1 research outputs found
Temperature dependent characterization of optical fibres for distributed temperature sensing in hot geothermal wells
This study was performed in order to select a proper fibre for the
application of a distributed temperature sensing system within a hot geothermal
well in Iceland. Commercially available high temperature graded index fibres
have been tested under in-situ temperature conditions. Experiments have been
performed with four different polyimide coated fibres, a fibre with an aluminum
coating and a fibre with a gold coating. To select a fibre, the relationship
between attenuation, temperature, and time has been analyzed together with SEM
micrographs. On the basis of these experiments, polyimide fibres have been
chosen for utilisation. Further tests in ambient and inert atmosphere have been
conducted with two polyimide coated fibres to set an operating temperature
limit for these fibres. SEM micrographs, together with coating colour changes
have been used to characterize the high temperature performance of the fibres.
A novel cable design has been developed, a deployment strategy has been worked
out and a suitable well for deployment has been selected.Comment: PACS: 42.81.Pa, 93.85.Fg, 47.80.Fg, 91.35.Dc, 07.20.Dt, 07.60.V