57 research outputs found

    Knowledge-based System to Support Architectural Design. Intelligent objects, project net-constraints, collaborative work

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    The architectural design business is marked by a progressive increase in operators all cooperating towards the realization of building structures and complex infrastructures (Jenckes, 1997). This type of design implies the simulta-neous activity of specialists in different fields, often working a considerable dis-tance apart, on increasingly distributed design studies. Collaborative Architectural Design comprises a vast field of studies that em-braces also these sectors and problems. To mention but a few: communication among operators in the building and design sector; design process system logic architecture; conceptual structure of the building organism; building component representation; conflict identification and management; sharing of knowledge; and also, user interface; global evaluation of solutions adopted; IT definition of objects; inter-object communication (in the IT sense). The point of view of the research is that of the designers of the architectural arte-fact (Simon, 1996); its focus consists of the relations among the various design operators and among the latter and the information exchanged: the Building Objects. Its primary research goal is thus the conceptual structure of the building organ-ism for the purpose of managing conflicts and developing possible methods of resolving them

    Multimedia and Knowledge-based Computer-aided Architectural Design

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    It appears by now fairly accepted to many researchers in the field of the Computer Aided Architectural Design that the way to realize support tools for these aims is by means of the realization of Knowledge Based Assistants. This kind of computer programs, based on the knowledge engineering, finds their power and efficaciousness by their knowledge bases. Nowdays this kind of tools is leaving the research world and it appears evident that the common graphic interfaces and the modalities of dialogue between the architect and the computer, are inadequate to support the exchange of information that the use of these tools requires. The use of the knowledge bases furthermore, presupposes that the conceptual model of the building realized by others, must be made entirely understandable to the architect . The CAAD Laboratory has carried out a system software prototype based on Knowledge Engineering in the field of hospital buildings. In order to overcame the limit of software systems based on usual Knowledge Engineering, by improving architect-computer interaction, at CAAD Lab it is refining building model introducing into the knowledge base two complementary each other methodologies: the conceptual clustering and multimedia technics. This research will make it possible for architects navigate consciously through the domain of the knowledge base already implemented

    Construction Productivity Graph. A Structured Framework to Enhance Productivity and Safety on Construction Sites

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    The construction industry is characterised by the constant production of unique products in dynamic contexts where, moreover, the workplace coincides with the product itself. This limits the adoption of standardization and process automation methodologies. Furthermore, the average size of professional firms and companies often does not allow for investments in process innovation or skills development. Then, we need to consider that construction is a highly risky activity, also to the lack of standardization as aforementioned. The paper aims to present the framework of a methodology based on linking the information managed by a BIM model with Agent-based simulation techniques - ABS. The scope is to simulate the duration of the work under efficient conditions, understood as the best occupation of the available areas by a suitable number of workers. The result is the Construction Productivity Graph - CPG, a graph that indicates the optimization level of the construction process

    A Framework for an Architectural Collaborative Design

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    The building industry involves a larger number of disciplines, operators and professionals than other industrial processes. Its peculiarity is that the products (building objects) have a number of parts (building elements) that does not differ much from the number of classes into which building objects can be conceptually subdivided. Another important characteristic is that the building industry produces unique products. It was attempted to solve the problem of efficient, user-friendly, and fast information exchange among operators by treating it simply as an exchange of data. But the failure of IGES, CGM, PHIGS confirms that data have different meanings and importance in different contexts. The STandard for Exchange of Product data, ISO 10303 Part 106 BCCM, relating to AEC field, seems to be too complex to be applied to professional studios. Our aim in ArCoDe is to develop a software, which we have called MetaKAAD, able to detect conflicts on the basis of its knowledge (which may be increased by learning from example techniques, Simon, 1984). MetaKAAD operates between the intersection set and the union set of team-i (= actor-i + IA-i)

