23 research outputs found

    The covid-19 pandemic and civil society in a border region Mobilizing voluntary forces in Murmansk region, Russia, and Troms and Finnmark region, Norway

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    This report is based on the analysis of official and media texts describing the national and regional developments of the COVID crisis and the role of volunteer work. We also refer to official statistics, surveys, and research literature available on the topic. Additionally, we have conducted interviews with NGO leaders and volunteer personnel by phone and face-to-face. The data cover the period from March 2020 to June 2021.publishedVersio

    The Norwegian Barents Pride Festival: Reflections on bravery for LBGTQI+ activists from Russia

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    This article is based on two in-depth interviews with NGO representatives working with the Barents Pride festival, close to the Norwegian-Russian border. Organizations and activists from both sides of the border take a stand for equality and celebrate diversity and love. In the article, the concept of bravery is analyzed. Tatiana, a bisexual cisgender female Russian NGO worker and activist, is part of an organization fighting for LBGTQI+ rights in Russia. Steinar is a Norwegian representative for an international human rights organization. Faced with dominant Russian narratives that define homosexuality in negative terms, Tatiana and Steinar provide stories of bravery, creating a contextualized understanding of the need to stand together as fellow human beings in politically challenging times. Contextual narrative analyses of case studies play a valuable role in research by focusing on the term of bravery for minoritized groups fighting against systematic violence and oppression by political authorities

    Langt hjemmefra

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    Source to final version with altered title: https://klassekampen.no/utgave/2022-04-06/langt-hjemmefra.Europa står i en krisesituasjon, med den største strømmen av mennesker på flukt siden andre verdenskrig, og kvinner og barn betaler som vanlig en høy pris. Men krig har brakt ukrainske kvinner til Norge før

    Waste Management on Fishing Vessels and in Fishing Harbors in the Barents Sea: Gaps in Law, Implementation and Practice

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    This article aims to map and provide an overview of international, regional, and national law applicable to marine waste in the Barents Sea, and to analyze fishing industry actors’ practices and perceptions of marine waste. We identify gaps between the law and its implementation, enforcement, and practice. The legal framework for marine plastic pollution in the Barents Sea and the Arctic is fragmented and not harmonized. Insufficient waste management facilities and regulations are likely to hinder compliance with existing regulations. There is an urgent need to upgrade the waste management infrastructure for the fishing industry in Norway and in northwest Russia

    Troubled waters, troubled times. Fisheries policy reforms in the transition to democracy in South Africa and Mozambique

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    Avhandlingen er en samfunnsvitenskapelig analyse av tidlige resultater av implementeringen fiskeriforvaltningsreformene i Sør Afrika og Mozambique. Forvaltningsreformene var del av landenes overordnede demokratiseringsprosesser i kjølvannet av hhv avskaffelse av apartheid i 1994 og slutten på borgerkrigen i 1992. Et av målene for forvaltningsreformene var sosioøkonomisk utvikling for fattige fiskersamfunn, og et viktig virkemiddel skulle være økt brukergruppedeltakelse både i beslutnings- og gjennomføringsfasene. Dette var et ambisiøst prosjekt, i og med at historisk sett var det svært lite rom for politisk deltakelse og organisering for folk flest, og dermed var det lite erfaring å bygge på. Et hovedfokus i avhandlingen er hvordan interne maktforhold i fiskerorganisasjoner påvirket prosessene og potensialet for økt medbestemmelse og innflytelse. Den påpeker betydningen av å ta høyde for lokale maktstrukturer og enkeltaktørers interesse i forvaltningssystemenes utforming og implementering. Hvis ikke, er forvaltningsreformer tilbøyelig til å mislykkes når man sammenlikner med de opprinnelige målene og gode hensiktene. Avhandlingen viser at til tross for at en viktig målgruppe for reformene var de fattigste fiskerne, var lokale makteliter best posisjonert til å delta i prosessene for å implementere forvaltningsreformene og nyttiggjøre seg mulighetene som følger med. Både i fiskerorganisasjoner og på myndighetsnivå var det mangelfulle systemer for kontroll, ansvarliggjøring, og sanksjonering dersom prosessene tok feil vending. Til tross for at en stor målgruppe (de fattigste fiskerne) i liten grad evnet å nyttiggjøre seg mulighetene som kunne bidra til deres sosioøkonomiske utvikling, skjedde det en betydelig bevisstgjøring og læringseffekt for fiskerne og deres organisasjoner. Slike erfaringer er viktige byggesteiner i samfunn i overgang til demokrati. Over tid kan dette erfaringsgrunnlaget bidra til at fattige, marginaliserte grupper i større grad kan påvirke beslutningsprosessene, og dermed bidra til å definere betingelsene for egen utvikling

    Intimate partner violence and breastfeeding: a systematic review

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    Objective The association between intimate partner violence (IPV) and breastfeeding is unclear. We conducted a systematic review to summarise the evidence of breastfeeding outcomes following exposure to IPV. Design Systematic review. Methods We searched for published studies without study design or language restrictions (up to July 2019) in the following databases: PubMed, Embase, SCOPUS and The Global Health Library. Studies assessing various breastfeeding outcomes (initiation, duration and exclusive breastfeeding) in women exposed to IPV in any form (physical, psychological or sexual) and at any stage (1 year pre-pregnancy, during or post-pregnancy) were included. Two authors independently selected the studies and conducted the quality appraisal by use of the Newcastle– Ottawa Scale. Results were summarised taking precision and quality into account. Results A total of 16 studies (participants n=414 393) were included and they adjusted for a total of 48 different confounders. The majority of studies were cross-sectional (n=11) and most studies were judged to be fair/low quality. Four out of seven studies found that IPV exposure shortened breastfeeding duration (adjusted ORs/aORs=0.22 (95% CI: 0.05–0.85), 1.18 (95% CI: 1.01–1.37), 5.92 (95% CI: 1.72–27.98), 1.28 (95% CI: 1.18–1.39)). Further, 5/10 studies found that IPV led to early termination of exclusive breastfeeding (aORs=1.53 (95% CI: 1.01–23.1), 0.83 (95% CI: 0.71–0.96), 1.35 (95% CI: 1.07–1.71), 0.17 (95% CI: 0.07–0.4), 1839 (95% CI: 1.61–2911)) and 2/6 studies found that IPV significantly reduced breastfeeding initiation (aORs=2.00 (95% CI: 1.2–3.3), 0.81 (95% CI: 0.7–0.93)). Conclusion IPV exposure appears to associate negatively with some breastfeeding outcomes. Individual patient data meta-analysis is required to quantify the magnitude of the association for specific IPV-outcome combinations. More high-quality studies and definition of core confounders are warranted. PROSPERO registration number CRD42019129353Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark (SDU)Odense University Hospital (OUH)Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universitie

    The covid-19 pandemic and civil society in a border region Mobilizing voluntary forces in Murmansk region, Russia, and Troms and Finnmark region, Norway

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    This report is based on the analysis of official and media texts describing the national and regional developments of the COVID crisis and the role of volunteer work. We also refer to official statistics, surveys, and research literature available on the topic. Additionally, we have conducted interviews with NGO leaders and volunteer personnel by phone and face-to-face. The data cover the period from March 2020 to June 2021