609 research outputs found

    Flamenca. Texte Ă©ditĂ© d’aprĂšs le manuscrit unique de Carcassonne par François Zufferey et traduit par ValĂ©rie Fasseur

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    Dopo le recenti edizioni per le cure di Roberta Manetti (2008, con traduzione in italiano) e di Jaime Covarsí Carbonero (2010, con traduzione in spagnolo), dobbiamo a François Zufferey una nuova edizione critica di quella che appare certamente come uno dei massimi enigmi esegetici della letteratura medievale in lingua d’oc. Trasmessa da un solo testimone e in forma incompleta, l’opera ù conosciuta di norma con un titolo (Flamenca, appunto) che le diede François Raynouard (all’epoca indiscussa..

    The "Jeu de la feuillée" between carnival culture and literary culture

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    The Jeu de la feuillĂ©e by Adam de la Halle, a pivotal text for the history of medieval theater, stands at the intersection of a double legacy: that of literary culture, and of carnival culture. The traits of the latter – as they have been enunciated by Mikhail Bakhtin – are essentially all present in the work, forming a coherent system, one which endowed with meaning: the essay, after having reviewed the ways in which those traits are presented and are actualized in the Jeu, addresses the question (a crucial one from the philological point of view) of the conditions that allow Adam, an intellectual, to make the layer (non-literary or pre-literary) of carnival culture emerge at the level of literature, allowing its transmission down to us. The article is closed by a Postilla in which the author suggests some working hypotheses on specific points of the Jeu de la feuillĂ©e.The Jeu de la feuillĂ©e by Adam de la Halle, a pivotal text for the history of medieval theater, stands at the intersection of a double legacy: that of literary culture, and of carnival culture. The traits of the latter – as they have been enunciated by Mikhail Bakhtin – are essentially all present in the work, forming a coherent system, one which endowed with meaning: the essay, after having reviewed the ways in which those traits are presented and are actualized in the Jeu, addresses the question (a crucial one from the philological point of view) of the conditions that allow Adam, an intellectual, to make the layer (non-literary or pre-literary) of carnival culture emerge at the level of literature, allowing its transmission down to us. The article is closed by a Postilla in which the author suggests some working hypotheses on specific points of the Jeu de la feuillĂ©e

    Raimon de las Salas (?) ~ Bertran Folco d’Avignon, Bertran si fossetz tant gignos (BdT 406.16 = 83.1)

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    This paper will offer a new edition, with critical apparatus, commentary and translation, of the ‘tenso’ “Bertran, si fossetz tant gignos”, transmitted by chansonniers ADIK and perhaps ascribable to Raimon de las Salas and Bertran Folco d’Avigno. It is a debate (that takes place within the framework of the Albigensian Crusade and was most likely composed in northern Italy) aimed at establishing whether, as far as military prowess, hospitality and courtly values as a whole are concerned, the Lombards (where Lombardy obviously means northern Italy as a whole) are better than the Provençals (that is the exponents of the feudal culture of all the courts of southern France put together). Of particular interest is the contrast between Occitania and its typically courtly ethics and the exclusively economic (indeed economicistic) outlook of the Lombards

    Granet ~ Bertran d’Alamano, De vos mi rancur, compaire (BdT 189.2 = 76.6)

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    This paper will provide a new edition, with critical apparatus, commentary and translation, of the tenso between Granet and Bertran d’Alamano, “De vos mi rancur, compaire”. This text is only transmitted by chansonnier P and it is not only incomplete but also quite incorrect in parts: as far as this latter is concerned I will consider the suggestions by previous editors and, where necessary, put forward new solutions. The ‘tenso’ belongs to a well-attested typology in troubadour lyric: a debate between a jongleur and someone of a different social status (usually his lord and patron), but in this case the type has been altered in some quite interesting ways that hint at judicial contests and end up by overturning the viewpoint to reveal the true nature of the poem. This should not be read realistically, but as a ‘parlour game’, a ‘divertissement’ that is not necessarily linked to the biographies of the participants and whose aim is to amuse the group of ‘companhos’ who accompany Lord Bertran

    Jean de Meun, Ragione, Amore, Fortuna (Roman de la Rose, vv. 4059-7230)

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    Il Roman de la Rose Ăš senza dubbio, in sĂ© e per sĂ© e per l’influenza che ha avuto sulla successiva produzione letteraria europea, «l’opera letteraria piĂč rilevante del Duecento francese» (p. 3). Grosso modo in contemporanea con la prima edizione con traduzione in italiano dell’intero roman condotta per le cure di Liborio-De Laude sul testo stabilito (con criteri sostanzialmente bĂ©dieriani) da FĂ©lix Lecoy nel 1965-1970 (Guillaume de Lorris, Jean de Meun, Romanzo della Rosa. A cura di Marianton..

    Pierre Bec, FlorilĂšge en mineur. Jongleurs et troubadours mal connus

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    L’attenzione nei confronti dei poeti ‘minori’ ù una sorta di fiume carsico che, sin dalla ottocentesca fondazione della provenzalistica come disciplina scientifica (penso soprattutto all’edizione dei derniers trobadours di Paul Meyer), affiora di tanto in tanto negli studi dedicati alla poesia trobadorica, ovviamente con prospettive critiche differenti a seconda dei differenti periodi. In tempi recenti le ricerche di questo tipo hanno trovato particolare vigore, soprattutto per merito del com..

    Gormund e Isembart, a cura di Andrea Ghidoni

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    Il breve frammento (661 versi) della canzone di gesta conosciuta per abitudine editoriale come Gormund et Isembart va collocato (stando al ragionamento sviluppato nell’«Introduzione» dal curatore) tra il 1060 e il 1088: quanto basta per farne, se non la piĂč antica canzone di gesta che conosciamo (Ăš quasi contemporanea alla Chanson de Roland), sicuramente uno dei piĂč antichi (e ancor imperfetti) esemplari delle caratteristiche costitutive del genere epico antico-francese e dal punto di vista f..
