327 research outputs found


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    The research involved a total of 280 fattening chickens (Hybro) divided between two identical experiments (4 groups of 40, and 4 groups of 30 chickens), with the aim of investigating reproducibility of data. During the 42-day course of fattening the effect that increased levels of vitamin A in chicken feed had on the quantity and quality of abdominal fat was researched. Control groups of chickens were fed on commercial starter and finisher rations containing the standard level of vitamin A (12.500 and 10.000 i.u.). The three experimental groups of chickens were fed on starter and finisher rations containing the same nutritional values but with an increased level of vitamin A (25.000, 37.500, 50.000 i.u. in starter rations and 20.000, 30.000 and 40.000 i.u. in finisher rations). Measuring of abdominal fat in chickens conducted at the end of both experiments showed that increased levels of vitamin A in feed resulted in no significant increase (P<0.05) of fat share in overall body mass when compared with the control group of chickens. Results of quality control of abdominal fat (peroxide number and degree of acidity) also showed no significant difference (P<0.05) between control and test groups of chickens.Istraživanje je provedeno na ukupno 280 pilića tovnih hibrida (Hybro) u dva istovjetna pokusa (4 skupine po 40, 4 skupine po 30 pili_a) sa svrhom da se odredi reproducibilnost podataka. Tijekom 42 dana tova istražen je učinak povećanih količina vitamina A u hrani na količinu i kakvoću trbuÅ”ne masti. Kontrolne skupine pili_a hranjene su komercijalnim starterom i finiÅ”erom koji je sadržavao standardnu količinu vitamina A (12.500 i 10.000 IU). Tri pokusne skupine pilića hranjene su starterom i finiÅ”erom iste hranidbene vrijednosti ali uz povećanu količinu vitamina A (25.000, 37.500, 50.000 IU u starteru i 20.000, 30.000 i 40.000 IU u finiÅ”eru). Mjerenje trbuÅ”ne masti pili_a na kraju oba pokusa pokazalo je da povećane količine vitamina A u hrani značajno ne povećavaju (P<0,05) udio masti u ukupnoj tjelesnoj masi, uspoređeno s kontrolnom skupinom pilića. Rezultati određivanja kakvoće trbuÅ”ne masti (peroksidni broj i stupanj kiselosti) također nisu ukazali na značajnost razlika (P<0,05) između kontrolnih i pokusnih skupina pilića


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    The research involved a total of 280 fattening chickens (Hybro) divided between two identical experiments (4 groups of 40, and 4 groups of 30 chickens), with the aim of investigating reproducibility of data. During the 42-day course of fattening the effect that increased levels of vitamin A in chicken feed had on the quantity and quality of abdominal fat was researched. Control groups of chickens were fed on commercial starter and finisher rations containing the standard level of vitamin A (12.500 and 10.000 i.u.). The three experimental groups of chickens were fed on starter and finisher rations containing the same nutritional values but with an increased level of vitamin A (25.000, 37.500, 50.000 i.u. in starter rations and 20.000, 30.000 and 40.000 i.u. in finisher rations). Measuring of abdominal fat in chickens conducted at the end of both experiments showed that increased levels of vitamin A in feed resulted in no significant increase (P<0.05) of fat share in overall body mass when compared with the control group of chickens. Results of quality control of abdominal fat (peroxide number and degree of acidity) also showed no significant difference (P<0.05) between control and test groups of chickens.Istraživanje je provedeno na ukupno 280 pilića tovnih hibrida (Hybro) u dva istovjetna pokusa (4 skupine po 40, 4 skupine po 30 pili_a) sa svrhom da se odredi reproducibilnost podataka. Tijekom 42 dana tova istražen je učinak povećanih količina vitamina A u hrani na količinu i kakvoću trbuÅ”ne masti. Kontrolne skupine pili_a hranjene su komercijalnim starterom i finiÅ”erom koji je sadržavao standardnu količinu vitamina A (12.500 i 10.000 IU). Tri pokusne skupine pilića hranjene su starterom i finiÅ”erom iste hranidbene vrijednosti ali uz povećanu količinu vitamina A (25.000, 37.500, 50.000 IU u starteru i 20.000, 30.000 i 40.000 IU u finiÅ”eru). Mjerenje trbuÅ”ne masti pili_a na kraju oba pokusa pokazalo je da povećane količine vitamina A u hrani značajno ne povećavaju (P<0,05) udio masti u ukupnoj tjelesnoj masi, uspoređeno s kontrolnom skupinom pilića. Rezultati određivanja kakvoće trbuÅ”ne masti (peroksidni broj i stupanj kiselosti) također nisu ukazali na značajnost razlika (P<0,05) između kontrolnih i pokusnih skupina pilića

