth of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, with moderate to strong categories. inhibit the activity of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria is a concentration of 35%. Based on the description above, it was found that the EED with a concentration of 35% had the greatest antibacterial effect compared to the concentration of 15% and 25%. and it can be concluded that the higher the concentration of the extract used, the higher the antibacterial effect
Daun bangun-bangun (Coleus amboinicus), merupakan Salah satu tumbuhan yang berpotensi sebagai obat dan telah sering digunakan oleh masyarakat. Kandungan senyawa Flavonoid dalam daun Bangun-bangun diyakini memiliki manfaat dan berpotensi sebagai antijamur terhadap Candida albicans. Selain itu adanya resistensi akan obat kimiawi sehingga pengobatan yang bersumber dari alam mulai dikembangkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui aktivitas antijamur ekstrak etanol daun Bangun-bangun (Coleus amboinicus) terhadap bakteri Candida albicanss. Penelitian diawali dengan melakukan pemeriksaan metabolit alkaloid, saponin, flavanoid, tanin dan kemudian pengujian aktivitas antijamur terhadap Candida albicans dengan beberapa konsentrasi yaitu 5, 10, dan 15%, metode difusi agar kertas cakram. Hasil skrining fitokimia daun Bangun-bangun menunjukkan adanya alkaloid, tanin, flavonoid, dan saponin. Hasil pemeriksaan karakteristik serbuk simplisia daun bangun-bangun didapat kadar air 9,27%, kadar sari larut air 14,5%, kadar sari larut etanol 9,76%, sesuai dengan materia medika indonesia. Hasil skrining fitokimia yang didapat yaitu fenolik, flavonoid, saponin, steroid/triterpenoid. Pengujian aktivitas antijamur ekstrak etanol daun bangun-bangun menunjukkan diameter zona hambat pada konsentrasi 5%, 10%, 15%, adalah 14,47 mm, 15,46 mm, 16,34 mm. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa semakin tmeningkat konstrasi ekstrak,makasemakin besar diameter zonahambatnya
UJI AKTIVITAS EKTRAK ETANOL DAUN SINTRONG (Crassocephalum crepidioides) TERHADAP BAKTERI Propionibacterium acnes
Sintrong (Crassocephalum crepidioides) merupakan Salah satu tumbuhan yang berpotensi sebagai obat,Kandungan senyawa Flavonoid dalam daun Sintrong diyakini memiliki manfaat dan berpotensi sebagai antibakteriterhadap Propionibacterium acne. Selain itu adanya resistensi akan obat kimiawi mendorong peneliti untuk mencari alternatif pengobatan yang bersumber dari alam. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak etanol daun Sintrong (Crassocephalum crepidioides) terhadap bakteri propionibacterium acnes. Penelitian diawali dengan skrining fitokimia yaitu pemeriksaan senyawa golongan alkaloid, flavanoid, saponin, tanin dan selanjutnya dilakukan pengujian aktivitas antibakteri terhadap Propionibacterium acnes dengan metode difusi cakram. Larutan uji dibuat dengan konsentrasi yang berbeda yaitu ekstrak etanol daun sintrong 20%, 40%, 60% dan 80%, kontrol positif clindamycin 0,1%, kontrol negatif DMSO 0,1%. Hasil skrining fitokimia menunjukkan positif mengandung golongan alkoloid, flavonoid, tanin, saponin. Hasil pengujian aktivitas antibakteri menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol daun sintrong memiliki aktvitas antibakteri terhadap Propionibacterium acne dengan diameter zona hambat sebesar 6,83 ± 0,27 (20%); 8,33 mm ± 0,36 (40%) dan 8,25 mm ± 0,31 (80%) yaitu zona hambat kategori sedang. Ekstrak etanol 60% menunjukkan zona hambat bakteri 10,05 mm ± 0,81 yaitu zona hambat kategori kuat. Clindamycin 0,1 % memiliki zona hambat bakteri 24,10 mm ± 0.61 yaitu zona hambat kategori sangat kuat. Dimetil sulfoksida 0,1% tidak memiliki daya hambat bakter
Hypertension is a chronic disease that often becomes a problem in health. One of the treatment patterns for hypertension patients that is often received by patients at the RSUD Drs. H. Amri Tambunan is Amlodipine from the CCB (Calcium Channel Blocker) group. The goal of hypertension treatment is to prevent morbidity and mortality due to high blood pressure by reducing pressure to as low as possible so as not to interfere with kidney function, brain function and quality of life. Hypertension is a disease that occurs due to an increase in systolic and diastolic blood pressure values ​​of more than 130/80 mmHg on two measurements with an interval of five minutes in a calm state. Hypertension is a condition in which a person experiences an increase in blood pressure above normal, namely systolic blood pressure 140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure 90 mmHg. Every 10 kg weight loss of obese patients can reduce 5-20 mmHg Systolic Blood Pressure (TDS). The purpose of this community service activity is so that people who seek treatment at Drs. H. Amri Tambunan can monitor his health condition. With the evaluation of the drug amlodipine, participants become more aware of matters related to hypertension and can take advantage of herbal plants that grow around their homes to prevent or treat hypertension
