24 research outputs found

    Reasons for Unwanted Pregnancy among Women of Childbearing Age (15-19 Years) in Jambi Province

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    The occurrence of unwanted pregnancy (UP) among women of childbearing age (WCA) has been reported to be increasing in various regions, however, this incidence has not been assessed among the adolescents of 15-19 years age group, in Jambi City. The factors influencing this occurrence includes individual, family, and environmental determinants. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of UP among WCA (15-19 years) in Jambi Province. A cross-sectional design was used, while the participants (307 women aged 15-19 years) were selected in Jambi City and West Tanjung Jabung District, using the Multistage Random Sampling. The analytical method used was the Multiple Logistic Regression of alpha 5%. The results showed that the prevalence of UP among WCA (age 15-19 years) was 1.6%, compared to 50% of those that were married. The dominant factor of UP includes the use of contraceptives with an adjusted-odds ratio of 74.5 (95% CI = 3.58-1,549.02), while the control used were the job of WCA, knowledge, dating behaviour, accesses to information media and health facilities, as well as family education. Therefore, it is suggested that creative, innovative, informative promotions, and education were needed via the social media. Besides, the optimization and strengthening of the Gen-Re go to school program should be carried out, as well as synergizing the cross-sectoral activities, government, private sector, and the community (especially parents)

    The role of the language of unity at higher education institution: Malaysian experience

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    AbstractMalaysia, a multiethnic and multilingual country, has implemented a new language policy which made the Malay language as the national language and with the aim of uniting the Malaysians. While English, declared as the second language of the country, is seen as language of globalization and business. With the policy, the Malay language becomes the medium of instruction and also takes an important role in promoting national unity and integration among Malaysians of diverse ethnic groups and languages in schools and most institutions of higher education. Therefore, this paper presents the findings of an ongoing research conducted at a public university, with the aim of investigating the role of the Malay language at the university in enhancing unity. In order to achieve the aim of the study, the following questions are seen as vital –Does the Malay language function as the unifying factor and the tool for interaction in the education system especially in higher education institutions? Does the use of languages other than the Malay language hinder unity and integration? Data were obtained from a questionnaire administered on university undergraduates. The preliminary findings reveal that the Malay language promotes unity and the usage of different languages does not hinder unity and integration. Suggestions and recommendations for ways to improve unity among students will also be discussed

    Konsep rayuan kes dalam kehakiman Islam

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    Mahkamah syariah di Malaysia memberikan peluang terhadap pihak yang terkilan dengan keputusan mahkamah rendah membuat rayuan ke mahkamah yang lebih tinggi. Namun, persoalan sejauh mana rayuan mempunyai asas dalam sistem kehakiman Islam adalah suatu yang wajar untuk dibincangkan. Sehubungan itu, artikel ini bertujuan untuk membahaskan tentang konsep rayuan menurut hukum syarak, menganalisa petikan kes-kes rayuan yang terdapat dalam sumber hukum dan pandangan fuqaha terhadap rayuan dalam kehakiman Islam. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah analisis dokumen yang dibuat secara deskriptif. Kajian mendapati perbahasan rayuan oleh fuqaha klasik sangat terhad dan hanya merujuk kepada keputusan yang bercanggah dengan hukum syarak dan pembetulan dibuat oleh hakim kedua. Amalan rayuan di mahkamah syariah pada masa kini telah mengadaptasi prosedur di mahkamah sivil yang membolehkan pihak yang terkilan memfailkan rayuan walaupun keputusan itu tidak bercanggah dengan hukum syarak. Kajian ini penting dalam menunjukkan evolusi sistem kehakiman Islam dalam menegakkan keadilan kepada pihak-pihak yang bertikai

    Sexual Harassment In Academia: Economic And Legal Implications

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    Field of academia has faced allegations made by students, workers and educators with problem of sexual harassment. Most of the time the higher education institution have either ignored the problem or coping with it quietly (privately) or by quieting student victims of such harassment. Definition and attitudes towards sexual harassment is among the problem. Most of the definitions include the act of power over the victims, the unwanted behavior according to the victims, negative harms such as distress or interference with activities and many other different types of specific behavior. Some of the theoretical foundations related to sexual harassment include power relations, gender, environmental, organizational and individual influences. Conflict and role theory also closely related to understanding sexual harassment behavior. The types of sexual harassment commonly identified are; (a) sexist remarks or behavior: (b) inappropriate and offensive, but sanction-free sexual advances: (c) solicitation of sexual activity by promise of rewards: (d) coercion of sexual activity by threat of punishment; and (e) sexual crimes. Sexual harassment may contribute to an undetermined extent to many aspects of women's employment experience, including absenteeism, turnover, productivity rates and work motivation, job dissatisfaction, and unemployment. This paper intends to identify the legal definition, the forms and types of sexual harassment that took place in the academia, some of the coping strategies adopted by the victims, the study and work relate as well as the economic and legal implications that arise out of this victimization practiced by the perpetrators. On this basis, higher education institutions should clearly state their policies on the prohibition of sexual harassment, avenues of complaint, and sanctions for incidents, and suggests comprehensive sexual harassment law to be enacted to deal with sexual harassment that encroach in every sphere of life so that some kind of legal protection can be offered at any time