    The plant-based diet containing treated lupin seed in the nutrition of hens and the comparison of its production efficacy with the diet based on animal protein

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    Cilj je ovog rada istražiti učinak zamjene životinjskih bjelančevina (mesnokoÅ”tano braÅ”no) biljnim bjelančevinama (obrađene sjemenke lupine) na produktivnost i zdravlje kokoÅ”i nesilica. Pokus je proveden na konzumnim nesilicama hibrida Isa Brown u dobi od 22. do 58. tjedna. KoriÅ”tena lupina sorte JUNO nije negativno utjecala na produkciju jaja i kvalitetu ljuske jaja. Međutim, značajno povećnje (P ā‰¤ 0,01) zabilježeno je kod slijedećih parametara; prosječne mase proizvedenih jaja (od 60,03 g na 61,66 g), mase ljuske jaja (s 7,17 g na 7,78 g) i mase bjelanjka (od 36,33 g na 37,31 g). Premda učinak lupine na masu žumanjka nije bio utvrđen, dokazano je (P ā‰¤ 0,01) poboljÅ”anje njegove boje. Pozitivnim rezultatom zamjene mesnokoÅ”tanog braÅ”na lupinom možemo smatrati i značajno (P ā‰¤ 0,05) smanjenje sadržaja kolesterola u žumanjku jajeta (za 15,86 g.kg-1).The aim of this work was to verify the production efficacy of a plant-based feeding mixture and its effect on the quality of eggs. Animal protein (i.e. meat-and-bone meal) in the feeding mixture was replaced with vegetable protein (treated lupin seed). The experiment was performed with Isa Brown hybrid females aged 22-58 weeks. The diet containing lupin seed (the variety JUNO) as a replacement of meat-and-bone meal had no negative effect on egg production and the quality of egg shell in utility layers. Moreover, the highly conclusive increase (P ā‰¤ 0.01) was found in the following parameters: the average weight of produced eggs (60.03 g as compared to 61.66 g), the weight of egg shell (from 7.17 g to 7.78 g), and the weight of egg white (from 36.33 g to 37.31 g). The weight of egg yolk remained unaffected but its colour improved (P ā‰¤ 0.01). Another positive effect observed with the experimental diet is that it conclusively (P ā‰¤ 0.05) decreased the level of cholesterol in egg yolk by 15.86 g per kg


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    Čovjek, pas i mačka žive međusobno sve bliskije, često u istom životnom prostoru. Taj suživot traži poznavanje i poÅ”tivanje fizioloÅ”kih osobitosti i hranidbenih potreba ljubimaca koje poneki vlasnici previÅ”e poistovjećuju s ljudima. Hrane ih za vrijeme doručka, ručka ili večere svojom hranom sa stola, začinjenom, slanom, slatkom, neprimjerenom kućnom ljubimcu. Takvi zalogaji neuravnoteženog sastava hranjivih tvari tijekom vremena dovode do zdravstvenih poremećaja i bolesnih stanja. Vrstu i količinu hrane treba prilagoditi potrebama za hranom koje ovise o vrsti ljubimca, mjestu i načinu njegovog držanja, vrsti i intenzitetu aktivnosti te fizioloÅ”kim razdobljima života kao Å”to su npr. rast, graviditet, laktacija ili rad. Valja uvažiti i fizioloÅ”ke različitosti organizma pasa i mačaka jer im se samo na taj način može osigurati dug i kvalitetan život, na radost vlasnika ili držaoca.Man, dog and cat have become closer now often sharing their living space. This requires knowing and respecting physiological features and nutritional needs of pets that some owners identify with people. They feed them at breakfast, lunch or supper their own food, off the table, seasoned, salty, sweet, unsuitable for pets. Such bites of unbalanced nutritional composition with time cause health problems and illnesses. The type and amount of food must be adapted to the needs for food which depend on the type of pet, place and the way it is kept, the kind and intensity of activity and the physiological life period such as growth, pregnancy, lactation or labour. Physiological organism differences of dogs and cats should also be considerwed since only this can ensure their long, good quality life to the joy of their owner

