3 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Retinoblastoma According to Histological Grading, TNM Staging and Age at Presentation

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    Objective: To evaluate retinoblastoma, according to histological grades, TNM staging and age at presentation.Materials and Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted in Department of Pathology BMSI- JPMC Karachi from1st January 2009 to 31st December 2013 during which a total of 80 cases of retinoblastoma were received. Out of which 68 werereviewed and morphological diagnosis was done on H&E staining. Histological grades and TNM staging were categorized.The data was analyzed by using SPSS version 22.Results: In 80 cases of retinoblastoma the mean age of patients was 3.64 years with 3-4 years (53.75%) of age being thecommonest. Amongst 68 cases, well differentiated retinoblastoma were seen in 7.35%, moderately differentiated 11.76%, poorlydifferentiated 26.47% and undifferentiated 51.41% cases. Varied pattern of TNM staging were observed. Majority (60.29%)in stage IV followed by 19.11% in stage I and 10.29% each in TNM stage II and III. Regional lymph node metastasis was seenin 4/68 cases (5.88%) while 3/68 (4.41%) showed distant (CNS) metastasis. All these cases (7/7) were in TNM stage IV withmajority showing grade 4 (75%) and grade 3 (25%) histology.Conclusion: Evaluation of retinoblastoma showed that commonest age group was 3-4 years. Majority of retinoblastoma caseswere undifferentiated (G4) followed by poorly differentiated (G3). While in TNM staging system varied pattern was observed,majority were in stage IV followed by Stage I. Majority of lymph node and distant metastasis were seen in grade 4 histologyand all of them were in TNM stage IV.Evaluation of Retinoblastoma According to HistologicalGrading, TNM Staging and Age at Presentatio

    Diagnostic yield of FNAC: Our Experience

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    Introduction: Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is currently recommended as first line investigation in suspected malignancy as it provide useful information to plan surgery. FNAC is the most cost-effective method of obtaining a morphological diagnosis and prognostic purpose of superficial and deep-seated lesion throughout body and also as less expensive than diagnostic surgery. Objective: To document diagnostic yield of FNAC at Mirpurkhas. Methodology: This retrospective study was conducted between 1st January 2019 to August 2020 at My Diagnostic Laboratory Mirpurkhas city. A total of 162 patients with the mostly swelling of head and neck and Breast underwent Fine needle aspiration procedure was performed. Tuberculosis suspected was additional sample was sent for slides were also stained with Ziehl Neelsen (Z.N) methods to detected acid fast bacilli (AFB) directly. Results: In our series 162 cases were analyzed that had underwent FNAC. In 29.62% cases, finding was cystic & mesenchymal lesion, followed by granulomatous inflammation in 28.22% cases. In 20.37% cases lesion diagnosed as malignant.   Conclusion: Tuberculosis is found as most common cause of cervical lymphadenopathy. Breast malignant lesion particularly in young patient can also be diagnosed with reasonable accuracy

    Serological Analysis of Pulmonary and Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis With Elisa for Anti A60 IgA

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    Background: Demonstration and evaluation of antituberculous IgA antibodies for rapid diagnosis of bothpulmonary and extra pulmonary tuberculosis.Method: ELISA assay based on mycobacterial antigenA60 (Anda Biologicals, France) was used on the seraobtained from 69 cases of tuberculosis and 136 controls inthe population of Karachi, Pakistan.Result: Of 136 controls only 7.3% were positive for IgA.A very good serological response was observed in caseswith sputum positive active pulmonary tuberculosis,depicting a positivity of 83.3% for IgA antibodies.Relatively low sero positivity was seen in cases of sputumnegative active pulmonary tuberculosis compared to thoseof sputum active pulmonary tuberculosis. A low positivityof 26.3% for IgA was observed in cases of extra pulmonarytuberculosis. In cases of healed tuberculosis 25% werefound positive for IgA. Considering all the cases of activetuberculosis and the controls the global sensitivity of58.4% and specificity of 92.7% were obtained when IgAantibodies were taken into account.Conclusion: The estimation of anti tuberculosisantibody IgA against A60 for the rapid diagnosis is clearlydemonstrated and therefore recommende