    Penolakan sentimen etnik dalam politik semasa Malaysia: kes pilihan raya kecil 2009 Bukit Selambau, Kedah = The rejection of the politics of ethnic sentiments in contemporary Malaysia: The case of the 2009 Bukit Selambau, Kedah by-election

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    Etnik merupakan faktor penting dalam mempengaruhi proses dan pola tingkahlaku politik di Malaysia. Dengan keadaan demografi dan struktur ekonomi penduduk Malaysia yang berbilang kaum maka politik perkauman telah sekian lama diterima oleh majoriti pengundi negara ini sejak merdeka. Bagaimanapun, politik perkauman telah tercabar dan ditumbangkan di beberapa negeri, termasuk Kedah, dalam pilihanraya umum 2008. Kertas ini menganalisis pendapat umum pra-pilihanraya oleh pelbagai etnik penduduk tempatan mengenai pilihan raya kecil DUN Bukit Selambau, Kedah dan membandingkannya dengan keputusan sebenar pilihanraya kecil tersebut . Secara keseluruhannya, hasil kajian pendapat umum ini menunjukkan bahawa 41.2 peratus responden Melayu, 45.5 peratus responden Cina dan 41.1 peratus responden India menyatakan PKR akan mengekalkan kerusi DUN Bukit Selambau. Dapatan ini adalah selaras dengan keputusan pilihan raya kecil pada 7 April 2009 yang memihak kepada PKR. Pada zahirnya keputusan pilihan raya kecil ini menunjukkan majoriti pengundi menolak politik perkauman Barisan Nasional dan menyokong ideologi ‘Makkal Sakthi’ atau kuasa rakyat PKR. Ia juga menunjukkan impak keputusan pilihan raya umum 2008 yang lalu masih kekal dimana pengundi memilih pakatan parti yang menguasai Kerajaan Negeri Kedah supaya wakil rakyat yang mereka pilih berpeluang dilantik sebagai EXCO Kerajaan Negeri. Keputusan pilihan raya kecil ini juga jelas menunjukkan bahawa pihak yang tewas iaitu BN perlu melakukan 'post mortem' secara terperinci, telus dan tegas bagi memperbaiki kelemahannya. Ini kerana apa yang berlaku dalam pilihan raya kecil tersebut tidak harus dilihat sebagai 'kalah di satu kerusi sahaja' tetapi perlu dilihat dalam skop yang lebih luas dalam menghadapi pilihan raya umum akan datang

    Menangani masalah kelahiran anak tak sah taraf di Malaysia : peranan perundangan jenayah syariah dalam masyarakat

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    Statistik kelahiran anak tak sah taraf yang tinggi di Malaysia membuktikan masyarakat sedang mengalami krisis keruntuhan moral yang sangat meruncing. Hal ini jelas bertentangan dengan prinsip Islam yang menekankan tentang kemuliaan nasab dan keturunan dalam kehidupan berkeluarga. Artikel ini bertujuan menganalisis prinsip dan pengaplikasian syariah berkaitan anak tak sah taraf. Dalam penganalisisan tersebut, beberapa sorotan literatur dilakukan berkaitan penguatkuasaan undang-undang jenayah syariah dalam menangani masalah kelahiran anak tak sah taraf. Seterusnya artikel ini akan mengenalpasti permasalahan berkaitan kelahiran anak tak sah taraf dan mencadangkan beberapa saranan sebagai penyelesaian. Kajian yang digunapakai dalam artikel ini menggunapakai kerangka kajian perundangan tulin berbentuk kualitatif di mana metod kajian perpustakaan diaplikasikan bagi tujuan pengumpulan data. Data yang diperolehi dari penulisan tesis, artikel jurnal, buku-buku, laporan akhbar serta sumber-sumber rujukan umum lain dianalisis secara kritis. Analisis kritis turut dilakukan terhadap dokumen-dokumen kajian lepas berkaitan isu anak tak sah taraf dan penguatkuasaan undang-undang jenayah syariah. Artikel ini turut mengutarakan pandangan bahawa satu kajian mendalam yang lebih kritis dan komprehensif perlu dilakukan sebagai sumbangan kepada korpus akademik khususnya bagi menambah khazanah ilmu perundangan jenayah syariah berteraskan kepentingan memelihara maqasid syariah. Langkah tersebut juga merupakan suatu usaha ke arah memastikan agar perundangan jenayah syariah di negara ini mampu membendung permasalahan kelahiran anak tak sah taraf dalam masyarakat

