26 research outputs found

    Dual-modality imaging with 99mTc and fluorescent indocyanine green using surface-modified silica nanoparticles for biopsy of the sentinel lymph node: an animal study

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    BACKGROUND: We propose a new approach to facilitate sentinel node biopsy examination by multimodality imaging in which radioactive and near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent nanoparticles depict deeply situated sentinel nodes and fluorescent nodes with anatomical resolution in the surgical field. For this purpose, we developed polyamidoamine (PAMAM)-coated silica nanoparticles loaded with technetium-99m ((99m)Tc) and indocyanine green (ICG). METHODS: We conducted animal studies to test the feasibility and utility of this dual-modality imaging probe. The mean diameter of the PAMAM-coated silica nanoparticles was 30 to 50 nm, as evaluated from the images of transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The combined labeling with (99m)Tc and ICG was verified by thin-layer chromatography before each experiment. A volume of 0.1 ml of the nanoparticle solution (7.4 MBq, except for one rat that was injected with 3.7 MBq, and 1 μg of an ICG derivative [ICG-sulfo-OSu]) was injected submucosally into the tongue of six male Wistar rats. RESULTS: Scintigraphic images showed increased accumulation of (99m)Tc in the neck of four of the six rats. Nineteen lymph nodes were identified in the dissected neck of the six rats, and a contact radiographic study showed three nodes with a marked increase in uptake and three nodes with a weak uptake. NIR fluorescence imaging provided real-time clear fluorescent images of the lymph nodes in the neck with anatomical resolution. Six lymph nodes showed weak (+) to strong (+++) fluorescence, whereas other lymph nodes showed no fluorescence. Nodes showing increased radioactivity coincided with the fluorescent nodes. The radioactivity of 15 excised lymph nodes from the four rats was assayed using a gamma well counter. Comparisons of the levels of radioactivity revealed a large difference between the high-fluorescence-intensity group (four lymph nodes; mean, 0.109% ± 0.067%) and the low- or no-fluorescence-intensity group (11 lymph nodes; mean, 0.001% ± 0.000%, p < 0.05). Transmission electron microscopy revealed that small black granules were localized to and dispersed within the cytoplasm of macrophages in the lymph nodes. CONCLUSION: Although further studies are needed to determine the appropriate dose of the dual-imaging nanoparticle probe for effective sensitivity and safety, the results of this animal study revealed a novel method for improved node detection by a dual-modality approach for sentinel lymph node biopsy

    Alpha-CaMKII deficiency causes immature dentate gyrus, a novel candidate endophenotype of psychiatric disorders

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    Elucidating the neural and genetic factors underlying psychiatric illness is hampered by current methods of clinical diagnosis. The identification and investigation of clinical endophenotypes may be one solution, but represents a considerable challenge in human subjects. Here we report that mice heterozygous for a null mutation of the alpha-isoform of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (alpha-CaMKII+/-) have profoundly dysregulated behaviours and impaired neuronal development in the dentate gyrus (DG). The behavioral abnormalities include a severe working memory deficit and an exaggerated infradian rhythm, which are similar to symptoms seen in schizophrenia, bipolar mood disorder and other psychiatric disorders. Transcriptome analysis of the hippocampus of these mutants revealed that the expression levels of more than 2000 genes were significantly changed. Strikingly, among the 20 most downregulated genes, 5 had highly selective expression in the DG. Whereas BrdU incorporated cells in the mutant mouse DG was increased by more than 50 percent, the number of mature neurons in the DG was dramatically decreased. Morphological and physiological features of the DG neurons in the mutants were strikingly similar to those of immature DG neurons in normal rodents. Moreover, c-Fos expression in the DG after electric footshock was almost completely and selectively abolished in the mutants. Statistical clustering of human post-mortem brains using 10 genes differentially-expressed in the mutant mice were used to classify individuals into two clusters, one of which contained 16 of 18 schizophrenic patients. Nearly half of the differentially-expressed probes in the schizophrenia-enriched cluster encoded genes that are involved in neurogenesis or in neuronal migration/maturation, including calbindin, a marker for mature DG neurons. Based on these results, we propose that an "immature DG" in adulthood might induce alterations in behavior and serve as a promising candidate endophenotype of schizophrenia and other human psychiatric disorders

    デジタル ネイティブ セダイ ニ タイスル ICT リテラシー キョウイク カモク ニ カンスル コウサツ

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    嘉悦大学では、デジタルネイティブ世代へのICT リテラシー教育内容を再検討し、2010 年度からの新カリキュラムの主要科目としてICT スキルズ・ICT ツールズ・ICT メディア・ICTコモンズの4 科目を開講した。この4 科目は「デジタルネイティブ世代を意識した、コンピュータ教えるICT 教育」をコンセプトとする。4 科目全体の目標は、いわゆる初年次教育の一環として、PC やネットの利用をきっかけとしつつ、広く知的生産において必要とされるリテラシーの育成と、知的生産を通じたコミュニケーションの経験を積んでもらうことにある。ICT を活用した情報のという一連のプロセスを標準形とし、これを4 科目それぞれの特色を持つ様々な形のプロジェクト課題として実践する。本論文ではこれらの科目に関して、その概要と目標を述べるとともに、現在の科目編成に至る過程で行われた議論をまとめ、紹介する

    Exome sequencing analysis of Japanese autism spectrum disorder case-control sample supports an increased burden of synaptic function-related genes

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    Abstract Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a highly heritable, complex disorder in which rare variants contribute significantly to disease risk. Although many genes have been associated with ASD, there have been few genetic studies of ASD in the Japanese population. In whole exomes from a Japanese ASD sample of 309 cases and 299 controls, rare variants were associated with ASD within specific neurodevelopmental gene sets, including highly constrained genes, fragile X mental retardation protein target genes, and genes involved in synaptic function, with the strongest enrichment in trans-synaptic signaling (p = 4.4 × 10−4, Q-value = 0.06). In particular, we strengthen the evidence regarding the role of ABCA13, a synaptic function-related gene, in Japanese ASD. The overall results of this case-control exome study showed that rare variants related to synaptic function are associated with ASD susceptibility in the Japanese population