    Nutrition and management of dairy cows in dry period

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    U članku su razmotreni važnost suhostaja kao pripreme krava za laktaciju i najvažniji čimbenici za uspjeÅ”nu hranidbu koji uključuju: stvaranje rezervi i prilagodbu probavnog sustava, mliječnu žlijezdu i potrebe ploda. Ocjenjivanje kondicije naglaÅ”eno je kao izuzetno korisno za pravilno hranjenje i postupanje sa životinjama. Krmiva su, podijeljena na voluminozni i krepki dio, ukratko predstavljena sa svojim bitnim utjecajem. Po pojedinim razdobljima suhostaja objaÅ”njeno je njihovo trajanje, postupak sa životinjama kao i posebnosti hranidbe. Kao zadnje, ali vrlo bitno, obrađene su pojedine bolesti vezane uz hranidbu. Iako glavni uzrok nekih navedenih bolesti nije hranidba, svrstane su ovdje jer se mogu uspjeÅ”no prevenirati ili čak liječiti promjenom obroka.In the article the importance of the dry period as a preparation for lactation is discussed. Also discussed are factors for successful nutrition which are: body reserves, adjustment of digestive system, udder and requirements of foetus. Body condition scoring is emphasised as a very useful tool for balanced nutrition and the dry cow management. Feed is divided into forage and concentrates and briefly presented as very important. Nutrition in the dry period and in general as well as the nutrition related diseases are presented. Although the cause of all diseases discussed was not nutrition we took them into consideration because they can be prevented or even cured by ration modification

    Nutricine and stress interactions and the effect on poultry health and performance

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    U suvremenoj peradarskoj proizvodnji životinje su izložene različitim oblicima stresa od trenutka kad se izlegu do zavrÅ”etka proizvodnog ciklusa. Kontinuirani stres uzrokuje smanjenje proizvodnih osobina, te povećanu učestalost obolijevanja od zaraznih i nezaraznih bolesti. Budući da je u EU sve prisutniji trend isključivanja antibiotika i drugih medicinskih pripravaka iz životinjske hrane zbog opasnosti od rezistentnih mikroorganizama, nutritivna rjeÅ”enja postupno postaju sve važnija alternativa u dosadaÅ”njim sustavima uzgoja. Nutritivna rjeÅ”enja uključuju koriÅ”tenje bioloÅ”ki djelatnih tvari tj. nutricina ili funkcionalne hrane. Od nutricina najčeŔće se primjenjuju antioksidanti, enzimi, emulgatori, karotinoidi, organske kiseline i neprobavljivi oligosaharidi. Organske kiseline i antioksidanti održavaju kakvoću krmiva, dok enzimi potpomažu probavu i stupanj iskoriÅ”tavanja hranjivih tvari. Karotinoidi djeluju stimulativno na imunoloÅ”ki sustav smanjujući učestalost pojave bolesnih stanja. Neprobavljivi oligosaharidi i organske kiseline moduliraju mikropopulaciju probavnog sustava potičući proliferaciju poželjnih mikroorganizama, te smanjuju učestalost probavnih poremećaja. Kontrolom oksidativnog stresa antioksidanti pozitivno utječu na zdravstveno stanje životinja u intenzivnom uzgoju, te imaju određeni učinak na kakvoću mesa. U ovom preglednom članku biti će prikazane dosadaÅ”nje spoznaje međudjelovanja nutricina i stresa, te njihovog utjecaja na zdravlje i proizvodne rezultate u sustavima intenzivnog uzgoja peradi.In modern poultry production animals are subject to various forms of stress from the moment they hatch to the finishing phase of the production cycle. Ongoing stress is a cause of many negative aspects in poultry production like reduced performance, and increased incidence of infectious and noninfectious diseases. Considering recent EU policy of excluding antibiotics and other medicinal products from animal feed, because of the well known dangers of resistant microorganisms, nutritional solutions will gradually become the most likely alternative in intensive production systems. Nutritive solutions include the use of biologically active components of feed which are called nutricines or functional food. Most important nutricines include different molecules like antioxidants, enzymes, emulsifiers, carotenoids, organic acids and non-digestible oligosaccharides. The function of nutricines in the animal organism can be described in several different ways. Organic acids and antioxidants maintain feed quality, while enzymes help with the digestion and the level of nutrient utilization. Carotenoids have a stimulative effect on the immune system which reduces the incidence of disease. Non-digestible carbohydrates and organic acids modulate the micropopulation of the digestive tract by supporting the proliferation of beneficial microorganisms and reducing the incidence of digestive disorders. By controlling oxidative stress, antioxidants have a direct effect on the health of the animals in the intensive production, and have a certain effect on meat quality. This review article will focus on recent findings in interaction of nutricines and stress, and their influence on health and performance in intensive poultry production systems

    Comparison of the nutritional value of seeds of individual varieties of the genus Lupinus that are grown in Europe

