483 research outputs found

    Essai sur quelques aspects de la philosophie d'Ephrem de Nisibe

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    Vision chrétienne de l'Homme: Perception maronite d'Estephan Duwayhi.

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    Une Vie secrĂšte polyphonique de P. Quignard

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    Dans Vie secrĂšte, Pascal Quignard mĂȘle l’essai, les fragments historiques ou biographiques Ă  la narration autobiographique. Mais ce qui frappe surtout chez l’auteur, fils d’enseignants de lettres classiques ayant connu dans son enfance des Ă©pisodes d’autisme, c’est la profusion des citations des Anciens. La rĂ©flexion se construit au grĂ© des pĂ©rĂ©grinations Ă©tymologiques grĂ©co-latines, qui dĂ©construisent le langage quotidien et mettent Ă  jour les sources ‘utĂ©rines’ de la pensĂ©e. Ainsi s’opĂšre subrepticement un retour sur soi, dans la quĂȘte incessamment vaine « du propre Ă  nous en nous », des lieux d’origine – en l’occurrence le Havre en ruines oĂč a grandi l’auteur, nourri des sonoritĂ©s latines et marquĂ© par l’adieu Ă  diverses figures fĂ©minines aimĂ©es. Nous tenterons de dĂ©mĂȘler, dans Vie secrĂšte, l’articulation conflictuelle et/ou fusionnelle entre l’intime et l’extime, le soi et l’autre, la voix silencieuse de Quignard et la trace des voix absentes qui hantent son Ɠuvre

    La traductologie, une nouvelle science ? /

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    Duwayhi et les langues syriaque et arabe

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    « Le duo des dieux » : rhétoriques et montage des discours Bush / Ben Laden dans 11 septembre 2001 de Michel Vinaver

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    Le 11 septembre 2001 Ă©tant, comme le note Michel Vinaver, « un Ă©vĂ©nement que la pensĂ©e ne rĂ©ussit pas Ă  circonscrire », il pose un dĂ©fi Ă  la reprĂ©sentation, notamment discursive. D’ailleurs, de par sa nature, l’acte marque un retour Ă  la violence primitive, par-delĂ  la convention de la verbalisation des conflits qui assoit le rĂšgne de la rhĂ©torique en politique. Or, c’est une profusion chaotique d’images, mais aussi de discours, qui dĂ©ferle dans la couverture mĂ©diatique de l’évĂ©nement. Cherch..

    Utilizing Mucosal Protrusion Angles to Discriminate Between True and False Masses of the Small Bowel on Video Capsule Endoscopy

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    Background: Video capsule endoscopy (VCE) has significantly improved our ability to detect small bowel tumors. However, diagnosing small bowel tumors has remained a challenge due to their low incidence, nonspecific presentations, and the inability to use VCE to biopsy lesions identified during passage through the small bowel. To address this challenge, Girelli et al. developed a novel scoring system called the “smooth, protruding lesions index at capsule endoscopy” (SPICE) to distinguish true submucosal masses from innocent bulges1. In our study, we compared the utility of an additional morphologic criterion, the mucosal protrusion angle, with SPICE scores in detecting true submucosal masses of the small-bowel. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the charts of 300 patients over the age of 18 who had undergone VCE for suspected small bowel lesions between the years of 2002 and 2017. In total, we analyzed the VCEs of 36 patients. SPICE scores were calculated for each patient as outlined in Girelli et al. and mucosal protrusion angles were measured using a protractor placed on the computer screen. We calculated the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of both SPICE and protrusion angle. The protrusion angle was defined as the angle between the polyp and surrounding mucosa, and we hypothesized that an angle \u3e 900 suggested an external protrusion while an angle \u3c 900 suggested a submucosal mass or true polyp. Results: 25 patients had true submucosal masses (2 GIST, 6 carcinoid, 5 Peutz-Jeghers, 3 inflammatory polyps, 2 hamartomatous polyps, 1 lymphoma, 1 lipomatous polyp, 2 tubular adenomas, 1 leiomyoma, 1 cavernous hemangioma, 1 hyperplastic polyp, 1 lymphatic nodule), and 10 patients had innocent bulges due to extrinsic compression. True submucosal masses when compared to innocent bulges had an average measured angle of protrusion of 45.70 ± 20.80 vs. 108.60 ± 16.30 (p \u3c 0.0001; unpaired t-test). When compared with SPICE scores, a mucosal protrusion angle \u3c 900 had a higher sensitivity (96.0% vs. 35.0%), specificity (90.0% vs. 82.0%), PPV (96.0% vs. 82.0%) and NPV (90.0% vs. 35.0%). Acute angle of protrusion accurately discriminated between true submucosal masses and extrinsic compression bulges on Fisher’s exact test (p = 0.0001). Conclusion: Protrusion angle is a simple and useful tool for differentiating between true submucosal masses and innocent bulges of the small-bowel. Further prospective studies are needed to validate its utility in minimizing invasive interventions

    An assessment of anti-staphylococcal, anti-mycobacterial and anti-candidal properties in fungal isolates of the big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus) microbiome

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    1 online resource (40 pages) : colour illustrationsIncludes abstract and appendices.Includes bibliographical references (pages 36-38).Antibiotic resistance is becoming an increasing problem in global health. The emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacterial and fungal infections is expected to increase over the next few years. In an effort to develop therapies to counteract this issue, previously unexplored environmental microbes are assessed in their anti-candidal, anti-staphylococcal and anti-mycobacterial properties. Five strains from the big brown bat microbiome are cross-cultured with three pathogenic strains: Staphylococcus aureus, Mycobacterium smegmatis, and Candida albicans. These pathogenic strains act as proxies for antibiotic-resistant pathogens. Working under the presumption of quorum-sensing occurring between microbes in close proximity, cross-cultures are conducted with the intent of activating dormant pathways. Bat strain growth and phenotypic changes are assessed in these cross-cultures and the possibilities of anti-pathogenic properties in bat strains are determined based on these findings. Two of the five bat strains studied have a strong likelihood of possessing anti-pathogenic properties. The remaining bat strains show promise in further investigations as well, but not to the same extent based on findings

    La mémoire des mots, un problÚme fondamental pour la traduction /

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    Perspectives pour la traduction: Arabe/français /

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