    Right to education of children in detention institutions in Malaysia

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    Academic education for children in detention institutions is a component of rehabilitation programs designed to encourage and shape positive behaviour. The objective of this study is to identify how far children in detention are given access to education as their basic human right. This research began by distributing questionnaires to 479 respondents and in-depth interviews with 72 children in six zones: north, middle, south, east, Sabah, and Sarawak. The researchers also conducted interviews in two separate focus group discussions, where each group comprised 4 to 6 officers who are experts in handling children in detention. The quantitative data research findings showed that the overall mean value for detained children's level of access to the right to academic education in their respective detention institutions was medium (Mean: 3.64, SP: 0.68). Based on 16 items that measure the right to academic education, the mean for each item scored between 2.77 to 4.20, demonstrating that the respondents gave medium to high scores regarding the right to academic education for children in detention institutions in Malaysia. The findings of the interviews revealed three sub-themes from an educational aspect, which are: (i) challenges in teachers' services, (ii) limited access to an academic program, and (iii) lack of learning facilities. Hence, this study can serve as a guideline to the Government and international agencies to collaborate in a joint effort to increase the quality of education service to children in detention centres

    Pengenalan kepada sistem perundangan di Malaysia/ Awal

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    xv, 246 hal.; 22 cm

    Sexual Abuse of Street Children in Pakistan: Legal Protection Under International and National Law

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    This study covers the social and legal dimensions of sexual abuse encountered by street children in Pakistan. It aims to elucidate the underlying reasons and contributory factors to child sexual abuse within the nation. This study employed qualitative methods, which involved analyzing data from primary sources such as acts of parliament and relevant journal articles. It highlights the exploitation of street children through prostitution, pornography, trafficking, and sex tourism. Therefore, it explored various manifestations of child sexual abuse both within street settings and beyond, alongside their foundational causes in Pakistani society. The study addresses the issue of sexual abuse among street children from two perspectives. Initially, it examines the different forms, prevalence, causes, and consequences of such abuse. Subsequently, it assesses the efficacy of both international and national laws and policies designed to counteract child sexual abuse. Despite the existence of legal frameworks in Pakistan aimed at addressing this issue, they are critiqued for being inadequate and inconsistent. The paper advocates for the introduction of more stringent legislation and enhanced trial transparency as measures to curb the incidence of child sexual abuse effectively. Updating and reinforcing existing legal provisions could significantly reduce the prevalence of such abuse in society.DOI: https://doi.org/10.22304/pjih.v11n1.a

    Hukuman terhadap pesalah kanak-kanak di Malaysia : pencegahan atau pemulihan?

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    Sistem keadilan juvenil telah dilaksanakan di Malaysia lebih 50 tahun. Sepanjang tempoh ini, mahkamah Malaysia telah mengaplikasi teori hukuman yang berbeza, seperti, pencegahan, retribusi, incapacitation dan pemulihan. Namun, apabila berhadapan dengan pesalah kanak-kanak, mahkamah di Malaysia lebih cenderung untuk mengaplikasikan teori pencegahan atau teori pemulihan. Dalam usaha tersebut, mahkamah telah menghadapi kesukaran untuk mengimbangi antara kepentingan kanak-kanak dan kepentingan awam. Sehubungan itu, kajian ini berobjektifkan menganalisis kedua-dua teori hukuman, pencegahan dan pemulihan, serta pemakaiannya oleh mahkamah Malaysia dalam konteks pesalah kanak-kanak. Dengan menggunakan kaedah analisis teks berdasarkan kes-kes yang dilaporkan yang melibatkan pesalah kanak-kanak, kajian mendapati bahawa mahkamah di Malaysia lebih cenderung mengguna pakai teori pencegahan bagi pesalah kanak-kanak. Ini disebabkan pemakaian teori ini berupaya memelihara kepentingan awam. Kedua, hukuman bersifat deteren berupaya mencegah pesalah daripada mengulangi jenayah yang sama. Walau bagaimanapun, artikel ini mempertahankan bahawa teori pemulihan melindungi kepentingan terbaik kanak-kanak tersebut. Sebaliknya, mahkamah di Malaysia menggunakan teori pemulihan dalam bentuk yang terhad iaitu untuk kesalahan-kesalahan ringan dan pada umur tertentu. Walaupun teori ini masih belum diaplikasi secara meluas, teori pemulihan mempunyai potensi yang besar dan berupaya dibangunkan sebagai satu kerangka bagi sistem keadilan jenayah juvenil di Malaysi