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    Cilj ovog rada bila je usporedba hranjive vrijednosti 16 najznačajnijih sorti sjemena roda LUPINUS, gajenih u europskim uvjetima (PRIMA, LAE, LWA 1, AMIGA, APR 8-2, LAV 8-4, EGHO, V 6-1, ROSE, BORUTA, KARO, JUNO, SONET, ATU, WATT i ANDA). Na temelju kemijskih analiza dokazano je da se navedene sorte međusobno znatno razlikuju u sadržaju pojedinačnih hranjivih tvari. Kod analiziranih hranjivih tvari u 100 % suhoj tvari utvrđene su sljedeće razlike u rasponu od: duÅ”ične tvari 303,20 ā€“ 451,65 g/kg, masti 50,00 ā€“ 135,55 g/kg, vlaknina 101,2 ā€“ 173,70 g/kg, tvari bez sadržaja duÅ”ika esencijalne 268,50 ā€“ 489,00 g/kg, organska masa, 837,28 ā€“ 966,80 g/kg, pepeo 33,20 ā€“ 52,20 g/kg, kalcij 2,29 ā€“ 4,74 g/kg, fosfor 4,36 ā€“ 8,15 g/kg i magnezij 1,10 ā€“ 3,20 g/kg. Postignuti rezultati ispitivanja uspoređeni su sa sadržajem hranjivih tvari u zrnju soje dviju najčeŔće koriÅ”tenih sorti u Europi (KORADA i VISON). Rezultati studije pokazali su da su neke sorte roda Lupinus pogodne za proizvodnju krmnih smjesa.The main aim of this work was to compare the nutritional values of seeds of 16 different major varieties of the genus LUPINUS (PRIMA, LAE, LWA 1, AMIGA, APR 8-2, LAV 8-4, EGHO, V 6-1, ROSE, BORUTA, KARO, JUNO, SONET, ATU, WATT and ANDA) that are currently grown in Europe. Chemical analysis confirmed significant differences among the above mentioned varieties in the levels of individual nutrients. The levels of the monitored nutrients ranged within the following intervals (related to 100% dry matter): nitrogen-containing substances - 303.20 ā€“ 451.65 g/kg, fat - 50.00 ā€“ 135.55 g/kg, fibre - 101.2 ā€“ 173.70 g/kg, nitrogen-free substances (extracted) - 268.50 ā€“ 489.00 g/kg, organic matter - 837.28 ā€“ 966.80 g/kg, ash - 33.20 ā€“ 52.20 g/kg, calcium - 2.29 ā€“ 4.74 g/kg, phosphorus - 4.36 ā€“ 8.15 g/kg, and magnesium - 1.10 ā€“ 3.20 g/kg. The results obtained were compared with the levels of nutrients found in soya beans of the two most commonly grown European varieties (KORƁDA and VISON). In conclusion, the findings of this work suggest that it is advantageous to grow individual varieties of the genus LUPINUS and use their seeds in the nutrition of farm animals

    Forgotten carpological collection of Professor Ivo Horvat discovered and digitized

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    The carpological collection of Professor Ivo Horvat, a famous Croatian botanist of 20th century, was saved from oblivion, after its unexpected discovery at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Zagreb in 2019. As many as 515 diaspores (fruits and seeds) of 486 vascular plant taxa were systematised and digitised and the nomenclature was updated. A comprehensive comparison of Horvatā€™s carpological and herbarium collection (ZAHO) revealed a large amount of overlap. A large photo-catalogue was created and will be publicly accessible through the Flora Croatica Database


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    lstražen je utjecaj preparata Fermacto kod pilića u tovu na priraste tjelesne mase, konveziju hrane, količinu trbuÅ”ne masti i uginuća tijekom tova pri podnom načinu držanja u stresnim uvjetima (poviÅ”ena temperatura, prenapučenost, premali hranidbeni prostor, stara prostirka). Na temelju rezultata istraživanja može se zaključiti da su pilići, koji su u hrani primali preparat Fermacto, lakÅ”e podnijeli stresne uvjete i postigli bolje proizvodne rezultate, tj. veću tjelesnu masu, manju konveziju hrane, manju količinu trbuÅ”ne masti i manje uginuća u odnosu na piliće u kontrolnoj skupini, koji su hranjeni komercijalnim smjesama bez dodatnog preparata Fermacto.The effect of Fermacto on chicken in fattening was studied, in respect of weight gain, feed conversion rate, quantity of abdominal fat and mortality rate during fattening period in conditions of floor keeping under the stress conditions (increased temperature, overpopulation, too small feeding area, old litter). The study results indicate that the chicks receiving Fermacto in their feed tolerated the stress conditions better and came up with better production results, i. e. better weight gain, lower feed conversion, less abdominal fat and lower mortality rate, than the chicks in the control group which were fed on commercial feed mixtures to which Fermacto was not added
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