Herbal remedies in therapy have been used in the treatment of pain since time immemorial. Pain is a sensory and emotional event that causes discomfort due to tissue damage. Most of the analgesics used in modern medicine have side effects on either the gastro-intestinal tract or the nervous system. Empirically waru leaves have been used as traditional medicine. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the analgesic effect of the ethanol extract of waru leaf and compare it with mefenamic acid tablets and then measured by the plantar test infra red (IR) 96 nm. Twenty five mice were divided into five groups. Three of them were treated with ethanol extract of waru leaves with doses of 100, 200, 300 mg/kgbw, 0.5% Na-CMC (negative control), and 500 mg Mefenamic Acid tablets (positive control). Infrared pain induction was performed every 10 minutes for 60 minutes. The maximum analgesic activity was indicated by a dose of 300 mg/kg body weight extract at 60 minutes which was 23.8 where the effectiveness was almost the same as the standard drug Mefenamic Acid, which was 24.3 while the dose of 200 mg/kgBB was 20.9 and 100 mg/kgBW was 19.9. The data obtained were then processed using one way ANOVA. The conclusion of the study revealed that hibiscus leaf (Hibiscus tiliaceus L.) has significant analgesic properties, especially in higher dose
Tuberculosis is a disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a first- line anti-tuberculosis drug, namely Isoniazid (H) and Rifampicin (R). The increase in the number of Tb Lung patients from 2019 to 2020 at the RS Grandmed Lubuk Pakam encouraged researchers to conduct this study. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of the use of antituberculosis drugs and the rationality of the use of anti-tuberculosis drugs in pulmonary TB patients in RS Grandmed Lubuk Pakam in 2019. This study was a descriptive (non-experimental) study with retrospective data collection taken from patient medical records. Pulmonary tuberculosis at RS Grandmed Lubuk Pakam. Data was collected using purposive sampling technique in accordance with the inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria using the Data Collection Sheet. The number of samples used in the study is 76 medical records of patients diagnosed with pulmonary TB. Data analysis was performed using the Univariate with the help of SPSS. Results of the distribution of treatment duration data that most patients underwent treatment for <6 months, as many as 31 people (19.9%). Followed by patients with exactly 6 months length of 30 people (0.39%). Whereas patients from 6 months 16 people (21.1%). And the number of Chronic Disease that suffered by Diabetes Mellitus patients was 24 patients (14.5%). All three have a significant relationship to the patient's treatment outcomes. Whereas at the age range 18-24 years, 44 people (57.9%) were affected by pulmonary TB. and The results of the evaluation of the rationality of pulmonary TB treatment are the exact indications of (97.4%), (74 patients), the right patients by 100% (76 patients), the right drugs by (97.4%) (74 patients), and the correct dosage of 100% ( 76)
Skin is an essential and vital organ and a reflection of health. Natural antioxidants such as flavonoids, polyphenols and Sapponin are believed to increase moisture on the skin. This ability is the main reason for using Torch Ginger flower extract which is formulated into a form of facial mask in the form of clay facial mask. Objective: To formulate facial moisturizing mask preparations using the extract of Torch Ginger(Etlingera elatior). This study used the Torch Ginger Flower extract facial moisturizing mask formulation method with a concentration of 0 (Blank), 5% and 10%. Evaluation of mask preparations included homogeneity, stability of dosage at temperatures of 80C and 250C, Organoleptic test and pH of preparations. Measurements of skin moisture activity were measured using alar Skin Analyzer which was tested on the face surface 3cm wide. The results showed that the preparation was stable in terms of odor, color and was at a pH of 4.2-6.3 using observations of litmus discoloration. Effectiveness of facial skin moisture with 10% Torch Ginger extract concentration is more effective to produce results at a concentration of 5% and blank. Conclusion: Torch Ginger flower extract can be formulated into preparations of face masks with various concentrations and has the effect of moisturizing the skin and brightening the complexion.
Keywords: Torch Ginger Flower Extract, Facial Mask, Clay Facial Mask, Facial Skin Moistur