18 research outputs found

    Crowdsourcing knowledge-intensive tasks in cultural heritage

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    Crowd vs Experts: Nichesourcing for Knowledge Intensive Tasks in Cultural Heritage

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    The results of our exploratory study provide new insights to crowdsourcing knowledge intensive tasks. We designed and performed an annotation task on a print collection of the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, involving experts and crowd workers in the domain-specific description of depicted flowers. We created a testbed to collect annotations from flower experts and crowd workers and analyzed these in regard to user agreement. The findings show promising results, demonstrating how, for given categories, nichesourcing can provide useful annotations by connecting crowdsourcing to domain expertise

    Efficient semi-automated assessment of annotations trustworthiness

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    Bridging gaps between subjective logic and semantic Web

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    Abstract. Subjective logic is a powerful probabilistic logic which is use-ful to handle data in case of uncertainty. Subjective logic and the Seman-tic Web can mutually benefit from each other, since subjective logic is useful to handle the inner noisiness of the Semantic Web data, while the Semantic Web offers a means to obtain evidence useful for performing ev-idential reasoning based on subjective logic. In this chapter we describe three extensions and applications of subjective logic in the Semantic Web, namely: the use of deterministic and probabilistic semantic simi-larity measures for weighing subjective opinions, a way for accounting for partial observations, and “open world opinion”, i.e. subjective opin-ions based on Dirichlet processes, which extend multinomial opinions. For each of these extensions, we provide examples and applications to prove their validity

    Semi-automated assessment of annotation trustworthiness

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    Cultural heritage institutions and multimedia archives often delegate the task of annotating their collections of artifacts to Web users. The use of crowdsourced annotations from the Web gives rise to trust issues. We propose an algorithm that, by making use of a combination of subjective logic, semantic relatedness measures and clustering, automates the process of evaluation for annotations represented by means of the Open Annotation ontology. The algorithm is evaluated over two different datasets coming from the cultural heritage domain

    Towards the definition of an ontology for trust in (Web) data

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    \u3cp\u3eThis paper introduces an ontology for representing trust that extends existing ones by integrating them with recent trust theories. Then, we propose an extension of such an ontology, tailored for representing trust assessments of data, and we outline its specificity and its relevance.\u3c/p\u3

    Automated evaluation of crowdsourced annotations in the cultural heritage domain

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    Abstract. Cultural heritage institutions are employing crowdsourcing techniques to enrich their collection. However, assessing the quality of crowdsourced annotations is a challenge for these institutions and manu-ally evaluating all annotations is not feasible. We employ Support Vector Machines and feature set selectors to understand which annotator and annotation properties are relevant to the annotation quality. In addition we propose a trust model to build an annotator reputation using subjec-tive logic and assess the relevance of both annotator and annotation prop-erties on the reputation. We applied our models to the Steve.museum dataset and found that a subset of annotation properties can identify useful annotations with a precision of 90%. However, our studied anno-tator properties were less predictive.

    Capturing the ineffable: Collecting, analysing, and automating web document quality assessments

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    Automatic estimation of the quality of Web documents is a challenging task, especially because the definition of quality heavily depends on the individuals who define it, on the context where it applies, and on the nature of the tasks at hand. Our long-term goal is to allow automatic assessment of Web document quality tailored to specific user requirements and context. This process relies on the possibility to identify document characteristics that indicate their quality. In this paper, we investigate these characteristics as follows: (1) we define features of Web documents that may be indicators of quality; (2) we design a procedure for automatically extracting those features; (3) develop a Web application to present these results to niche users to check the relevance of these features as quality indicators and collect quality assessments; (4) we analyse user’s qualitative assessment of Web documents to refine our definition of the features that determine quality, and establish their relevant weight in the overall quality, i.e., in the summarizing score users attribute to a document, determining whether it meets their standards or not. Hence, our contribution is threefold: a Web application for nichesourcing quality assessments; a curated dataset ofWeb document assessments; and a thorough analysis of the quality assessments collected by means of two case studies involving experts (journalists and media scholars). The dataset obtained is limited in size but highly valuable because of the quality of the experts that provided it. Our analyses show that: (1) it is possible to automate the process of Web document quality estimation to a level of high accuracy; (2) document features shown in isolation are poorly informative to users; and (3) related to the tasks we propose (i.e., choosing Web documents to use as a source for writing an article on the vaccination debate), the most important quality dimensions are accuracy, trustworthiness, and precision