3 research outputs found

    Transformation of Haemophilus influenzae by plasmid RSF0885

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    Plasmid RSF0885, which conferred ampicillin resistance, transformed competent Haemophilus influenzae cells with low efficiency (maximum, less than 0.01%). As judged by competition experiments and uptake of radioactivity, plasmid RSF0885 deoxyribonucleic acid was taken up into competent H. influenzae cells several orders of magnitude less efficiently than H. influenzae chromosomal deoxyribonucleic acid. Plasmid RSF0885 transformed cells with even lower efficiency than could be accounted for by the low uptake. Transformation was not affected by rec-1 and rec-2 mutations in the recipient, and strains cured of the plasmid did not show increased transformation. Plasmid molecules cut once with a restriction enzyme that made blunt ends did not transform. Transformation was favored by the closed circular form of the plasmid

    The Tolerance of Extra Chromosomes by Primitive Tomatoes

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    Intracellular events during infection by Haemophilus influenzae phage and transfection by its DNA

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    Intracellular events following infection of competent Haemophilus influenzae by HPlcl phage, or transfection by DNA from the phage, were examined. Physical separation of a large fraction of the intracellular phage DNA from the bulk of the host DNA was achieved by lysis of infected or transfected cells with digitonin, followed by low-speed centrifugation. The small amount of bacterial DNA remaining with the phage DNA in the supernatants could be distinguished from phage DNA by its ability to yield transformants. After infection by whole phage, three forms of intracellular phage DNA were observable by sedimentation velocity analysis: form III, the slowest-sedimenting one; form II, which sedimented 1.1 times faster than III, and form I, which sedimented 1.6 times faster than III. It was shown by electron microscopy, velocity sedimentation in alkali, and equilibrium sedimentation with ethidium bromide, that forms I, II and III are twisted circles, open circles, and linear duplexes, respectively.After the entry of phage DNA into wild-type cells in transfection, the DNA is degraded at early times, but later some of the fragments are reassembled, resulting in molecules that sediment faster than the monomer length of phage DNA. Some of the fast-sedimenting molecules are presumably concatemers and are generated by recombination. In strain rec<SUB>1</SUB><SUP>-</SUP> the fast-sedimenting molecules do not appear and degradation of phage DNA is even more pronounced than in wild-type cells. In strain rec<SUB>2</SUB><SUP>-</SUP> there is little degradation of phage DNA, and the proportion of fast-sedimenting molecules is much smaller than in wild-type cells. Since rec<SUB>1</SUB><SUP>-</SUP> and rec<SUB>2</SUB><SUP>-</SUP> are transfected with much lower efficiency than wild type, our hypothesis is that both fragmentation and generation of fast-sedimenting phage DNA by recombination are required for more efficient transfection