    Il consolidamento statico della chiesa del S. Crocifisso

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    La struttura portante della chiesa del S. Crocifisso è caratterizzata da un impianto costituito da una unica navata ad aula, abside con annessa sacrestia e portico. La navata ha una larghezza in pianta pari a circa 9,00 m ed uno sviluppo longitudinale approssimativamente di 15 m. L'asse principale della volta ha un orientamento Nord-Sud. La copertura della navata è realizzata con una volta a botte a tutto sesto con quattro grandi lunette, costituite da volte sempre a botte di luce pari a circa 2,50 m, disposte a coppie lungo il lato maggiore con direttrici ortogonali a quelle della volta principale. La copertura in origine era un tetto con capriate lignee. Nell'articolo perciò si indagano le modalità di rilievo dei dissesti e la definizione della situazione statica, con relativa identificazione della causa dei dissesti. Successivamente, avvalendosi di un estratto degli elaborati grafici di progetto, si descrivono gli interventi di consolidamento definitivi

    Building Swarm Modelling

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    Conceptually, we could group such chapters into three macro groups: 1) Problem definition (chap. 1-7): the starting point is the analysis of the productivity of the construction sector, which is closely linked to a lack of technology. It shows that the slow acquisition of digital management methodologies is one of the elements that makes the sector considerably less innovative and productive than others. At the end of this section (chap. 7) is presented the disruptive innovation of BIM, intended as a necessary starting point for the application of artificial intelligence techniques. 2) Complexity, method, support (chap. 8-16): the central part of the work ranges from a theoretical investigation of the problems related to co-creation to a description of the techniques identified to make this evolution possible. Chapter 8 analyses an underlying theme: the alternative between Perfect Slave or Extended Designer. Particular interest is to be attributed to paragraphs 12.1 and 12.2, where the concepts of Design Intent and Design Rationale are introduced, aspects of particular importance for the communicative effectiveness of human-machine interfaces. The section ends with the presentation of the Swarm approach, identified as a solution to the problem of self-organisation of the building model. 3) Application (chap. 17-20): the conclusion of the text is dedicated to the explanation of the operating modes of the proposed system, and the scenarios related to the possibility of the machine learning, according to successful previously assumed choices, or to external evaluations of the proposed choices. Chapter 19 offers suggestions for further development of the research

    L'accordo di Programma per la Città di Nardò

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    Analisi statica ed interventi di consolidamento del Complesso Monastico del Carmin

    Interventi di consolidamento dell'edilizia storica. Problematiche connesse alla sicurezza del cantiere di restauro

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    Il tema degli interventi di consolidamento va inquadrato attentamente nell’ambito del dibattito sulla sostituzione e l’adeguamento funzionale dell’edilizia storica, nel rispetto del sempre più complesso quadro normativo nazionale ed europeo che interessa le diverse problematiche della fruibilità antincendio, del benessere termo-igrometrico ed acustico e della sicurezza statica (in ambito sismico ed in relazione agli standard di sicurezza nel cantiere). Il rilievo e la diagnosi, operazioni volte alla conoscenza delle problematiche statiche dell’edificio (determinazione dei cinematismi di rottura, diagnostica, monitoraggio, ecc.), sono i primi e principali strumenti per defi nire un corretto progetto di consolidamento e per defi nire le diverse problematiche connesse alla sicurezza nel cantiere di restauro. Nell’elaborazione di un progetto di consolidamento si richede, infatti, di porre particolare attenzione alla fattibilità dell’intervento stesso, oltre che al rispetto dei principi di compatibilità e reversibilità; sempre tenendo conto di un principio fondamentale del recupero strutturale, ovvero che gli effetti delle azioni esterne devono essese sempre inferiori alle azioni resistenti. Interventi su solai, murature e volte, vengono illustrati attraverso casi reali di cantieri romani quali il Palazzo Brancaccio, la Chiesa del Crocifi sso, il Palazzo di Propaganda Fide e il Palazzo Alberton
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